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James Marusek

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by James Marusek

  1. James Marusek

    Feeling bad

    Generally it does get much better over time. But it won't happen overnight. It took me around 6 months to reach a happy state when all the problems seemed to melt away. It is important to walk around 30 minutes each day. It will dramatically help with the healing, recovery and relieving the pain.
  2. James Marusek

    Mood swings / Anger after surgery

    As you lose weight, the chemicals and hormones that were stored in your fat cells are being released into your body. These will pass through your kidneys and are expelled in your urine. But they can generate a flush of hormones during the weight loss phase. They should simmer down once you transition into maintenance. It is important to meet your daily Fluid requirements, because it take fluids to flush these hormones from your system.
  3. James Marusek


    This website gets hit with quite a bit of Spam posts. Generally it is from first time posters. Since the IP addresses were provided, I decided to take a quick look to find out where it was coming from. Of the 6 posts that I looked at that were Spam, five originated from Pakistan and one from India (New Delhi).
  4. James Marusek


    Welcome and let us know if we can be of any help.
  5. James Marusek

    At the clinic getting IV fluids

    Some individuals find it difficult to meet the daily requirements after surgery. This is because your stomach needs time to heal and this can take a couple weeks or more. But just keep trying and you should be able to get there. The three most important elements after RNY gastric bypass surgery are to meet your daily Protein, Fluid and Vitamin requirements. food is secondary because your body is converting your stored fat into the energy that drives your body. Thus you lose weight. Be willing to experiment. After surgery, my taste buds changed dramatically. Even Water changed. In the hospital it tasted excessively chlorinated and I could not drink it. So I experimented. sugar free popsicles became my best friend. Some individuals find hot or cold can help with fluids. For me, I found that I could tolerate flavored water. So I began using Crystal Light. I also found a new drink Bai which I liked cold. In the winter, I found that I tolerate Hot drinks such as piping hot cocoa. But you have to use the "No Sugar Added" variety. Also fine English teas were very good.
  6. James Marusek

    Still vomiting after dilations

    You mentioned two problems: strictures and ulcers. So for a moment let us talk about ulcers. According to the internet: Nausea and vomiting are the most common complaints after bariatric surgery, and they are typically associated with inappropriate diet and noncompliance with a gastroplasty diet (ie, eat undisturbed, chew meticulously, never drink with meals, and wait 2 hours before drinking after solid food is consumed). If these symptoms are associated with epigastric pain, significant dehydration, or not explained by dietary indiscretions, an alternative diagnosis must be explored. One of the most common complications causing nausea and vomiting in gastric bypass patients is anastomotic ulcers, with and without stomal stenosis. Ulceration or stenosis at the gastrojejunostomy of the gastric bypass has a reported incidence of 3% to 20%. Although no unifying explanation for the etiology of anastomotic ulcers exists, most experts agree that the pathogenesis is likely multifactorial. These ulcers are thought to be due to a combination of preserved acid secretion in the pouch, tension from the Roux limb, ischemia from the operation, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use, and perhaps Helicobacter pylori infection. Evidence suggests that little acid is secreted in the gastric bypass pouch; however, staple line dehiscence may lead to excessive acid bathing of the anastomosis. Treatment for both marginal ulcers and stomal ulcers should include avoidance of NSAIDs, antisecretory therapy with proton-pump inhibitors, and/or sucralfate. In addition, H pylori infection should be identified and treated, if present. 1. So there is a need to avoid NSAIDs like aspirin or Excedrin. Here is a more complete list of other NSAIDs. Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Naproxen, Meloxicam, Celecoxib, Indomethacin, Ketorolac, Ketoprofen, Nimesulide, Piroxicam, Etoricoxib, Mefenamic acid, Carprofen, Aspirin/paracetamol/caffeine, Etodolac, Loxoprofen, Nabumetone, Flurbiprofen, Salicylic acid, Aceclofenac, Sulindac, Phenylbutazone, Dexketoprofen, Lornoxicam, Tenoxicam, Diflunisal, Diclofenac/Misoprostol, Flunixin, Benzydamine, Valdecoxib, Oxaprozin, Nepafenac, Etofenamate, Ethenzamide, Naproxen sodium, Dexibuprofen, Diclofenac sodium, Bromfenac, Diclofenac potassium, Fenoprofen, Tolfenamic acid, Tolmetin, Tiaprofenic acid, Lumiracoxib, Phenazone, Salsalate, Felbinac, Hydrocodone/ibuprofen, Fenbufen]. 2. Then there is a need to take antisecretory therapy with proton-pump inhibitors, and/or sucralfate. Proton pump inhibitors include [Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, Esomeprazole, Lansoprazole, Rabeprazole, Dexlansoprazole, Rabeprazole sodium, Pantoprazole sodium, Esomeprazole magnesium, Omeprazole magnesium, Naproxen/Esomeprazole, Esomeprazole sodium, Omeprazole/Bicarbonate ion] and/or sucralfate [Carafate] antacid. You mentioned that you are taking Carafate. As a routine practice, my surgeon prescribed Omeprazole [over the counter Prilosec] to me for the first year to allow my stomach to heal. 3. And finally have yourself tested for H pylori infection. Others on this website have discovered they had this infection and didn't even know it and it was the cause of all their problems. I am not a doctor so take everything that I said with a grain of salt.
  7. James Marusek

