I had my band put in place in 2004, and almost from day one had nothing but complications.. My port flipped twice; the first time I had it replaced and wasn't able to tie my own shoes for 3 months, let alone sit in anything but a straight backed chair. It was miserable. The second time the port flipped, I didn't have insurance and couldn't afford to repair it so I just lived with a tight band and pain over the port site. I finally got insurance again the first of this year and consulted with a surgeon for removal. Couple hoops later, I was approved and had my band removed this past Tuesday, April 15th.
I'm completely, 100% confused. Having this constant pain in my side as well as living with a constant wondering if I'd be able to even keep Water down has really messed with my psyche. I don't know how to eat anymore, I don't know how much to eat, and I'm terrified of gaining all my weight back. I started my journey weighing 410 lbs; this morning I weighed in at 331. It's been a VERY long 10 years of yoyo-ing up and down, gaining and losing the same 80 lbs. I just want to see it gone for good, which is part of why I decided to remove the band.
How do you guys eat? How have you coped with the psychological issues, like terror of regaining all the weight? I feel like I have less support now than I ever have before!