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James Marusek

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by James Marusek

  1. James Marusek

    My labs showed

    Signs and symptom hypothyroidism may include: Fatigue Increased sensitivity to cold Constipation Dry skin Unexplained weight gain Puffy face Hoarseness Muscle weakness Elevated blood cholesterol level Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods Thinning hair Slowed heart rate Depression Impaired memory It could account for some of your recent weight gain. It appears to be testable and treatable. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hypothyroidism/basics/definition/con-20021179
  2. Weight loss is achieved through portion control. At three months out, you should be eating three ounces of food per meal. That is less than 1/2 cup. If you want to lose weight you must limit yourself to this amount of food. Even though you don't dump and can tolerate all types of food, that doesn't mean that you should eat 1 1/2 cups of food per meal. If you are eating Soups the Water portion of the Soup does not count. Measure out your foods if you want to lose more weight.
  3. James Marusek

    Protein drink

    Your taste buds may change after surgery. So you may want to wait until after surgery before you experiment with various brands. There are quite a few available. It is important to find one that you can tolerate after surgery.
  4. James Marusek


    I have put some of the recipes that I used in the following article. http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Surgery.pdf I concentrated on using high protein chili and soups.
  5. I don't know if you will ever be able to change their minds. Even after the surgery when you achieve significant weight reduction, they may still be very negative towards WLS. You might try and understand their negativity. My mom was the only family member who was negative. But I understood why. She depended upon me for her care. She was in her 80's and I was the only family member to provide her the lion's share of her care. She did not want any hiccups in that support.
  6. Walking 30 minutes per day is very important in making the recovery process speed up. I had an exercise regiment 6 months pre-op that was focused on hill walking. After the operation I refused all pain medicines (because I didn't need any, I felt no pain.) I was up and walking almost immediately after surgery and by the time I left the hospital 2 days later I had walked 100 lapses. I walked every 2 hours when I was in the hospital. On the second night, the nurses came in and said, you were sleeping so sound that we decided to not wake you and skip the exercise. When I arrived home I continued the hill walking exercise routine for 6 months. I had a really really good recovery.
  7. James Marusek

    What helped you eat slower?

    I found a small metal spoon in the store and bought it. I eat a lot of soft foods such as Soups and chili and I use this spoon.
  8. James Marusek

    The sum of all fears

    Generally most insurance plans have a plan book that spells out in detail what expenses they cover and which ones they don't. What does your insurance plan book say about bariatric surgery? Today many of these plan books are available on-line. If your plan book describes the conditions for coverage of this surgery, have you met those conditions. If you have then I would still butt heads with the insurance company and find out why they are refusing to cover these expenses.
  9. James Marusek

    Does it hurt?

    I didn't experience much pain and I never took pain medicine after surgery. But I have a high pain tolerance.
  10. A new artificial sweetener is about to hit the market called Dolcia Prima. "Dolce" means sweet in Italian; and Prima means "first." The chemical name of this sweetener is allulose (also D-Psicose), and it’s totally natural, albeit rare. Small amounts of it may be found in figs and raisins for example. Allulose is 70% as sweet as table sugar, but contains just a 10% of the calories of processed sugar. Allulose has a taste profile that closely matches sugar, with an almost identical perception of sweetness over time. Allulose is not metabolized by the digestive system and therefore its effective calorie value is so low. It can be used in baking which is one of the problems with aspartame (it loses its sweetness when it is heated). Allulose can provide desirable browning when baking and also adds bulk and texture like sugar. Currently the product is sold as a syrup.
  11. My wife has been suggesting that we buy some essential oils. Some of these oils are therapeutic grade and used for medicinal purpose. Aromatherapy, or essential oils, form the base of many household favorites. For example, tea tree oil supply the medicinal taste in old-style Listerine. Vicks Vapor Rub contains rosemary. Essential oils have many therapeutic uses, although one of the most important uses is in treating or preventing infection. So I thought that is a manly thing to do since I saw someone on Doomsday Peppers using it. So I ordered some books on the subject and they should arrive on Monday. That way I can figure out which oils I should order. I am going to turn 67 this month, so I am not a spring chicken. So I called my daughter and told her that I am turning New Age in my Old Age. When you come to visit I can mix up some oils for you take home when the grandkids get sick. I could visualize her rolling her eyes. She said "Sure Dad"! This is probably what happens when you do not get enough sleep. You talk about becoming New Age in your Old Age. Maybe I should grow long hair and wear a set of Hippy beads around my neck. The last couple nights I have been getting up at 2 A.M and working until 8 A.M. It turns out that I am almost out of bandwidth for this month. I am allowed 10 gigabytes per month and I ran out. But my internet provider also gives me bonus free internet bandwidth, but you guessed it. It is only available between 2 A.M and 8 A.M.
  12. Yes it happens all the time. I just tell them I lost 115 pounds recently and my stomach is now the size of an egg. I am full and can you please bring a carry-out box so that I can take the rest of the meal home with me for later.
  13. Did you have any previous WLS? Sometimes there is scarring from prior surgeries that make subsequent surgeries more difficult.
  14. James Marusek