    Waking up your system in the AM

    Some individuals find it difficult to meet the daily requirements after surgery. This is because your stomach needs time to heal and this can take a couple weeks or more. But just keep trying and you should be able to get there. Be willing to experiment. After surgery, my taste buds changed dramatically. Even Water changed. In the hospital it tasted excessively chlorinated and I could not drink it. So I experimented. sugar free popsicles became my best friend. Some individuals find hot or cold can help with fluids. For me, I found that I could tolerate flavored water. So I began using Crystal Light. I also found a new drink Bai which I liked cold. In the winter, I found that I tolerate Hot drinks such as piping hot cocoa. But you have to use the "No Sugar Added" variety. Also fine English teas were very good. The Fluid requirement is met by a combination. It is not only the water that you drink each day. But also the water you drink when you take your Vitamins and medicine. It is the milk you drink. It is the fluids content of the Protein shakes. It is the water component of the Soups you take. It is met by flavored water such as Crystal Light. It is met by sugar free popsicles. It is met by tea and decaf coffee. It is a combination of all the fluids that you consume during the day.
  8. James Marusek

    Worried About Pain Meds

    I took no pain meds after I left the recovery room. I didn't need to. My pain levels were at most a 1 or 2. Walking every 2 hours in the hospital helps to reduce the gas pains.
  9. The transition to solid food especially meats can be rough. I found the best way to eat chicken was to make it extremely tender. Take a chicken breasts and put it in a covered pot with Water and a bouillon cube and then cook it slow for a couple hours until the meat comes easily apart with a fork.
  10. James Marusek

