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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Parvathi

  1. Parvathi

    Can Tolerate Meat better now..

    Congratulations, Corgi I've found that I can eat meat quite well too now. I think the trick is really learning how to slow down and chew properly. Have even had a few meals out and ordered a nice steak, with no problems at all. Course, I haven't been able to finish it all, but I'm not fussed by that heh.
  2. Parvathi

    2 questions: Sick? Calories?

    Excellent suggestion - thanks!!
  3. Parvathi


    I've been so excited lately, that it seems like all I talk about to my hubby is weight loss, or weight loss related topics (exercise, new clothes, etc). A couple of days ago, I said something about "when I get to goal..." and he replied, "What are you going to obsess about when you reach your goal?" I told him I'd obsess with maintaining then. He was half joking, half serious, but upon thinking about it, I've realized he's right. For nearly 20 years, I obsessed over food, in one sense or another (whether it be the latest diet or what's for dinner). Now I seem to be obsessed with losing weight/getting to goal. Food has played such a huge role in my life. I've always lived to eat, rather than eaten to live. Has anyone out there struggled with this? Or has anyone reached goal (or close to) and not known what to concentrate on after that?
  4. Parvathi

    What Type Of Exercises To Do

    If you end up getting that video, please let me know how it is. I've been tempted, but a bit shy LOL. That would give me good practice though, for the pole dancing class I intend to take when I hit goal hehe. As for around the house stuff, I've never found anything too exciting. The hubby and I played tennis for a while though on the weekends and even though I suck at that, it was heaps of fun and loads of exercise!
  5. I definitely can't be that one, Kare. How awful :/ While I've done about every fad diet you can imagine, the stupidest wl scheme for me was being bulimic for a few years. Like you, I was actually quite a good size back then, just couldn't see it when I looked in the mirror. I'm so glad that whole part of my life is now over...
  6. Parvathi

    Plastic surgery question

    Hodegard, please post and let us know how it goes. I'm doing my first consultation with a surgeon next month - not close to my goal yet, but just getting all my ducks in a row, incase I need the surgery. Hope everything goes well for you.
  7. Parvathi

    How much is a fill in your area?

    It sounds like fills are a heap more complicated in the states than here LOL. I go into my doctor's office, have my fill and am back out in 5 mins generally. I'm not charged by the doctor, nor by his office. He doesn't do flouro - I'm not even sure what it is to be honest? But he's never missed and I've been very happy with the results thus far. I've not had to pay for an unfill either. I'm assuming that it's so different because its relatively new in the US? My surgeon has been doing it for over 7 years now and works with the group here that has done all the research for banding. From my understanding (and often, I don't understand lol), gastric bypass is pretty much unheard of here, as its just not done - banding is always the first choice.
  8. I haven't had a revision, but last time I was on liquids, I heated up some canned minestrone soup, then zooped it up with a handblender. The Pasta in it was really filling, even though it was at a liquid consistency. Hope the hunger pains leave you soon and glad the revision went well.
  9. I had to do 3 weeks of Optifast (shakes) prior to surgery. I'll admit I slipped up a few times, but I did lose a couple of pounds before surgery, so I was happy with that. I know 2 weeks may seem like a long time, but the reason they ask you to do that is to shrink your liver a bit. A fatty liver can cause all kinds of complications in surgery and its better safe than sorry. Good luck with it all - you'll do fine
  10. Parvathi

    How much is a fill in your area?

    Sheesh!! Remind me to get a fill before I fly to SC for Christmas LOL. My fills are covered by medicare/private insurance. I'm in Australia though. Not sure if there is a time limit or number of fills you can have before you have to pay or not. I've only been banded just over 5 months so far.
  11. Parvathi

    What Type Of Exercises To Do

    I only just started working out again last week. I'm trying to go to the gym Mon - Fri before work. My program (which my trainer set up), is like this:- Monday/Wednesday - 45 min weights training: 5 min warmup on bike 2x10 of bench press on 40lbs 2x10 of seated row on 35lbs 2x10 of dumbell crunches on 4kgs (each) 2x10 of fitball squats with dumbells (4kgs each) 2x10 of leg press on 80lbs 2x10 of lunges with 4kgs dumbells 2x20 fitball crunches (for abs) 2x20 arm/leg (opposite) lifts (for abs) 2x20 medicine ball twists (for abs) 2 min cool down on bike stretches Tuesday/Thursday - cardio: 15 mins seated row 15 mins exercise bike 15 mins treadmill I can mix these up with different cardio machines if I choose, but these are the ones I like so far. Friday - 45 min session with personal trainer; varied week to week. My trainer is about 130lbs too and gorgeous. While that does bug me at times, I know that she went to school to teach people about fitness and she knows what she's doing. If she can keep her body looking like that, I figure she can get mine looking like that too, given time and cooperation. Tell your instructor what it is you're wanting to achieve and ask her to set up a program for you. It really does help, having something to follow when you go in there.
  12. Just wondering on average, how often everyone is getting in some form of exercise - how much, what types, what's worked, what hasn't, etc. I've been very slack for quite sometime and hadn't exercised one bit, other than walking to the fridge LOL. The gym close to home, had almost always closed by the time I got home from work and fixed dinner for the family. So this week I decided to transfer my gym membership to the facility down the street from the office. I've went in the past two mornings, before work. I feel great for doing it, so hopefully I won't slack off again (don't have any excuses now LOL). We're going to the states in Dec/Jan to visit my family and then to Vegas. Hoping I can drop another 10kgs (atleast) by then.
  13. Parvathi

    Special Occasions

    When I go out for a big night or something, I tend to drink while eating. I never do it at home, or at work, just maybe once a month or so when we're out. I like my wine w/ my steak... That said, I mostly do it to help wash stuff down, because I had one really embarassing PB in public a while back.
  14. Parvathi

    Warning! Whinny Post!

