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James Marusek

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by James Marusek

  1. James Marusek

    Hip pain at night

    After surgery I found that I sleep much better if I slip a pillow between my legs when I sleep on my side at night.
  2. James Marusek

    Weight loss statistics question

    When you first meet your surgeon and discuss expected weight loss, it would be your total weight loss including pre-op and post-op. But this expected weight loss is just an estimate. I think when I first met my surgeon he indicated a goal weight of 190 pounds. Which was fine by me, it met my expectations. But then in the end my body decided to continue to drop and finally ended up at 143 pounds.
  3. At 30 days post-op, the amount of food you will need to eat is minuscule. After surgery I lost my hunger. So it wasn't hard to avoid food because I wasn't really hungry. The most important elements are Protein, Fluid and Vitamins. So during your visit you might buy premixed Protein shakes, since you will probably not want to bring a blender with you.
  4. James Marusek

    Older people having weight loss surgery?

    I am 67 years old and had gastric bypass surgery 3 years ago. I think it was one of the best decisions that I ever made.
  5. James Marusek

    people not educating themselves

    I am 3 years post-op RNY gastric bypass surgery. About a month before surgery, I received almost a day of training that went into great detail about all the requirements. So I think that some of these questions are driven by: 1. Individuals in the beginning part of pre-op who have not received the training yet and were trying to get up to speed. 2. The level of training especially those undergoing weight loss surgery in other countries (where training may be is lacking). 3. Confusion. There are many types of surgery. For example there is RNY gastric bypass and then there is mini-bypass. They are different operations and I suspect have different requirements. After all someone with a lapland has a different set of requirements than gastric bypass. Think of gastric balloon!
  6. James Marusek

    Just as I thought my surgeon could be kind. qu

    After surgery I lost my ability to swallow medium to large size pills. I bought a pill splitter and a pill crusher and made do. After about 2 months I regained my ability to swallow again. Generally the prescription meds that I took before surgery, my PCP wrote those prescriptions after surgery. But if it was surgery specific like the blood thinner, then the surgeon's office wrote those prescriptions. This is not necessarily a bad thing because my PCP is 5 miles away whereas my surgeon is 100 miles.
  7. James Marusek


    Not sure what an intake appointment is. Have you met with the psychologist, done the extensive pre-op testing, done the half day training session?
  8. James Marusek

    Torturous hiccups

    Hiccups and sneezing are signs of being full, just a bit away from dumping syndrome. But at 8 days post-op and on a liquid diet, I doubt this is the cause.
  9. James Marusek

    Nooooooo the scale went UP!

    I am 3 years post-op RNY surgery and this is the approach that I use in the Maintenance phase. http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Surgery2.pdf
  10. James Marusek

    Translation help - french speakers

    Google translate says that "cottage cheese" in English corresponds to "cottage cheese" in French. Then under translation it reads "le format blanc" is cottage cheese, cream cheese, curd.
  11. James Marusek

    When and how to start maintenance?

    In general, your weight loss will begin to slow down and level off and you will quite naturally slide into Maintenance phase. It is a very natural thing. I am 3 years post-op RNY and I leveled off around my 6 or 7th month. Sleeve patients lose weight at a slower pace but the weight loss phase is longer.
  12. James Marusek

    Ketogenic Diet

    After surgery, I discussed the issue of weight gain with my nutritionist. Her recommendation for those that have reached maintenance phase is to eat a balanced meal of Protein, carbs and fat. Immediately after RNY gastric bypass surgery, the part of your stomach that processes fats and sugars was cut away. Therefore if you ate fats or sugars, it would pass through your new rerouted stomach and into your intestines and you could experience dumping syndrome. But after about the first year, your intestines realize something is amiss and evolve to process fats and sugars. I feel fats are important in the maintenance phase because the goal in the maintenance phase is hunger control. One of the properties of fat is to satisfy hunger cravings. http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Surgery2.pdf
  13. James Marusek

    I'm doing it wrong

    This is a link to the shelter construction. It is a one of a kind. http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Shelter.pdf
  14. Mini-gastric bypass is a different operation than gastric bypass, so the rules to follow may be different. And although we are trying to help you some of our advice may be incorrect. There are different types of Protein supplements. In general they fall into three categories, protein shakes, protein add in powders and Protein Bars. Generally you need to be several months post-op before protein bars are an acceptable alternative because you need for your body to heal. There are several types of protein shakes, some are powders you mix with either milk or Water. Others are premixed. There is at least one type with a lot of protein called Isopure. It is very different than the rest. I hated the taste but my wife liked it. So you might give that type a try. You can use milk as protein. Some take milk and fortify it buy adding powdered milk. Experiment until you find a good way of getting more protein in your diet.
  15. I am a little confused. You lost 13 kg (29 pounds) in the first month and think you will reach your goal weight by losing another 9 kg soon. That means your goal weight is a loss of 49 pounds. Many individuals loose a significant amount more than that. Goal weight is an artificial number. I think between I and my surgeon, we set my goal weight initially at 190 pounds (86 kg). That was a number that I would be satisfied with and consider the surgery a success. But I lost a lot more than that. At one point I dropped all the way down to 143 pounds (65 kg). Eventually, some flavor will return to your meals. Your taste buds will recover somewhat. I found that mixing food groups together such as in chili and Soups gave the food more flavor. It is important for you to resolve your issues with using Protein supplements (protein shakes, powders).
  16. Immediately after surgery your body is in a major heal mode. Don't be too concerned about reaching your daily Protein requirement in the very beginning. Just keep working towards it and you will get there.
  17. James Marusek