    Electric pill grinder needed

    Most drug stores sell pill splitters and pill crushers. They are fairly inexpensive. Do you really need an electric one? I used the pill crushers for the larger pills such as the Citracal Calcium supplements and a pill splitter for the smaller ones. Fortunately, my ability to swallow improved so that around the 2 or 3 month mark I was able to swallow even the largest pills.
  15. James Marusek

    No energy!

    The three most important elements after gastric bypass surgery are meeting the Protein, Vitamin and Fluid requirements. It can be a little rough during the first few days after surgery getting onboard with the regiment because your body is in a heal mode. But as you get more in line with the program your energy levels should return. I am 28 months post-op RNY surgery. I do not remember having a problem with energy. Energy seems a strange word from my perception. To me the real word should be stamina, which is the ability to perform physical labor. I am 66 and after surgery I found that my stamina improved to that of when I was in my 30's. Last year I moved 100,000 pounds of gravel and 50,000 pounds of concrete blocks by hand and this year I moved around the same amount. Stamina !
  16. James Marusek

    Desire, Devotion, and Depression

    I think it is very common for people to have anxiety just before weight loss surgery.
  17. James Marusek

    Surgery today !

    Wow! Checked out of the hospital 7 1/2 hours after sleeve surgery and went home. Is this common?
  18. James Marusek

    Still too Much restriction

    I am 28 months post-op from RNY so the advice that I offer may not apply to Sleeve patients. I found that softer foods such as chili and Soups went down much easier than harder foods such as steaks. So I started making highly Protein fortified chili and soups. Some recipes are included in a short article at http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Surgery.pdf Protein is very important if you want to build up some muscle mass and do not like your hair falling out. So protein supplements (Protein shakes and protein bars) are good throughout the day.
  19. James Marusek

    Still being judged after death

    This reminds me of another story. Dr. Robert Adkins introduced the world to low carb diets. One day he slipped and fell on the ice injuring his head. That sent him to the hospital in a coma for which he never recovered. His body was pumped full of fluids (like ours during surgery) and when he finally died, he weighed significantly more than when he entered the hospital. A vegetarian advocacy group called Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) surreptitiously obtained a copy of his private medical records and used it to attack a dead man, Dr. Adkins and the Adkin's diet. [They then apparently made false claims that he was obese at the time of his death, that his diet didn't work and that he died of a heart attack.] That's low! http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/health/2004-02-10-atkins-health_x.htm
  20. Congratulations on the 50 pounds that you have lost thus far and the additional weight that you will lose in the months ahead. I am 28 months post-op RNY gastric bypass surgery. I was in the "Weight Loss" phase for about 6 or 7 months and in "Maintenance" phase ever since. My weight is fairly stable. I have lost an additional 15 pounds in the "Maintenance" without really trying or worrying about it. I have documented my observations in a short article which is available at http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Surgery2.pdf
  21. Good luck on your surgery. Keep posting and let us know how you are doing and if you run into any problems or questions along the way.
  22. James Marusek

    409 to 148!

    All I can say is FANTASTIC
  23. It doesn't bother me. Actually it helps because I find google search is the best way to find things posted on this site. This is the type of world we live in. Our whole life is on-line. So if you are a private person, then don't use your real full name (as I did) as your I.D. or include too much detail in your profile. Most people don't. John VBD, if you are worried, I suspect that if you delete some of the details in your profile, that within a week or two, the search engine crawlers will track the changes and puff, it (the personal markers) will disappear.
  24. James Marusek

    Below Drivers License weight!

    And the really bad thing is that I do not even look like my DMV photo anymore. I am 75 pounds below that stated on my drivers license. My face looks like a round ball in the photo. When they ask to see my driver's license when I write a check, I look to see if the cashier/store clerk even looks at the photo. I sometimes wonder if they will take me away in handcuffs for impersonating ME.
  25. James Marusek

    Years later

    A quick web search links 24 Possible Causes of Abdominal Pain combined with Dizziness http://www.healthline.com/health/abdominal-pain-and-dizziness You might want to go through this list and start striking them off and see what is left.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
