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James Marusek

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by James Marusek

  1. James Marusek

    Greek yogurt:( yuck !

    I have included a recipe for a Blueberry smoothie that uses Greek Yogurt in a short article I wrote on Bariatric Surgery. It is available at http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Surgery.pdf In the later stages of weight loss, I used it as a Protein supplement. But this option may not be advisable immediately after surgery.
  2. I am down 7.4 pounds in 11 days using a blend of essential oils that I named "Anti-Hunger". So far, so good! Able to completely resist the temptation of snacking. Loss of hunger is similar to being in the Honeymoon stage after RNY surgery. I am 29 months post-op RNY surgery and very near my bottom weight when I began this experiment. In a couple weeks if I find this experiment to be successful, I will post the formula on my updated webpage at Protein back into my diet (in the form of one large cup of hot [no sugar added] cocoa). This brought the weight loss to a dead crawl. Anyways this is good information since this experiment is just as much about weight stability as weight loss. I will now drop the hot cocoa and see if weight loss will ramp up again. [October 16] Since I dropped 1.6 pounds from yesterday. The weight loss ramped up surprisingly quick. Now here is the good news! I have now broken through my lowest weight barrier after surgery. It gives hope to those that are trying to meet a weight goal and can’t just quite seem to be able to get there. [October 17] I dropped 0.2 pounds from yesterday. [October 18] I dropped 0.6 pounds from yesterday. [October 19] I dropped 0.4 pounds from yesterday. Constipation is becoming a problem again like during the "weight loss" phase.
  3. James Marusek

    3 weeks after surgery and I can eat anything

    The essential elements of the program are meeting the daily Protein, Fluid and Vitamin requirements. food is secondary because your body is converting stored fat into the energy that drives your body. Thus you lose weight. In the beginning when you are in the full liquid or pureed stage, you may sense hunger. Some call it head hunger. You body is programmed to chew. There is a strong desire to chew. Most of this will disappear when you reach the solid stage. Just follow the requirements of the program to the letter and let the magic happen.
  4. I am down 6.2 pounds in 8 days using a blend of essential oils that I named "Anti-Hunger". So far, so good! Able to completely resist the temptation of snacking. Loss of hunger is similar to being in the Honeymoon stage after RNY surgery. I am 29 months post-op RNY surgery and very near my bottom weight when I began this experiment. In a couple weeks if I find this experiment to be successful, I will post the formula on my updated webpage at Protein back into my diet (in the form of one large cup of hot [no sugar added] cocoa). This brought the weight loss to a dead crawl. Anyways this is good information since this experiment is just as much about weight stability as weight loss. I will now drop the hot cocoa and see if weight loss will ramp up again. [October 16] Since I dropped 1.6 pounds from yesterday. The weight loss ramped up surprisingly quick. Now here is the good news! I have now broken through my lowest weight barrier after surgery. It gives hope to those that are trying to meet a weight goal and can’t just quite seem to be able to get there.
  5. James Marusek


    I am with the nutritionist on this one. You just had surgery. The wounds are not healed. Why risk damaging your stomach. There are a variety of Protein shakes, protein powders available. I didn't like the taste of Protein Shakes either. But I experimented until I found one that I could tolerate. Everyones taste buds are different so what I find tolerable, others may not. I used "Muscle Milk Light (vanilla creme)" powder blended in Water with a half a banana. Actually hot cocoa is not bad but you have to use the "no sugar added" variety. After surgery, I was lactose intolerant for a couple months, so this option did not work for me in the beginning. After surgery, the most critical elements are protein, fluids and Vitamins. food is secondary because your body is converting stored fat into the energy that drives your body. Thus you lose weight.
  6. James Marusek

    Day 7 of the Experment

    I have not had any experience (good or bad) using essential oils. As I said a few weeks ago, I am probably going "New Age" in my "Old Age". But I am willing to give anything a try. I tend to look at things through a scientific lens. Thus an experiment is in order.
  7. I am down 4.6 pounds in 7 days using a blend of essential oils that I named "Anti-Hunger". So far so good. Able to completely resist the temptation of snacking. Loss of hunger is similar to being in the Honeymoon stage after RNY surgery. I am 29 months post-op RNY surgery and very near my bottom weight when I began this experiment. In a couple weeks if I find this experiment to be successful, I will post the formula on my updated webpage at Protein back into my diet (in the form of one large cup of hot [no sugar added] cocoa). This brought the weight loss to a dead crawl. Anyways this is good information since this is just as much about weight stability as weight loss. I will now drop the hot cocoa and see if weight loss will ramp up again.
  8. James Marusek