    Sodium Intake

    Sodium is an electrolyte the body needs to help regulate blood pressure and ensure muscle and nerve cells work properly. Normal blood sodium levels fall between 135 and 145 mEq/L. Conditions such as overhydration, burns, diarrhea and vomiting may cause sodium levels to drop below normal, a condition called hyponatremia. Low levels of sodium in the blood may cause symptoms involving muscles in the body. Symptoms include problems such as spasms or cramps. Muscles may experience fatigue easily when a person has low sodium levels. Muscular weakness and seizures are additional signs of a sodium deficiency. http://www.livestrong.com/article/417785-signs-of-sodium-deficiency/ It is important to maintain your bodies electrolytes and sodium is an important electrolyte. Individuals normally consume table salt which provides this sodium or foods that contain salt. My mother went on a no-salt diet after watching too much misleading information on TV. She suffered a variety of symptoms which lead her to the emergency room in the hospital.
  11. I developed type 2 diabetes as I grew older and heavier. I was on 2 types of blood sugar medicine prior to my surgery and even those were not controlling my diabetes effectively. Then 3 years ago I had RNY gastric bypass surgery. When I left the hospital two days after surgery, I was off my diabetes medicines and haven't taken any since. I periodically check my blood sugar levels and they are fine. In today's world many young folks are gaining weight earlier and becoming diabetic. So the question is "Would Weight Loss Surgery benefit younger folks with this condition?" The issue was studied by Dr. Lwin Aung and colleagues from Singapore and Taiwan, and their report was published in JAMA Surgery. The study included about 340 Taiwanese patients with early-onset (below the age of 40) Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), and about 220 with late-onset disease. All had BMIs above 25, and had bariatric surgery to ameliorate their T2DM. One year post-surgery, about 57 percent of the early-onset individuals had achieved remission of their disease (and lost more weight) compared to about 50 percent of the late-onset patients. By 5 years post surgery, the early-onset folks maintained a greater rate of weight loss (which was statistically significant), and also a significantly greater rate of remission of their T2D. In their statistical analyses the investigators found that both the duration of T2D and age at which surgery was performed were independent predictors of disease remission. And that remission rate was significantly associated with the degree of weight loss. http://acsh.org/news/2016/10/19/sooner-better-bariatric-surgery-get-t2d-remission-10322
  12. James Marusek

    NutraNinja Duo

    I used a Ninja blender to mix my Protein shakes. It had a removable attachments and I found that the single serving cup worked best for me. This is essentially what you are calling a Nutri Ninja Duo using the Nutri Ninja cups. After blending, you remove the cup from the blender turn it over, take off the blending head and screw on the sip and seal lid and you are good to go. Very convenient. Long story short - I would highly recommend it.
  13. James Marusek

    Undecided on what to do

    After many years of being overweight and then obese, health issues (diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, GERD) started to take hold of my body. It was like I was in a death spiral. I had RNY gastric bypass surgery 3 years ago and lost significant weight and that put all these health issues into remission. There are trade-offs in life. I traded my love of food for good health. I don't regret it.
  14. James Marusek


    I had RNY gastric bypass surgery 3 years ago. Right after the surgery I became lactose intolerant. Whenever I drank milk, my stomach would hurt, then a quick trip to the bathroom with diarrhea. That condition lasted for two months and then I was back to normal. During that time I avoided anything that contained lactose. Some Protein shakes contain lactose.
  15. Good luck on your surgery and check back with us when you are on the other side.
  16. James Marusek

    Scared to eat

    Good luck on your upcoming surgery. After my RNY gastric bypass surgery, I was directed to consume full liquids for the first 4 weeks and then pureed foods for the next four. It was only when I reached week 9 that I could transition to solid foods. During the food transitions I found that transitioning to solid foods was the greatest challenge. There is no need to rush these transitions, just take your time.
  17. James Marusek

    Shake Question!

    After surgery your taste buds may change. This is true for the type of Protein shake you select. So I recommend that you do not stock up on too much in the beginning but be willing to experiment until you find a Protein Shake post-surgery that you can tolerate.
  18. James Marusek

    6 month post op appointment

    Your weight goal is an artificial number. I had RNY gastric bypass surgery and my weight loss stopped at around 7 months and I transitioned into the maintenance phase. Your weight loss will very naturally get smaller the closer you come to an end of the weight loss phase. I set my goal weight for the high side of normal BMI. This has the lowest mortality rate. You want to have a little extra fat on you in case you encounter a serious illness or accident to help carry you through the recovery process. Being normal is good. Being underweight, overweight or obese has higher mortality rates.
  19. James Marusek


    It is common to feel fear prior to surgery. Most people do. This fear could easily be manifested in your dream state.
  20. James Marusek


    Shortness of breath is sometimes an indication that you may be having a heart problem. I would suggest you discuss this with your surgical team.
  21. James Marusek

    Just joined!

