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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by RavensAngel

  1. About how long does the pain hang around? I keep trying to not take the pain killers and then before you know it I can't move again. ;( I'm also getting hungry do you absolutely positively have to wait 7days to have a thicker liquid Soup?
  2. RavensAngel

    Post OP Day 4

    Tonight left me hours from my last day of liquids WHEWW! I had three teaspoons of pudding and about 2oz of creamy mushroom soup they were both very delicious almost like a delicacy at this point! HAHAH My stomach was growling and carrying on pretty hard I'm sure its like what is that foreign stuff? maybe I'll have a bit more just sip slow. I think in about two days I'll be able to handle Vitamins and back to Protein add'n again. Things seem to be moving along pretty good.
  3. RavensAngel

    Post OP Day 4

    No protein sometimes they will add it to my broth but the doc said not to worry about protein this week. Only hydration. So I drink a lot of water, apple juice, and broth.
  4. They finally called with my checkin time! Gosh they make you wait it out.. I depart my bed at 5am Arrive at 7am Checking bags at 8am Final destination begins at 10am I am super nervous and scared but I think that's only because they put me to sleep. Though I can't imagine doing it awake! GASP If your the kind of person to send well wishes think of me; if your the kind of person that prays think of me: If your the kind of person that does niether I'll know you still thought of me even if it was briefly.
  5. RavensAngel

    All Aboard...I Have a Golden Ticket!

    Eew the pain!!! I hope this doesn't last very long! I'd like to shower and wash my hair but I've got all these stickers and such! Boo!
  6. RavensAngel

    I'm banded

    Exciting!!!! Congrats
  7. RavensAngel

    All Aboard...I Have a Golden Ticket!

    Imagine if Willy Wonka owned the Polar Express....hahaha that would be awkward!!! YAWN I'm so sleepy and thirsty seems like you only want Water when you can't have it!!!
  8. RavensAngel

    Pre op liquid diet

    The liquid diet is crazy difficult. I felt overwhelmed by sweets (shakes) and we even thought about what it would be like to have baked potato shakes! haha I remember reading on my paperwork if I gained more than 5lbs they would cancel. I thought that was awkward but I guess they have to start someplace. Hang in there
  9. My preop diet consist of shakes, bars, Soup and SF popsicles. I am on day three and I am starving. Typically I dont eat packaged foods just fresh prepared veggies fruit etc. I have eaten about 6shakes, two Soups and sometimes one bar a day and my stomach sounds like it is going to fall over dead. On a regular day I can get up and not eat for 8huors without any issues. Doing this I am always constantly starving or what seems like starving. I am wondering if its because its packaged foods?
  10. RavensAngel

    Pre Op Diet - Day 3

    OHHHHHMYYYYYYGOOOOOSSSSSSSH I am having the Mexican Tortilla right now and its like liquid tamales and mexican rice and Beans in a CUP!!! Just short of HEAVEN!!! YOU MUST get you some to help along your preop diet I totally wish I had found those sooner I would of had liquid heaven for two weeks! haha Its a bit spicy but I will take a pill YUMMMMMMMMMMMM
  11. I have a namesake for everything that is mine so I figured I just soon name my sleeve too....So Keyah Neranti (in good health victory is health) will be born soon! I'm not sure if I am more excited than nervous. Maybe its a mix of emotions. I have so much to do before then. My last day of work is today the 1st. I've done all my preop requirements and such I start my clear liquid diet on Wednesday but I'm electing to start early on Tuesday apparently I have a hemorrhoids problem just discovered so I shall start the clears early in hopes to rush out all the gunk for my own sakes! I bought gas-x, nonskid socks, tylenol, stocks, puddings, lotions, Soups, Protein mix, Vitamins, and gosh knows what else I will need. My suitcase is packed..according to the doctor I will only be there ONE DAY...WHOOOT that will be amazing! So I am bringing one set of clothes for home and an extra blankets and my pillow! I've turned in all my paperwork to be off work, I'm paying all the bills by Wednesday, I'm washing down the entire house and santitizing from top to bottom. I'm having the car cleaned. I'm forwarding all my calls to voicemail. I have reorganized my Keyah Neranti book - is a binder of all my paperwork, visits here and there, food requirements, and everything else surgery related. I am going to add a section to log my food for the first month until my doctors check in just in case something comes up figured I'd have it logged. My cheering squad (my girlfriend and son) have been super supportive and are ready to be my personal on call nurses for the next four weeks. They have litterally threatened me if I try to do anything but walk! haha! I have elected not to share any of my success with the remainder of my family as I mentioned it two years ago when I started this journey and they had negative opinions. Though I totally relate and understand their concerns at the end of the day this is for "ME" not them. I feel like there is still something I'm missing?! Wheww... there's alot going on talk about a merry go around of feelings - thoughts - emtions - activities! I also colored my hair blue last week! haha I thought it would wash out a bit before surgery I will have to figure out what to do with it the day of so I don't turn everything at the hospital blue!
  12. RavensAngel


    I've gotten a paper on Post Op rules but its loose about coffee etc. I was going to set a personal goal to possibly not have it for at least 6mths but that is very LOOSELY writen on my goal list! haha I do miss it I have not had any for about what? 10days I'm on my PreOp diet it says you can have decaf coffee but I've opted to do without. I have anxiety as is and find myself not sleeping as I should.
  13. RavensAngel

