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Everything posted by wannaBthinsoon

  1. wannaBthinsoon

    Happy New Year!

    Happy NY My fun was having my hubs band give a live concert in my living room, while I fed everyone a pot of chili and drinks! My promise to myself is to be approved for the WLS and drop this damn weight this year! My inspiration are my beautiful grand children I want to run and play with, and my regrets are not taking out the insurance earlier to get this done before my 50's, So, Happiest of New Years to you and to everyone here!! Much love!
  2. What fun things did you do last night? What is your promise to yourself for 2015 and going forward? What is your your inspiration? What are your regrets? and.....................GO!
  3. WHOA! This is really getting out of hand here. Can we stop now and start another topic? This is nutz.
  4. @@LipstickLady Sometimes a brutally honest kick in the a$$ is exactly what I need. I appreciate you.
  5. wannaBthinsoon

    Surgery in the morning...Prayers Appreciated!

    I got up early to let the dogs out.....now I'm checking BP to hear from you guys who have your surgery today, I have notifications turned on, so I'll know when you check in! I'm like your mother! lol
  6. wannaBthinsoon

    I'm done telling folks. They don't get it

    that was a bit gross! lol
  7. wannaBthinsoon

    Peanut Butter

    I found PB2 at GNC
  8. wannaBthinsoon

    Surgery in the morning...Prayers Appreciated!

    Well...you are on your way my friend. Of course I will send prayers your way.....for a speedy recovery and a lifetime of health and happiness!
  9. @@Stevehud Please don't go away mad. I don't believe anything was meant toward you. We need you here. I know I do. I enjoy your thoughts and comments.
  10. Oh. I see. Hope she's ok. I enjoy these forums, and some of them that get really rapid-fire busy are really entertaining. I don't take offense generally.
  11. wannaBthinsoon

    Lying about what type of surgery..

    I had surgery a few years ago to remove a benign abdominal mass. The surgeon cut me open like a gutted fish. Staples from stem to stern. That isn't something anyone hears about every day of the week. And it generally does't happen more than once. It's a great way to shut people up, too. kinda drastic, if you're looking for a fib if anyone asked why you had surgery.
  12. @@VSGAnn2014 Your comment worries me. You ok?
  13. wannaBthinsoon

    Denial after Precertification Approval (Aetna)?

    Just my thoughts, but 4 pounds isn't a "net gain". I personally think you may be worrying over nothing. Stress or too much salt in holiday foods could hold 4 pounds of Water on you. I seriously doubt you ate an additional 3500 calories (times 4) to gain the 4 pounds. I doubt anyone will ever even comment about it at the hospital.
  14. wannaBthinsoon

    One step closer!

    OMG!! Happy New Year to YOU!!! I have my finger poised and ready to dial the insurance company and the surgical facility on 1/2/15. I will then be officially "insured"!! With all the preplanning, and stuff I already completed, it appears I only have a psych visit a dietitian visit and a nutrition class to attend then I'll be submitted for approval! I'm praying for a January date! I understand the surgeons aren't too busy first of the year because folks haven't met their out of pocket yet, so they wait till later in the year. Well.....I saved all last year for my OOP, so I'm ready NOW!!! Be sure to let us know your date when you find out! This is sooooo exciting!!
  15. wannaBthinsoon

    2015 New Year Resolutions

    Great topic! Can't wait to read some replies! My New Years Resolution is to be approved for WLS and lose the weight. It may be 2016 before I can talk about sexy lingerie. But that shouldn't stop anyone else from talking about it! We needed a little fun in the forums. It was getting a little too serious and folks were taking tings a little too personal.
  16. Holy smokes! If I wasn't already convinced to have this surgery, I would be now after seeing your photos! My goodness!! Great job lady!!!
  17. wannaBthinsoon


    Hi! Me neither. I'm in Kansas
  18. wannaBthinsoon

    Today is my day

    sending prayers!! But You'll do great! Can't wait to hear back from you once you are up and alert. However, if you WANT to post something while still on the good drugs, please do. Others have, and the laughs are priceless. (sorry, I had to add that in there) This is about YOU. YOU will do great, and we all want to hear from you when you are up to it, Take care!! Sherrie
  19. wannaBthinsoon

    Cancelled Surgery

    Bye! Best of luck to you. I hope you win this battle on your own. with or without the support you need. Be your own advocate. Sherrie.
  20. I don't believe it's dishonest to just say nothing. It really is no one's business. At all. And anyone you work with has NO LEGAL RIGHT to ask you about it. just saying......if they do.....find a lawyer. You'd win.
  21. Maybe I was bullied worse than other folks were growing up. I don't want to be bullied as an adult as well. just love and support me. That's all I ask.
  22. wannaBthinsoon

    WLS and marriage...

    welcome Debbie! You may need to gather up all that crappy food and toss it, or have him hide it from you, if they are trigger foods for you. This is a big huge major life change for you, and you will need his support. If my hubs refused to support me by removing those trigger foods, there would be some problems in this house. We've been married 30 years. His plan is to follow my eating program to help himself become healthy. Maybe your hubs could attend a seminar with you or meet with the surgeon or nutritionist or dietitian with you for some healthy insight. Best of luck to you. (Don't be a doormat, Debbie. Stand up for your health! YOU are important, and YOU deserve to be healthy) All the best, Sherrie.

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