    Hey lins, Sorry to hear of your problem. Being overfilled is *never* fun. For me, I tend to stay really tight for a week or so, then it eases up a bit, to a comfortable level. I've got a bit of an overfill at the moment, but I know that if I go get it taken out (just had 0.1cc added) that I'll be underfilled lol. Such a fine line to walk. If its causing alot of pain, go get a bit taken out. Most doctors that do fills will also do unfills. Since you had 1.4cc put in, you've got alot of moving room. The least my doc can take out at one time is 0.1cc, but I'm not sure that they're all the same in that respect. Hope you're feeling better real soon.
  15. Parvathi

    Banned for one year today

    Wow - what an inspiring story! Thanks heaps for sharing. Congratulations on your accomplishment .. and your Jag heh. I just can't ever see myself as small, but I hope that come March of next year, I'll be able to post a story similar to yours.
  16. Parvathi

    I am officially overweight!!!

    What a great victory for you! Well done
  17. Parvathi

    Revision Thursday

    I caught this a bit late, so you're probably already out of surgery, but I hope everything went well and those 10 lbs fall off easily You've done so well thus far, I'm sure everything will be fine.
  18. Parvathi

    PB Help?!!!

    Oh how I feel for you! The only things I've found that work (for me) are either bringing the offending item back up (which offers almost instant relief) or waiting it out. My dietician had suggested drinking Water or coke to wash it down. For me, this makes it much worse, but everyone is different. Hope you feel heaps better soon!
  19. Parvathi

    Blow up the scales?

    I do this all the time. If the scales make me happy, I look great when I walk into the office. If the scales make me frustrated, I'll wear my tracksuit pants to work LOL. Then of course I feel miserable all day cause I look miserable. Its a viscious cycle. My husband calls me "Frumpy Jess" on days like that heh. What I dislike even more than that though, is when the scales say I've lost a heap, and then a day or two later, say I've gone back to what it was. Like this morning, they're reading 97.3kgs, when Monday, they were 99.9kgs. I know I haven't lost that much this week lol, so I'll just be p'd off later this week when they show differently.
  20. Parvathi

    Accepting My Current Weight

    DeLarla, Good on you for being able to accept yourself. That's a huge feat as far as I'm concerned. I'm still working on it. That said, I'm not quite ready to accept my weight as it is. I've wanted for longer than I can remember, to be a 'normal' weight. I don't want to be a size 4, just don't want to have these bingo arms and such lol. I've only been on this roller coaster ride for a few months, but in that time, I've drawn much inspiration from your posts. No matter what size you are or what you decide, I reckon you're a beautiful person.
  21. Parvathi

    How often do you exercise?

    Gee whiz, AussieGirl - now I really do feel slack LOL. How do you stay so motivated?
  22. Parvathi

    Why do I want to stop HERE !!!!!!

    Hey Butch, Welcome to LBT. I'll repeat what everyone else has said pretty much - You've done an incredible job, losing 200 in 3 years. Be proud of yourself, go get that fill and carry on with your journey. I'm only a couple of months into it and when I see someone sitting down to eat a Whopper, I'll admit, I really want one too. But I'm getting more satisfaction out of less food these days and I love the feeling of being a loser hehe. I reckon that walking into my high school reunion and seeing the look on my old classmates faces will taste much better than that burger anyway I'm glad you found this place. If you need support along the way, we'll be here.
  23. Parvathi

    Is there a REAL explanation for this?

    I have this same issue, Kel! I can sit down in the evenings and eat a big ole steak, then two hours later, want to munch on something else. I try to keep the munching to stuff like mandarins, carrot sticks, or even a few nuts, rather than crisps (which are my biggest downfall) .. but I'm not always successful lol. Alex - you always have such great theories! lol .. guess I should just try to suffer for a few days and get my body back on track. Cheers!
  24. Wow - I hadn't noticed that. We started out at the same place and only a month (to the day) apart, surgery wise. Very cool hehe Don't worry, I'm sure I'll plateau again soon You're doing brilliant though - so no geting discouraged. I'm definitely going to try to go to Canberra. I haven't booked yet .. waiting for payday. Just have to find a sitter and I should be good to go. Thanks everyone!
  25. Had my weigh-in today at the doctor's office and was completely stoked to see I've finally, officially (cause if it's not on the dr's scales, I don't count it lol), broken the double digits barrier - 99.9 kgs. I've been doing the happy dance all morning LOL, which is bound to shed a few more grams hehe Anyway, don't mean to go on about me me me lol, just wanted to share with someone.

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