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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About LidiBell

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 06/30/1977

About Me

  • Biography
    37 Years Old
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  • Occupation
    Client Engagement Coordinator
  • City
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    Alabama (AL)
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  1. I am almost 1 year out (4/6/2014) and I still have not attempted a straw. Pre surgery, I drank everything thru a straw. It was a hard adjustment, but now, I am used to it. Don't even think about it anymore.
  2. Every Sunday I boil 5 eggs and grill 5 pieces of chicken for the week. It is boring to eat the same thing every day, but it works. It is easy to grab and go during the week. Boring I know, to eat the same thing every day, but it keeps me on track.
  3. LidiBell


    I drank this past Saturday and I am not brain dead. If that matters. Although, I may have been a lil brain dead before I drank. lol...I enjoy vodka with a splash of cranberry w/ lemon. I have no problems with those. Definitely can't eat and drink though. Priorities....I drink 1st. lol...J/K. Every doctor is different. Every patient is different. No need to get panties in a wad. If you want to have a drink, have one. If not, don't. Some people are strictly by the book, then theres us who live on the edge. lol... BTW...I am 9 months post op.
  4. I felt it my my waist up. You wouldn't be able to breathe if it was a leak. I had a hard time breathing because I was filling up with air as well.
  5. I felt like a new person after the 2nd surgery. Before...I cried every night to my husband...that I had ruined my life. Begged him to shoot me one night. Looking back, I would go through it all again to be where I am now.
  6. I had a leak. I was sleeved on 4/9, everytime I ate or drank anything I would vomit. On 5/11, I started having substantial pain i my left shoulder/chest area. I toughed it out the remainder of that day and night. The next morning 5/12 my mother took me to the ER and within 1 hour I was in emergency surgery. The doctor told me if I had waited much longer I could have died. It was the WORST pain I had EVER endured.
  7. LidiBell

    7 Months Post Op

    I will not be a statistic. I am simply having a "small setback". It is back to the basics for me. What I know works. I was dropping upwards of 6 pounds a week less than 2 months ago. I have a 20 year class reunion in about a year and I WILL BE at my goal weight.
  8. LidiBell

    7 Months Post Op

    I have actually lost a little more than 70 pounds. I am craving sweets as well. I MUST get back to my boiled egg for breakfast and piece of grilled chicken for lunch and dinner. I WILL I WILL I WILL. I have been through too much and came too far to fall back now. Ladies....WE HAVE GOT THIS. WE CAN OVERCOME THIS lol...
  9. I am 7 months almost 8 months post op. The last 2 weeks, I feel as if I could eat a horse. I have been eating more in the last 2 weeks. I do not know what is going on. I cannot continue like this. It will NOT be good. Has anyone else had this problem?
  10. LidiBell

    8 months post op with pics

  11. I recently had a girls weekend. At one of the bars, I noticed they had small cups (like the ones you buy for your bathroom to rinse your mouth). I asked the bartender to use those cups instead of the larger ones. The large cup just exhausted me to look at it. To know I had THAT MUCH to drink overwhelmed me. I had about 2 1/2 of the small cups. Mostly vodka with a splash of cranberry. I got a little buzz, but not too bad. Definitely could not have eaten and drank all of that. I opted for alcohol instead of food that weekend. lol...I didn't gain any weight and wasn't yacking either, so all in all, I guess I handled it pretty well.
  12. I was a month post op and got pain in my shoulders. I continued my day at work (somehow, not sure how), went home and went straight to bed. I was miserable. Woke up the next morning, went to the ER, within an hour, I was in emergency surgery. I had a perforation. The 2nd surgery was 10x worse than the sleeve. If you have ANY pain that far our, you need to see your surgeon.
  13. My husband tell mes me everyday that I have changed. He is correct, I have changed. I am a happier and healthier person. He cannot handle the attention I attract now. Anytime I mention ANYTHING about a male (mostly coworkers) he accuses me of "wanting" them. Typically, I am just telling him a story of something that happened throughout the day that I thought I could share with him. It can have NOTHING to do withe me personally, but he ALWAYS twists it into "they are trying to hook up with you". My husband has a touch of bipolar as well and has recently stopped his medication. We have been having problems since I was sleeved in April. I have recently rented an apartment and we have decided to take some time apart. I think it will help both of us to be apart right now. I do not want to resent him, or vice versa. I hope you guys can work out the issues you are having as well.
  14. LidiBell

    Can I take ibuprofen?

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....I did and it urnt a hole in my stomach. I had to have emergency surgery. Almost died. DO NOT TAKE IT! Take Tylenol.
  15. LidiBell

    Height, Weight, And Size Poll

    Surgery Date: 4/9/2014 Emergency Surgery Date: 5/12/2014 (Had a hole form) Weight on Surgery Date: 257 Pants Size: 22 Shirt Size: 2X Today: Weight: 195 Pants Size: 14 Shirt Size: L

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
