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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by foxychick04

  1. foxychick04

    Tomorrow's The DAY!

    Good luck - after the op, when you are up to it, try and keep walking it really helps with the gas. Also just follow the surgeon's instructions (s)he knows best. Try not to worry (although I know that's hard) and remember why your doing it. I'm day 13 post op and I'm feeling absolutely great!
  2. foxychick04


    I'm day 13 post op. I can only suggest taking it extremely slowly when you drink for the first few days. Maybe the lump in your throat is when you've had enough - try little and often. Good luck.
  3. foxychick04

    Seven days

    Hi Joanne - I'm doing ok. I catch myself beating myself up over small things - why do i do that too myself? Otherwise I can honestly say I'm feeling good, sleeping well, have not experienced heartburn and my clothes feel looser. My port is a bit sore and my port scar will be noticable but the other scars are fine and I'm sure they will all fade with time. Loving my band!
  4. foxychick04

    My update!!

    fairydust that is an amazing weight loss!! Keep us updated - I'm just completing my thick liquids week and I'm struggling a little but that's because I'm not planning my eating and drinking as well as I did last week. I'm still eating way less that i normally do and pretty much making good choices. No regrets from me so far
  5. foxychick04

    Do you tell people you're banded?

    <p>was banded on the 8th Oct and still haven't told anyone. I've told people I'm on a new health plan and I started with a strict detox (week 1 and 2). I've told everyone that I am 'being good' for the month of October. When Nov hits I will be on normalish food but just smaller portions. I don't see the need to tell anyone but if they ask me outright if I've had WLS then I will say yes. However it's not that common in the UK so I don't expect to get that question </p>
  6. foxychick04

    Banded??? Check in here

    <p>Hi everyone - just checking in. I'm on day 10 and I'm on thick liquids. I went back to work (desk job) on day 8 and was absolutely fine. I'm not really experiencing any discomfort - I can lie on the port side no problem and I'm a bit hungrier than week 1 but still managing. I find if I drink water really quickley even a small mouthful - I get bad gas pains. Other than that i feel wonderful because my clothes are a bit looser and I don't have reflux! :whoo:</p>
  7. foxychick04


    Welcome to bandworld!!! I know it seems bad but everyday it gets a little better. Take it easy until at least day 4, it's easy to over do it. I'm feeling 95% normal now and I'm on day 9!
  8. foxychick04

    When is your 1st fill?

    My is Nov 9th - I'm not sure if that will be too early though - I start eating solids 29th Oct.
  9. foxychick04

    Banded Today 12Oct07

    Well done - don't overdo it but when your able try and get walking as this will help when the gas hits - I'm on day 6 and feeling better every day. Good luck!
  10. foxychick04

    Seven days

    Hi Mike, I'm doing fine. I not feeling hungry really - I get the odd feeling of 'head hunger' but it's managable. I'm not feeling like I'm being denied food - I can do anything for a week. My biggest problem is my port aches and wind/gas, but even that is moving at a decent rate. I'm back to work on Monday and I think I'm going to feel ok by then. How are you doing, any regrets? Are you on solid food yet?
  11. foxychick04

    cant finish liquids/pain!!

    Try walking - just round the room, warm drinks - sip them if you have a hard time taking them down, heat pads, gas medicine. I found taking a very warm shower helped me too. Good Luck, sorry your in so much pain :Banane30:
  12. foxychick04

    Seven days

    Thank Joanne, So far I've just been uncomfortable but I think I'm doing fine. I see your weight loss is going well! Congrats! Thanks for all your support as well - if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have even gone to Belgium - my health (have you seen the news headlines re hospitals *shock*) and wallet thank you :Banane30: I can't believe I've actually done it!!
  13. foxychick04

    When are you being banded?

    Hi guys For those that are being banded good luck! Julieann41 - this is a pretty good site to get information from. I'm from London but got banded in Belgium on the 8th October, if you want to talk just PM me. I'm feeling pretty good as well, just the port and gas annoying me, I still feel pretty swollen but it is going down all the time. Keep your fluids up.
  14. foxychick04

    HELP---NEWBY Qestion

    Nobody is perfect they will be a few hiccups on the way - we have all spent years of beating ourselves up for being failures - don't beat yourself up anymore. Take it one step at a time and you'll get there in the end.
  15. foxychick04

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    Hi everyone. newly banded on 8th Oct and my biggest problem has been gas. For those that awaiting to be banded , follow the doc advice and you should be fine. Don't be afraid (although I was) it really is fine and will be over before you know it. Good luck everyone. Make sure you keep hydrated and walk, walk, walk!!
  16. foxychick04

    question about gagging....

    I've heard - but I would check with your surgeon, that it is several violent vomiting episodes that causes slipping. Ask your doc tomorrow and good luck - I was banded on Monday and apart from some severe gas and a bit of soreness its been fine.
  17. foxychick04

    Has Fern Britton Had A Band?

    I read an article on her and she is quoted as just doing exercise and sensible eating.
  18. foxychick04

    cant finish liquids/pain!!

    Hi - I was banded on the same day as you. I've had the same problems with getting enough fluids - although I'm drinking with a teaspoonor sipping slowly because I'm scared I'm going to gulp too much. All the pain I've been having has been gas and I make sure I get up and walk every hour and its been easing and I've used heat pads. I think it will be a slow start but hopefully it will get easier.
  19. foxychick04

    Seven days

    Well I'm back and I'm banded - I think it went well I've only had gas pain as the problem and that is resolving itself . Thanks for the support guys - I guess now the hard work begins, I've not felt hungry since the op so I can just hope it stays like that.
  20. foxychick04

    A REALLY bad day!

    That is disgusting!! How dare they mess you about like that?? I'd would go down the gym and take it out on the punching bag - don't go for the ice cream.
  21. foxychick04

    Rescheduled again!!

    Good luck! - I'm being banded on the 8th too! -If your anything like me you will go through a range of emotions. Today I started the day incredibly nervous and now I'm looking forward to it. See you on the other side. Foxy.
  22. foxychick04

    Seven days

    I'm so pleased for you!! Congratulations, I'll let you know how I get on!
  23. foxychick04

    Seven days

    Sirusman how are you feeling now? I leave Belgium tomorrow and I feel like I have a massive boulder in my stomach - I can't wait for Monday but would like to know how it's going for you now?
  24. foxychick04

    What is the best compliment you have heard lately?

    Just wanted to say, you two look stunning, I've seen your before and after photos and all I can say is *wow*
  25. foxychick04

    Should you tell?

    I've decided not to tell and it has been great - I don't feel like I'm keeping a secret at all. I'm at a stage in my life that I need to make major changes, I have spent the last 25 years living my life according to what best for everyone else. I'm done with that! I'm not ashamed of what I'm doing - far from it and I probably will tell people once I've got my band under control and I'm happy with the weight I'm losing but I really felt this is a journey that I wanted to go on by myself. I've realised that although your family and friends love you and want the best for you they don't understand what it means to be fat and what this surgery means (however everyone on this forum does!), obviously I can explain it to them but I really wanted to be selfish and focus on myself and not making them understand. I've only been in my job 5 months so don't think my work colleagues have 'earned' the right to know something so personal about me. I really think this has to be a personal decision but once you tell - you can't take it back. Good luck. Sorry if I came over as selfish - I've spent most of my life being a giver and as a result I've been stuck with some friends that only think about themselves and a husband that sees me a replacement mum. Part of deciding to go for the lapband is also a decision to change my life as a whole.

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