    Thought I'd give an update

    The best of luck on your continued journey.
  18. James Marusek

    Psych eval

    In general, they are looking at whether there is a psychological component to your weight gain over the years. They are more about trying to treat any conditions that might interfere with your weight loss after surgery. So just answer their questions honestly.
  19. James Marusek

    Sleep apnea

    The sleep study can confirm if you have sleep apnea. If you do, they generally prescribe a CPAP machine and request that you use it when you sleep. I believe your surgeon will want you to bring in the CPAP during your time in the hospital and will request that you continue to use it after surgery. In my case, there was a good chance that I had sleep apnea, because for several years prior to surgery my wife could not get any sleep at night because I snored and she was a light sleeper. As a result because of this condition, they scheduled a second round of pre-op testing with a specialist. I met with a neurologist who examined me and recommended a sleep study. I declined and told him that I understood that RNY gastric bypass surgery is known to affect this condition for the better and if I still had a problem after surgery, I would make an appointment and see him for the study. Based on that he passed me for the surgery. Within a few weeks after surgery, my snoring stopped. I would wake up in the middle of the night and find my wife standing, hovering over me. I was sleeping so quietly that she thought I might have died and was trying to determine if I was still alive.
  20. James Marusek

    I'm doing it wrong

    This is the approach that I am using in the Maintenance mode. http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Surgery2.pdf I hope it can be of some help to you.
  21. James Marusek

    Spouses... jealousy

    I will pray that you and your spouse can resolve this issue. I am coming up "blank" in the advice department. The only thing that comes to mind is a few months ago I was in Sam's club in the men's restroom and someone received a phone call. Nowadays, everyone have individual ring tones that tell you who is calling. In his case the ringtone was: WARNING, WARNING, WIFE IS ON THE LINE, WIFE IS ON THE LINE, WARNING, WARNING I thought it was very embarrassing, especially in the men's restroom. I imagined his wife programmed in the ringtone. Maybe if your spouse had that ringtone, he might begin to realize that you are his WIFE, especially if it is drilled into him over and over again, every time you call.
  22. James Marusek


    Immediately after surgery, I passed a lot of gas. Then there is the "don't trust a fart" phase. Which is really bad but fortunately it doesn't last long. Then the level of passing gas declines a little. If you are 7 months post-op, you should be in this stage. I am 3 years post-op RNY gastric bypass and I still pass gas but I generally find a convenient place to release it. I have a fair amount of control in the WHEN department. I would also agree with @ that it might be related to what you are eating. I rely on chili and chili contains Beans and beans cause gassiness.
  23. After RNY gastric bypass surgery, the three most important daily requirements are Protein, fluids and Vitamins. In terms of protein, you need to find a protein shake that you can tolerate. You don't have to like it, only tolerate it. For many individuals, their taste buds change. Mine changed so much that I couldn't even drink the Water in the hospital because it tasted like chlorine. I could not drink milk because I became lactose intolerant after surgery. Fortunately that condition (lactose intolerant) only lasted for 2 months. Flavoring such as chocolate is O.K. so long as you can tolerate it. Be prepared to experiment after surgery until you find a supplement that you can work with. Whatever protein shake you select, it should have a good amount of protein (such as more than 20 grams per serving) and low amount of sugar. If you become lactose intolerant after surgery, be aware that some Protein shakes contain lactose. For me I used "Muscle Milk Light (Vanilla Creme) protein shake powder blended in a Ninja blender (single serving cup) with water. I blended in a half a banana to make it more tolerable. Your protein requirement is a separate requirement than your meal requirement - so the half a banana doesn't count against your meal volume. (But don't abuse this). Also your protein requirement doesn't kick in until after you begin to pass gas after surgery (normally within the first 5 days).
  24. I mixed mine with Water because I became lactose intolerant after surgery. In the beginning it took a while to consume one Protein shake but after a few weeks, it became much less difficult.
  25. James Marusek

    First appointment went well!

    Good luck and let us know if we can be of any help.

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