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Everything posted by Dragonwillow

  1. Dragonwillow

    Saturday Aug 5th

    Works for us...will be me and the 2 girls defiently...and maybe paul. He leaves on Sunday for San francisco again so he may be too busy to come. I'll bring something to throw on the grill for kristen...since she is so difficult with this "eww meat" thing. LOL I'll look back to see what ever else I said to bring. Do we all need to bring beverages?
  2. Dragonwillow

    Its July

    Immortal Images are great at designing the tattoos, thats their specialty actually. They are on Monroe road. When I went in I took pictures of things I likes along with things I didn't. Basically said I want a friendly dragon...but not cartoonish. LOL, he took all of that drew up my tattoo. I haven't checked in much...Tuesday I dropped potatos on my foot...yes potatoes....got xrays done because I was sure I had broken something. Nope nothing broken...boy did I feel stupid. LOL Next time I'll make up something else that I dropped on my foot! The looks everyone gives me...lol. The heat is getting to me...its too darn hot. I'm swelling up something fierce and have to be so darn careful what I eat, especially with aunti flo due any time now. I was looking over what I ate the last few days...I'm only averageing about 30 grams of Protein. Maybe thats why the weight loss has slowed down again. Going to try and get some yogurts and some shakes in my diet today. Kathy and Angie...good luck on your fills. Denika, so sorry to read about all your problems right now. Sounds like everyone is on the mend and hopefully will stay that way. Our thoughts are with ya. Diane, glad you are on the mend from the car accident. It always seems the pain hits later....I wonder why that is. Have a great day everyone, off to drink a Protein shake.
  3. Dragonwillow

    how can this be happening

    Water weight...isn't it lovely. I know myself and I can gain as much as 6lbs during aunti flo's arrival...so don't worry too much...its VERY normal.
  4. Dragonwillow

    Its July

    I'll give it a try Jill...I've got some slim fast cappachino flavor that kristen and I didn't really like ...anyone ? LOL...food recycling.
  5. Dragonwillow

    Saturday Aug 5th

    Me and the girls will come, not sure if I'll be able to drag Paul. Now if Kirk goes there might be a chance of getting paul there? I have a pool party this weekend. She planned it from 4-7 so we don't have to worry as much about sunburn and such. I'll bring a veggie something or rather for kristen...and maybe some hummus and pita chips??? Maybe a watermellon if Kristen is still on that kick.
  6. Dragonwillow

    Its July

    It's a Protein drink only 110 calories...good as far as Protein drinks go...It's my favorite. They have stopped selling them in stores as far as I can tell...maybe getting ready to roll a new version? But the eas website has a great deal on them, and free shipping over 75 bucks. I can bring one with me for you to try on Tuesday if you want. I also have some size 14 that a friend of mine sent me. I'm not going to be in them anytime soon..and I'm not sure they the newer hip type of styles, if anyone wants I can bring them tuesday for anyone that wants them...or maybe just wants a goal pair? I have got to declutter and de pack my house...got family staying with me in a few weeks for a wedding and I have no where to put them LOL.
  7. Dragonwillow

    Its July

    Are you coming to dinner tuesday night? I can give you money then, and we can just ship them to your house?
  8. Dragonwillow

    Its July

    eas coffee house drinks are on the eas.com website and they are on clearance! That might explain why we can't find them anywhere anymore. Walmart, and bi lo used to sell them. I will check at harris teeter tomorrow after church, but they are really cheap on the website. If you want ot order some I'd be willing to go in together so we can get the free shipping.
  9. I'm up for eating any time LOL...grumpling...it so hard getting back on track. But if you guys decide on a night let me know...I'll meet you there. I'm planning on Saturday as well, but have alot of "house" stuff to do so won't be able to hang out as long.
  10. Dragonwillow

    Its July

    Back from vacation and reading up on all the messages, it may take me awhile to get caught up. Diane it looks like fill time for you...but you have done awesome and we all have some periods we don't loose. That being said, I think I'm in one now...it wouldn't have anything to do with not following any of the rules and eatting anything and everything I want. I even had some rootbeer. But home, vacations are over, going to journal starting tomorrow...and try to get my arse straightened out. Did I mention I ate my weight in shrimp and crablegs while in Alabama. I had seafood EVERYDAY, twice a day almost! I got a bit carried away. The bank straightened out my credit card, I have to sign some fraud papers so they can settle it with the stores or whatever. I still have to get a new licsense....hopefully I won't get pulled until I can get there Monday or Tuesday this week.
  11. Dragonwillow

    I Got My Date!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats!!!!! I've been in Alabama or I would have said congrats earlier......I hope I didn't gain 5lbs, I'm waiting till morning to get on the scale. I think I ate my weight in shrimp and crablegs though. sigh.
  12. Dragonwillow

    I am free this weekend

    I'm sending to you regular email everyone info that I have...I think I lost the last update because mine is from Feb that I have. We are going out of town this weekend or I'd say we could go to the mall or something or to lunch. Melissa
  13. Dragonwillow

    One Year has gone

    Angie you are doing great, and I have no doubt that you will soon be back on track and waving from the finish line! You have had a rough year, with hubby and the gall bladder, but look at you...regardless of that you are still 50lbs lighter!!!! You rock!
  14. Dragonwillow

    Holy Lapband, Batman!!!!!!