    Welcome. The three most important elements after RNY gastric bypass surgery are to meet your daily Protein, Fluid and Vitamin requirements. food is secondary because your body is converting your stored fat into the energy that drives your body. Thus you lose weight. Some of the problems that you seem to be encountering could be caused by a lack of Vitamins or a lack of protein. Your daily protein requirement is met by a combination of the amount of protein you obtain from food combined with the amount of protein from protein supplements (Protein shakes, protein bars). Right after gastric bypass surgery, the volume of food you are restricted to is minuscule (2 ounces) per meal. But as you get further along, the meal volume increases. Therefore if you concentrate on consuming high protein meals, you have a very important option available to you. You can start to reduce your reliance on protein supplements. I went from 3 protein shakes per day in the beginning, down to 2, down to 1, and then when my meal volume increased to 1 cup per meal at a year and a half, I was able to completely offload my use of protein shakes. So I think you might want to track how much protein you are consuming from meals daily and if it isn't enough, you may have to add protein shakes or Protein Bars to your daily consumption. After surgery, you should have been given a list of vitamins that you need to take daily. This is an initial list. Normally you had several blood workups since then that measured how well you are doing with your vitamins. If you are below the required levels normally your surgeon changed your daily requirements to bring you back to normal. This is extremely important because the part of your stomach that normally converts food into vitamins has been cut away permanently. Thus you have to take a vitamin mix every day for the rest of your life. You indicated that you bruised easily. For several years I was taking aspirin and as time went on I discovered I was bruising very easily. Aspirin is a blood thinner, so are products that contain aspirin such as excedrin. I stopped taking aspirin and my bruising went away.
  22. There was a recent study on the effects of yo-yo dieting on women. The problem is that I cannot tell what it all means. The results of the study showed that: There was an association between weight cycling — also known as "yo-yo dieting" — and the risk of sudden cardiac death. The increased risk was more than three-fold greater in these cyclers than in weight stable women. Weight cycling by overweight or obese women carried no excess risk of death, however. Similarly, women who reported a maintained weight loss or gain had no increased risk of death. The sample size was large. Lead investigator Dr. Somwail Rasla from Memorial Hospital in Rhode Island analyzed the weight history reported by nearly 160,000 postmenopausal women; follow up was about 11 years. Participants were categorized as underweight, normal-weight, overweight or obese at the start of the study. Then they were further listed as weight cyclers — those who repeatedly lost and regained weight, weight stable, steady weight gainers, and maintained weight loss. But this was a self reporting and thus depended on the accuracy and truthfulness of participants' reports. So it is not the most reliable type of study. http://acsh.org/news/2016/11/17/normal-weight-women-avoid-yo-yo-dieting-10451 I guess if I could interpret this, it might be Some Fad Diets are Dangerous, Very Dangerous.
  23. Congratulations on your massive weight loss.
  24. James Marusek

    Spammers need SLS (Spam Loss Surgery)!

    I think this problem could be solved by restricting Newbies from posting links. I think what the spammers are doing is to post links so that spiders can pick up the link and position their link high up on the search engine listings. So it is important to permanently remove this spam and not let it sit in the archives of this website. Otherwise this website is inadvertently giving these links credibility. It also seems like this Spam is being generated in India or that region. It generally appears around 2 o'clock (East Coast of the U.S. time) in the morning or thereabouts. And some originators once and a while cite their location as country of origin.
  25. James Marusek

    My Egd that never was!

    I am a very hard stick also. Generally when I go to have a blood sample taken, the first thing I ask is for a very experienced nurse. Otherwise I cycle through several nurses and many sticks during this process. I am 3 years post-op RNY surgery and one of the unusual effects from this surgery and weight loss is that it seems like this problem goes away after you lose the weight.

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