    Pre Op Diet - Day 3

    Best Wishes to YOU! .. the liquid diet has been hellacious!
  14. RavensAngel

    Pre Op Diet - Day 3

    I went to the store today to try to find some more Clear Liquids and buy some of my food for after surgery and I found flavored broth? I'm super excited to try it? has anyone else tried it? I may have to purchase some more of the Mexican and Chinese one for my son he loves to make fried rice he could use this instead of Water and would be all set! Tuscan chicken Thai Ginger Mexican Tortilla Chinese Hot and Sour I did not get this one as I don't care for spicy! Louisiana Cajun I also did not get this one as commerical companies define Cajun as spicy ;(
  15. RavensAngel


    I look forward to having some coffee within limitations at some point again! It must have tasted so delightful!
  16. RavensAngel

    Pre Op Diet - Day 3

    Almost time tick tock tick tock! I just can't wait!
  17. RavensAngel

    Pre Op Diet - Day 3

    I have 8days to go until THE day...so i'm on my 6th day fast 7days to go and 1liquid ....WHEWWWW I go in this Thursday for my preop nutrition class and preop bloodwork..I've been thinking of asking if I can eat something else like pureed Beans or salad OMG I'd eat lettuce all day...and not so much of this Protein stuff its hurting my tummy. If they refer me to the nutritionist I had her for 6mths and we argued every session because she was anti veggies and fruit..I'd get NO WHERE! I really think though this is dfificult it is definately structuring my diet after this is all said and done. I really am going to make some more changes and focus on fresh foods. ******GOOD NEWS********* I did manage to quit coffee cold turkey its been 6days even though I can have it according to my fast. I thought it would be good to quit now. I didn't even like it before but when I was forced to give up soda some years ago I worked my way to coffee. I guess I'll see how long I will stay off and I'm staying AWAKE .. lol I also have lost at least 1 to .5 lbs a day I am down a full 15lbs from my highest weight. I suppose that's some positivity to keep me going! #thestruggleisreal TYSVM for all the positive reinforcement!
  18. RavensAngel

    Pre Op Diet - Day 3

    GOSH if ONLY !!! I have 5days to go and one day all liquids. I wonder what determins what diet you do maybe doctors do it on experience or something.
  19. RavensAngel

    Pre Op Diet - Day 3

    OH gosh I am so jealous of your preop plan! I can only have shakes, bars, soup, and Jello..oh and a sugar free popsicle. ITs killing my stomach all those sweet things and processed foods BLAH Today is day 4 and its not looking good for my tummy! I might call and ask if I can have juiced veggies that are high in Protein and low in carbs. When its all said and done I might never eat another packaged item again and I may just forever give up sweets! OYE
  20. RavensAngel

    Moderate GERD

    I have been trying to get to the point of approval for about two years I think I might be going on my third year. Finally I get the Approved letter and then they say OH well this wasn't so good. BOOO! I'm on the preop diet and have made adjustments to it to reflect not eating any GERD triggering food. I was shocked to see Garlic and Onions on the list of can't have items. I love both alot and WOW not having them will be interesting but I shall feel better in the end.
  21. RavensAngel

    Moderate GERD

    I did my pre-op test last week and the doctors office called today I missed the call but she left a detailed message that I have moderate GERD. The surgeon wants to do an upper GI scope to make sure there's no damage before doing the sleeve. Sad Face I hope this not prevent the end result. Anyone have issues completing surgery due to GERD ????
  22. RavensAngel

    Moderate GERD

    The nurse said someones going to schedule a scope so hopefully they get that done soon. It would be a bummer to have any delays! ;(
  23. RavensAngel

    Moderate GERD

    so there is still hope?
  24. Oh My Gosh Thank You what a WONDERFUL List!
  25. I completed my six month nutritionist and psychiatric requirements for the insurance a few months ago. My surgeon however he was requiring that I mandatory loose 50lbs before surgery. I tried and failed. I called the nurse as I received my approval letter and she said nope call us when you loose 50lbs. Sad Face! I asked around and bunches of people suggested I try to find a new surgeon. Ironically I contacted my insurance coordinator and she said she still had the paperwork indicating I was to have surgery in another city. ( the first location I got with and declined due them wanting me to pay $300.00 up front even though my insurance pays everything 100%). I saw them on Monday and they got all of my details sent me for my preop work x-rays, blood, and gallbladder scan. I did those yesterday. The administrative lady asked for my approval letter and all of my requirement paperwork completed. I turned everything in Monday she said she would submit it this week and it shouldn't take very long since it was already approved and still pending with them as the hosting surgeon. I am getting a bit anxious and excited now. The nurse practitioner gave me the preop diet and I'm starting that today she said if I start it early that would be okay it could only help. I am also required to take some class about surgery and after surgery with the doctors office. I asked if they would give me a hypothetical date so I could start arranging stuff with work she said likely I'll see them next week to schedule the surgery date which would then be two weeks from that date normally. I haven't heard back from the surgeons office yet however my insurance company just called they said my surgery date was August 25th?!?! I said wow is it? the doctors office hasn't called she said well that could be hypothetical placeholder date for insurance purposes but that is what I show was submitted. I wonder if that is the new surgeon? They called to late for me to call the office. They were calling for me to attend a phone class with them in regards to surgery. I'm amazed at how many things, hurdles, events, informational one has to do to get this done. There sure is enough education to go around. Anyone else have so many things they have to do before they are done? I feel like i'm going to school or working full time just on this issue. Meanwhile I wonder if August 25th is the date?!?! haha

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