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Posts posted by RuthFour

  1. Shelly, the jury's out because recovery sucks but I want and NEED to lose weight. That's a fact and I'm not getting any younger and my health is at risk. It's only going to get worse. I already feel healthier after the Optifast. And bottom line, I couldn't do it on my own. This surgery is like "antibuse" is to an alcoholic. It is a tool to help me acclimate to a healthier lifestyle. I've heard from other testimonials that they may have had reservations at first but once they got their behaviours down and the weight started coming off, most people don't regret it.

    Hope that helps, Ruth

  2. Trying to walk more, feeling better but again last night shoulder pain severe. Will walk more goddamit! Hurts like a sonofabitch. You say prune juice helps? And yes, Skinnyme, I'm with you regarding those that think we're doing this the easy way. I'll hold them while you punch them....lol.

    Thanks for the tips.

  3. Shellbell79....I had an existing hiatus hernia. It turned out to be a "giant" hernia which they weren't expecting and most of the my stomach was up in my chest. They had to pull it down and tighten things up...just took a little longer and essentially was two surgeries in one. Not really a complication of the RNY...and not entirely uncommon.

    Don't you worry....I'm sure you'll be fine. Just walk, walk, walk after the surgery to get rid of the frickin' gas. I haven't been doing that enough. And if you're like me "farting" will be the highlight of your day!

  4. Hi "shellbell79"... I have just had my surgery October 23rd...things are moving along as they should. I had a minor complication which made it a tad more difficult in recovery but I'm on the mend. Would love to hear from you after your surgery. Only 2 more sleeps, right?

    Let's compare notes after your surgery. Good luck, they get you walking as soon as your able (like same day or next) and out in two days give or take.


  5. Right now 5 am up all night with incredible shoulder pain that's radiating to my back. Holy Crap! It's scary and hard to believe it's just gas but feeling a bit reassured now that I've read some of these posts.

    Has anyone experienced numbness in legs, thighs? I worry about clots and my tongue is frickin' sore and red. Good Golly Miss Molly! I'm a tad older than some and had what they termed a "giant" hernia that they weren't ready for....so they apparently had to move my entire stomach from my chest cavity and back down to where it should be. So I guess they had to add a wee bit more air and were in there a little longer.

    I'm not loving this first week at home after 4 days in hospital.

    Thanks for listening....

  6. Thanks Ivanova8, I'm having RNY and am on Optifast 900. They sell it to you at the hospital before surgery.

    Welcome "anewme2015". My wait was fairly long but it probably differs from one city to another. They also need to run tests and make sure that you are otherwise healthy. Found out I had sleep apnea so had to get a machine for that....my Iron was low so had to resolve that. Cyst in uterus, endoscopy, etc. etc. And we are now good to go. You can help it along by asking your GP to get started on blood work, etc., sleep clinic and so on.

    Good Luck,


  7. Thanks "ambpete" and "Loopy" for your responses. It's great to hear from a "senior"! Holy crap, did I just say that. Still am in denial about my age. And Loopy, I am hoping that as I get closer to my surgery I will feel differently. I have no illusions that it is necessary to make changes in my lifestyle. I am quite frankly nervous and very apprehensive. I am and have always been my biggest critic.

    Again, thanks for the feedback.

  8. Thanks so much for responding Ginger. I keep on second guessing myself thinking that maybe just maybe I should try and do it without surgery. But the cutoff point for surgery is 65 years of age and I just turned 60 and I'm closing in on 300 lbs. I feel shitty and I'm responsible for it. At one point, I was more active and now I am so sedentary, that climbing the stairs is a challenge. That worries me too. I must admit that most of the comments I'm coming across are positive but then I'll come across "the one". So again, it's great to hear from people like you.

  9. I'm going to be having roux en y surgery hopefully within the next six months or so. It's been a long wait and in order to speed along the process I sort of lied (pretty much lied) about habits and behaviour modifications that I supposedly have put into place. I know that I'm probably setting myself up and as a result am frightened about what's ahead for me. This wait has been draining and I've actually gained weight as a result. I should be off cafeinated coffee and drinking more Water and I'm not. I guess I'm just hoping that this is not a predictor of things to come. I know that these changes must happen for this to be a success or I'm in for a painful ride. I hope I'm not fooling myself.

    Did anyone else tell little while lies. I'm in Canada and they screen you very thoroughly prior to putting you through to your appt with surgeon. I can't believe the cravings I have now. They are ten times worse than they've ever been and I'm banking on the surgery helping with that.

    I would love to hear from people who can relate or have had experience with same. I guess I'm looking for reassurance.

    Thanks for listening, Ruth

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