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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lovekatz1975

  1. lovekatz1975

    Who still has steri-strips?

    Went I went in for my follow up 8 days after surgery, the nurse in the office took them off.
  2. lovekatz1975

    Banded??? Check in here

    I found the nausea went away after a week or so. It's because of all the internal swelling.
  3. lovekatz1975

    16 days post-op

    I think part of my boredom eating will be going back to work. I hate to say it, but I'm really bored sitting at home. I have nothing left to do, the house is spotless!!!
  4. lovekatz1975

    16 days post-op

    Sorry I've been away for so long, I've been enjoying my banded life! I had my surgery 10/1. Went for my esophogram and follow-up on 10/9. Everything went well. I found out that I have the 14 cc band. I started my mushy/pureed diet on 10/12. My God how great it is to eat again!! I've been eating all sorts of things, and I am so surprised at how little it takes to fill me up. I find myself eating 2 times a day, and I'm usually not hungry much before lunchtime. oatmeal, chili, meatballs, Soups, I even ate some cavatelli!! I go back to work on 10/22. The doctor's office was very nice and gave me 3 weeks time off for disability. I begin introducing solid foods into my diet on 10/30 and I go for my first fill on 11/6. My port area is still a little sore, but all of the incisions are healing nicely. The swelling has really gone down now and I can see my weightloss. And my clothes are starting to feel too loose!!
  5. lovekatz1975

    16 days post-op

    They say that my appetite will come back, to a certain degree, as the internal swelling goes down. They also said that at the 4 week point, most people are hungry a lot, so they do fills to keep it under control. I'm having a rough day today. I'm not hungry, but I'm craving eating. I'm not craving anything in particular, I just want to eat. I'm bored. I guess this just means that one of the times that I eat is out of boredom. Guess I need to find something to do to take my mind off eating.
  6. lovekatz1975

    Ideal NY Insurance for lap band?

    You'll have to check with Oxford. I have the freedom plan.
  7. I really feel much better than I thought. I'm not in any pain, I'm just sore. I felt yesterday (the day after surgery) like I did about 2000 sit-ups. I was hungry when I went in for surgery, but when I came out, the hunger was GONE!!! So now the diet has changed. They want me to take in at least 2 watered or milked down slim fasts per day. I can have as much broth Soup or tomato soup as I want. I can have 2 cups of caffinated coffee or tea per day. I can also drink anything that is non-carbonated. I really feel great. Tired, but I feel great. I haven't been sleeping well because I wake up every time I turn because I'm scared that I'm going to hurt myself. But I'm not in ANY pain at all. And - I lost 24 pounds in my 2 week pre-op diet!!
  8. lovekatz1975


    Did any one else feel nausea a few days after their surgery? I woke up once last night and once the night before feeling like I was going to puke. I woke up this morning feeling miserable. I am still on liquids - slimfast, broth and whatever else I want that is non-carbonated.
  9. My doctor's office told me I would get off for 2 weeks, more if needed. I feel fine, in fact I'm enjoying being home! I'm out on disability right now.
  10. I didn't go for 4 days after surgery, then all of a sudden I became regular again. They said at the hospital it was because the massive decrease in foods that we're taking in.
  11. lovekatz1975

    How long does the Gas last?

    I've had a lot of trouble burping, but no problem at all farting - kind of embarrassing - I wish it were reversed!! The gas pains in my shoulder are almost gone, thank God! It was so painful. I go for my esophogram and then my post-op check up tomorrow. Hopefully all goes well!
  12. lovekatz1975

    Banded??? Check in here

    I was banded on 10/1 and I've been taking it slow, sipping slowly and trying to get back into a normal lifestyle. I felt no pain after surgery, just soreness. The gas is really bothering my shoulder, as was expected.
  13. lovekatz1975

    soooo hard....

    I was banded on 10/1 and did not feel any hunger at all until 10/5. I drank a cup of broth and the feeling went away. I am doing 2 slim fasts per day, plus anything other drinks I want that are non carbonated.
  14. I really feel much better than I thought. I'm not in any pain, I'm just sore. I felt yesterday (the day after surgery) like I did about 2000 sit-ups. I was hungry when I went in for surgery, but when I came out, the hunger was GONE!!!
  15. lovekatz1975

    It's Official - I'M BANDED!!!

    It's a piece of cake - really!! You'll do fine! Good luck!
  16. lovekatz1975

    I need help!

    I had a migraine the day before surgery. I took 1 tylenol, but it didn't help at all. They were great at the hospital - they gave me percosets.
  17. lovekatz1975

    Somebody noticed....

    this may sound stupid. I'm getting banded on October 1st. I am on day 4 of my pre-op diet. I saw someone here at work today, and she told me that she sees a difference in my face!! That made me feel so good, considering how lousy I've been feeling from not eating. And I've noticed that my clothes feel looser.
  18. lovekatz1975

    Pre-Op Testing DONE!

    I went yesterday for my stress test and my pre-op testing - all the results are in, everything looks good! Now I just need my doctor to sign my clearance form....
  19. lovekatz1975

    Pre-Op Testing DONE!

    I was there for about an hour and a half. I got there at a good time.
  20. lovekatz1975

    Keeping it a secret?

    When I decided in July that I was going to get the band, I wasn't going to tell anybody, but then slowly but surely it started to leak out - I have a BIG mouth!!! Now everybody knows. I think it's helping having everybody know because it's more of a support group that I can depend on when the going gets tough. I'm almost done with my pre-op liquid diet and I am scheduled to be banded on Monday 10/1.
  21. lovekatz1975


    I had to do the same thing as you. That stuff started to make me nauseous. I ended up leaving 2 cupfulls because I just couldn't drink anymore. But what I did drink did the trick! I was not banded when I had the test done. I'm scheduled to be banded on Monday, 10/1.
  22. lovekatz1975

    my doctor is blackmailing me seriously

    I agree with Bill 100% I've had some problems with my PCP, they are not completely cooperative. I have an appointment for 9/27 to have them do my clearance letter. After I have that letter, I am going to request a copy of my complete file and I am changing doctors. And I'm going to report them to the medical board and to the insurance company.
  23. lovekatz1975

    Ideal NY Insurance for lap band?

    I have Oxford. All they require is that you have a BMI of over a certain number, I can't remember exactly what it is. My BMI is way over, so I'm good to go. You don't have to do the 6 months supervised dieting. Oxford approved me in 3 days.
  24. lovekatz1975

    Holy Moly- Nervous/2-week Diet/ Ahhhh!

    You'll do fine on the pre-op diet. I've been doing mine since 9/17 and trust me, with every passing day, it does get easier and better. It is taking a lot less now to make me feel full. AND I've lost about 10 pounds, maybe more!

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