    Rewind to last August/september I made almost the exact same statement! LOL It was when I went to get my results and hopefully get to schedule a date that I was told that Dr. V was leaving the surgerical group and would be unable to do my surgery. At least you know that the doctor isn't going anywhere LOL.
  15. Dragonwillow

    NC June Chat

    You guys would not believe what happen to me yesterday. My credit/atm card and drivers liscense were stolen. I had it yesterday morning but when I went to buy something at like 2 it wasn't there. After we got home about 4:30 I'm looking all over and Paul checks the bank balance. They had already charged almost 1000 dollars at 4 different drug stores. Now we have to go on vacation (going to alabama on Sunday) and I have no drivers liscense, no credit/atm card and most likely these holds will hit this weekend. Our case worker said it would be credited back once it hit...but still, It is scarey being on the road and not knowin if when we stop for gas if the money will still be in the account or not. I think I'm going to use Paul's card and withdraw a crap load just for safety. Then to top it all off, took Paul for his medical proceedure and they lost his appointment. They hadn't even got insurance coverage verified yet! So at least Paul who had already had his valium was calm during all of this. LOL We go back today for his procedure. I was suppouse to work today, couldn't get anyone to work for me, but then my boss told me not to worry about it....she would have one of the new hires she just got come work the shift with her. Anyway, thats my horror story...oh and I've gaine 3lbs this week. What the crap? I'm working out like 2 hours a day again for this thing at work, I'm sore all over. I really hope this is a temporary gain...I like muscle and all, but no one ever believes ya when you say it is muscle gain.
  16. Dragonwillow

    Holy Lapband, Batman!!!!!!

    Well I was lucky...because I walked into his office with all my tests results and insurance approval already been handed to him, so I went straight to lady that sets the dates. It was 3 weeks out I think. Angie could probally chime in more accuratly or Jttauras.
  17. Dragonwillow

    NC June Chat

    Always put your fork down, and don't do anything else while eating. Someone once told me to sing my abc's between bites (not out loud lol). I still tend to eat too fast, it is my biggest promblem I think.
  18. Dragonwillow

    Holy Lapband, Batman!!!!!!

    I bet it happens quick....Dr. B scheduled mine pretty quick since I had approval. You are in the final lap......it'll be soon!
  19. Dragonwillow

    NC June Chat

    Uh, probally better not to ask that! lol, Kristen is the only one that didn't break the rules. I had the two 18 year olds in my room....and guess what? It's legal for them to drink in the Bahamas...need I say more? They also met two guys their first night on board....I don't even want to know what went on when I didn't see. Everyone came back in one piece, with approxiamitly the same number of brain cells they left with...so guess the trip was a sucess in that aspect?
  20. Dragonwillow

    Holy Lapband, Batman!!!!!!

    Congrats Jill! Have you heard back from Dr. B yet?
  21. Dragonwillow

    NC June Chat

    Home from the cruise, was really tired yesterday and kinda zoned out after work yesterday. Had a great time, and only gained a 1 lb. I can deal with that! lol. I was sick almost all the way home from the trip, and pb'd for the only time on the way home. I think I just got too hot and over heated when we had to sit 2 hours in the parking lot after we got off the boat. One of the ladies lost her keys, we had to have AAA come out and pop the lock, and then because the keys weren't inside either we had to wait for someone else to make a key...and then because it was a newer car we had to wait for a special chip to be found or the car wouldn't stay cranked. Well off to the gym to work off some of that pound and any friends it wants to take with it.
  22. Dragonwillow

    What Do You Think?

    Yeah, I drink hot liquids before eating anthing with a thicker consistancy thn yogurt. Usually at breakfast and lunch. Sometimes I have to do this in the evening too, especially if my hands are feet or swollen (guess that means everything else is retaining water too?) Anyway, I told my nutritionist about it today, and as long as I'm not eatting too much she thinks it's okay. Ideally they want you to wait 30 minutes after drinking to eat. She doesn't think I"m too tight, since I can eat solids if I eat slowly enough and chew chew chew.
  23. Dragonwillow

    July 15th???

    The 15th is better for me I think. We have family coming in the next week I think. Anytime in August is good for now.
  24. Dragonwillow

    NC June Chat

    My thoughts are with you Karen....so sorry you are going through this. Kathy, knowing how you feel getting things going. Fortantly or unfortunatly for me it's time for Aunti Flo for me. She always loosens things up....I know ...tmi. lol Kim I agree with Kathy, get an unfill, unlike the rest of us, you can conviently get another soon. You don't want to risk messing things up. Hang in there I loved meeting Stacy too...wasn't she a major insperation!?!! Just seeing someone that acually made it to normal inspied me too. Hey I worked out 1.5 hours of cardio and lifte 19,580 lbs today. I am going to be sore tomorrow, I already feel it in my shoulders. Jill how was your trip? Angie check in. Diane you look SOO amazing in the pic with NJ chick.
  25. Dragonwillow


    I'm in some size 16's now. I can wear some non plus sizes now..ya. I bought two pair of jeans yesterday at th thrift store and cut them off to make capris. I'll probally wear a pair tomorrow.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
