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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Momof2inIowa

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  1. Momof2inIowa

    Sleeved April 20th

    it could just be gas pains, I had a friend who had this issue. she used the gas x strips and it seemed to help her. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
  2. Momof2inIowa

    I'm scared I'll be saggy....

    I wanted to throw in my 2 cents. I am 34, I have had 2 children (that alone ruins your skin LOL) I have lost 140 lbs so far and I will be 1 year out of surgery on 4/30 I am very excited. I have gone from a size 26 to a size 10...I have saggy skin, it's not horrible, getting the surgery young helps with the skin elasticity. I have noticed that what was really saggy in the beginnins really getting firmed up now. I do notice that my legs have loose skin and that probably won't change much. I do remember that when they were discussing skin removal surgery they recommend you wait a few years to make sure that everything is back to where it needs to be ahead of that surgery. It's SOOOOOO worth it. You are beautiful and it's time you see what we all see!! The saggy skin that I do have is something that is hideable, it's not something that anyone can see looking at me. Losing the weight and getting healthy is worth it. Love yourself and don't worry about anyone else.
  3. Momof2inIowa

    Trip to the ER

    Glad you are feeling better!! Scary night!
  4. I wish there was a "Love" button for your post. What these people don't understand (because most have never lived it) is that this is FAR From easy. I am 34, when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with My now 4 yr old son my Doc told me that I would never live to see him graduate. I am 5'9 and I was at 320lbs at that point. I have had personal trainers, I have done the Optifast diet (liquid), I have done so much and yes I did lose weight 80-90 lbs...my problem, I was ALWAYS hungry. I never had the switch turn off in my head that said hey you just ate, you can't be hungry anymore. THIS provided that switch. I had the Sleeve surgery done almost 10 months ago, I am down 134 lbs and I am LOVING Life. Heres the other thing...we aren't doing this for that "guy" at work, their opinions are just that. I am doing this for me, for my family, for that damn doc who told me I wouldn't see my son graduate high school, for the darn operators of the rides at Disneyworld and local parks that gave me a look of disgust when I had to leave a ride because I was to big to get on, for the clerks at Lane bryant that I will never have to see again! this is MY time. This might seem like the easy way out but it is so far from it. I would love to give you a high five, you have made a tough decision to fight for you! LIve for you and your family and forget about all the jerks in the world who have to rain on our parade. I congratulate you! WE will all do this together!
  5. Momof2inIowa

    Had my surgery

    Great work!! start walking, take it easy but get in as much walking as possible, sip sip sip water and focus on you girlie!! Congrats!
  6. Momof2inIowa


    when I first started bringing in foods I tried Yogurt, applesause, mashed potato's...Fries should never be part of your early on meals...and remember you can't drink and eat at the same time, that might be why it came back too. Try to not drink anything until 40 min after your meal and not less than 10 min ahead of eating. You can do this! it's not easy that's for sure but don't get frustrated and go back to old ways. start slow, baby tummy needs baby foods to start Good luck!
  7. Momof2inIowa

    Very Excited!

    I have to share my excitement!! I am 9.5 months out, 132 lbs down (YEA) and my 4 yr old asked me to go to a dance with him at his school!!! He was so sweet, asked if he could take me to dinner then to the Monther son dance. HOW cute is that?? Then I panicked....What am I going to wear! I went into my closet and found some of my old dresses, they are HUGE on me now, but I have an option, then I had to get new shoes. I can't remember the last time that I wore heels!! so I had to go buy some, My "date" is tomorrow night. he wants to take me out to dinner (his choice is chinese food) My hubby is going to spot him some cash to put in his teenage mutant ninja turtle wallet so he can pay for the date too. I am so excited to get all dolled up and go out on the town with my favorite little guy! next weekend my daughter is going to a dance with my husband, she is very excited too! we are going that day to get our hair done and our toes painted, she is 5...such a fun time!! I hope everyone is doing well!! I have some testing in the beginning of march due to some issues I was having with some pain they think could be spasms...going to have an endoscope on March 4th to check that out as well as a slight hiatal hernia to see if that could be causing some of the discomfort. Other than that doing really well and LOVING the weight loss.
  8. Momof2inIowa

    Water? Is it hard to get it down?

    I was this way pre-surgery too, after surgery it was difficult to get in the amount that I wanted to, I am 9 months out now and don't have the same issues but the desire to drink as much as I did isn't there as it was before either so it's not as hard of an adjustment as I would of thought it was going to be. Good luck!!
  9. Momof2inIowa

    Weigh in today I'm under 200

    it's so surreal isn't it? I keep seeing 195 and thinking it must be a mistake...I think it means 295 ha ha not anymore!! Congratulations!!
  10. I am so proud of you for never giving up!
  11. I had some issues in the hospital after surgery with vomiting, I think that was because they were giving me WAY too many pain killers when I was never in any pain, once I was released from the hospital I was able to go home and really start recovery. I had Vitamin dificiances with A, D and Potassium and still today 9 months later I take an extra supplement for A and D.
  12. Momof2inIowa

    Has weight loss/surgery turned me crazy?

    I don't think I was really ever cranky...however, one thing that would set me off is people saying "oh that's got to be much easier than working out to lose the weight" I am a pretty laid back type person in most cases but when someone discounts the journey I went on I had to speak my mind... This is not "easy" I have done the Optifast diet, I have had personal trainers, I have been successfull there, however, one thing those didn't do was curb the feeling of ALWAYS BEING HUNGRY. This surgery did that for me, sure I get hungry but I know my limits, can it be overcome? sure...I could drink chocolate if I wanted to ruin it, but I don't, I make the right decisions, I eat what I need to keep myself healthy and make sure that I get in all the Vitamins and nutrients that I need every day. Easy? no I don't think so! One thing that still cracks me up, I asked my kids (4 yr old boy and 5 yr old girl) if they like smaller mommy...My 4 yr old son said I don't like little mommy, she is fast and I can't catch her. keeping my toddlers on their toes!!
  13. Momof2inIowa


    what is sometimes worse? people who would never give me the time of day "all of a sudden" want to strike up conversations and ask how my kids are...seriously. I was overweight it's not like I had an extra head growing out of my back...Here is something that My husband told me. You can always lose weight, she can never get better looking... We love you...Karma is a $itch.... You will do great. Use that person as your motivation to kick booty with the weight loss, that's what I did with mine!

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