    It is common to encounter stalls during the weight loss phase. You are far enough along to drop off some of your Protein shakes at this stage provided you are concentrating on consuming high protein meals. Your daily protein requirement is met by a combination of the protein from meals combined with the protein from supplements (Protein Shakes, protein bars). Just add up your daily consumption and still remain within your required protein level. This will drop your daily calorie level down a notch and may kick start your continued weight loss.
  9. Several headlines in the media recently are attempting to say just that. But is it true? The news reports arose from a study that just appeared in JAMA Surgery Online. The paper was entitled “Self-harm Emergencies After Bariatric Surgery: A Population-Based Cohort Study”. The study is based on two matched cohort groups. The first group (control) consisted of 8,815 people who did not undergo bariatric surgery. The second group consisted of 8,681 people who did have the surgery. The group that underwent the procedure experienced a self-harm emergency rate of 3.63 events per 1000 patient-years. In the group that did not have the operation, that rate was 2.33 — —a 54 percent increase. Yes, the group measured a 54 percent difference, but does this mean that the surgery was responsible? It sure doesn’t. The study abstract reads: “A total of 147 events (93.0%) occurred in patients diagnosed as having a mental health disorder during the five years before the surgery.” It is possible that bariatric surgery may be responsible for mental disorders later on. But, when the mental health confounder is factored in, it becomes impossible to determine this. The suicide attempts could be arising from the preexisting mental disorder, the surgery, or some combination of both. It is impossible to tell from this study. http://acsh.org/2015/10/suicide-tries-from-weight-loss-surgery-study-fails-to-show/ From my perspective, it is important to realize that bariatric surgery does not solve pre-existing mental health issues. You may lose the weight but the baggage will still remain. I suspect that is why there is so much emphasis on the motives for undergoing the operation, by having a psych evaluation prior to being accepted as a candidate for surgery. It is also why there is great emphasis within the program to seek psychological help if needed.
  10. James Marusek

    Post OP Bowel issues

    After surgery, I found that I became lactose intolerant. Anytime I drank milk, it resulted in diarrhea. This condition lasted for around 2 months and then disappeared. Some Protein shakes contain lactose.
  11. James Marusek

    Feeling Great

  12. After the "Weight Loss" stage you pass into the "Maintenance" stage. In this stage, the goals and rules change slightly. I have put together a short article on the second stage that may be of some help. It is available here http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Surgery2.pdf Also I may revise this webpage in the next few weeks that will even give some more ideas. So you might check back on the link.
  13. James Marusek

    Sorry for the New Body

    Congratulations on your weight loss. 179 pounds is impressive.
  14. James Marusek

    Little By Little

    At your stage, if you have chosen to consume high Protein meals, your meal volume is sufficient for you to start cutting back on some of your protein supplements (Protein shakes, protein bars). That will reduce your daily caloric intake and squeeze out a little more weight loss.
  15. James Marusek


    Other than anxiety and aches and pains are there any other symptoms?
  16. James Marusek

    How quickly did you lose weight?

    Generally in the hospital individuals gain some weight from the fluids they pump into you. So before you can begin losing weight you must first lose this additional weight. During the first few weeks your body is in recovery mode. So don't become too stressed about weight loss. Just relax, follow the guidelines and let the magic happen.
  17. I am down 4.2 pounds in 5 days using a blend of essential oils that I named "Anti-Hunger". So far so good. Able to completely resist the temptation of snacking. Loss of hunger is similar to being in the Honeymoon stage after RNY surgery. I am 29 months post-op RNY surgery and very near my bottom weight when I began this experiment. In a couple weeks if I find this experiment to be successful, I will post the formula on my updated webpage at Protein back into my diet as added protection. This may slow down weight loss.
  18. Goal weight is an arbitrary number. Your body will actually determine when you have reached bottom. I would not be a bit surprised if you fall below your goal weight. You are in the "Weight Loss" phase. Your weight loss will slow down and eventually stop and then you will transition quite naturally into the "Maintenance" phase.
  19. James Marusek

    What is it like?.........

    Life is full of trade-offs. I am 29 months post-op from RNY gastric bypass surgery. I have lost a lot of weight. I fit into fabulous clothes. My stamina (ability to perform physical labor) has improved dramatically. Almost all of my numerous medical conditions are in remission. I still miss food, the taste, the pleasure of eating a great meal, the joys of eating. But I would repeat this surgery in a heartbeat.
  20. James Marusek


    After surgery, my taste buds changed. I love to drink Water. But after surgery, the water tasted extremely chlorinated and I could hardly drink it. Fortunately they give you ice chunks and then sugar free popsicles. As time went on I found that Crystal light helped with my Fluid requirements. I don't think sipping was a problem for me. But the key is walk, walk, walk. It will accelerate the recovery process and help with relieving the pain from surgery.
  21. Here is an objective review of the study. http://acsh.org/2015/10/suicide-tries-from-weight-loss-surgery-study-fails-to-show/
  22. James Marusek

    What do you eat in a day?

    I found that soft foods such as chili and Soups go down easier that hard foods such as steaks. That is why I took this approach. I have included some recipes in a short article available at http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Surgery.pdf
  23. James Marusek

    It does gets better

  24. Your Fluid requirements can be met in several ways other than just plain Water. Crystal Light is one of them. Milk qualifies. The liquid component in Soups count. Also the liquid in Protein shakes count. So do tea and decaf coffee.
  25. James Marusek

    21 days out


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
