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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sloopyla

  1. Cool! Thanks! I guess my main concern though are my very large, flabby arms. I imagine I will be very uncomfortable physically. I plan on wearing a tank top, as I sweat like a pig.
  2. Hello! I am over a year out from my Gastric Sleeve surgery. I've recently been entertaining the idea of joining a kickboxing class. I've got a lot of "flab" on my thighs, arms, stomach, and back....or I guess that's just about everywhere! I'll take the flab over the weight any day. I need to buy some comfortable yet appropriate workout clothing for such a strenuous workout. Since I'll be swinging my arms and thighs around, I think it will definitely hinder my performance and also look very scary lol. Does anyone have any suggestions? What do you wear? What have you heard of. Also...I can't spend too much. Thanks!!!
  3. Hey thanks for the reply! Yeah it definitely seems like a hard workout but I've heard because it's fun, people go back. A real fat burner too!
  4. I was sleeved on April 28th and within the past couple of weeks I've felt the most stomach restraint that I have the whole time. Does that usually happen and why?
  5. I got sleeve on April 28th. All but 2 of my incision sites are completely healed. One of them though had a stitch sticking out of it. Do I just ignore it?
  6. Sloopyla

    Stitch sticking out

    Well I'm happy to know it happens! Thanks you guys!
  7. Sloopyla


    I'm 30, got sleeved on 4/28. I tend to have slight acne problems anyway but last night I went crazy. My face, chest, and back are TERRIBLE!!! my boyfriend tried to help last night with alcohol on my back last night. This is definitely the worst it's been. And my breath isn't so great either. Ahhh!! I'm a monster!!! Haha
  8. I'm on my clear liquid diet and I have to crush my pills twice a day and drink them for two months. I can't take it anymore. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!! Any suggestions on liquids that might make them taste better? They're pretty much not gonna stay down soon. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!
  9. This. Is. Awesome.
  10. I'd love to but my surgeon is pretty strict.
  11. Sloopyla


    Hi I live on the North Shore and I was wondering if anyone knows of any counselors that specialize in bariatric weight loos management? I'd like to join a small group as well. I figured I'd check here and see if anyone lives near me. Thanks!!
  12. Sloopyla


    Hey thanks Chris. Where ya moving to?
  13. Hey guys! I'm 8 days pre-op and since the very behinning I've had what feels like an abrasion in the area to the left of my belly button. It hurts when I sit, bend, and sit up from laying down. I know that it's not my actual stomach. I thought that it was in incisions, then I thought maybe the staples were rubbing against my skin. Nope. My boyfriend mentioned that the skin could be torn on the inside because if the stretching and pulling from the surgery. Obviously, if it keeps up I will speak to my doctor. Has anyone experienced this?? It is very painful.
  14. Sloopyla

    Stinging pain

    Thank you
  15. I'm 4 days post-op and I am rarely comfortable temperature-wise. I keep flip-flopping every couple of minutes. Could it be hormones?
  16. Sloopyla


    I just posted a similar question on the forum and was referred to this one. This is very helpful because I'm 5 days post op and was worried that I was taking in too much at a time. Thank you!
  17. How much time between sips do you usually take? I know that this is something I'll need to figure out for my own body, but at the moment I am having a hard time gauging my stomach capacity and am worried about stretching it.
  18. Sloopyla

    Time between sips?

    We'll look at that! Thank you very much
  19. Sloopyla

    Time between sips?

    I feel like I'm drinking too much at a time. I mean I don't FEEL it. I'm not getting the pressure I expected and was told to stop at. When the day is out, no I haven't hit the goals yet but I'm not sure if it's because I'm too scared that I'm "doing it wrong." Of course I still have my stomach of steel!!! Argh!!
  20. Sloopyla

    Hungry at 3 days post-op?

    Exactly!! I can't read my stomach at all right now! I'll be really happy when I get all of these new physical feelings sorted out.
  21. Sloopyla

    Hungry at 3 days post-op?

    I would normally say that it was head hunger because it usually is. I think it's a combo. I've got the rumbling and I'm definitely hungry for food. Not just the bad stuff. Maybe the first couple of days was in my head. I will follow my plan too! This is way more worth it.
  22. Sloopyla

    Hungry at 3 days post-op?

    I'm 4 days out and I was HUNGRY starting the day after my surgery!! have been craving every thing under the sun. I'm on clear liquids until tomorrow when I can start my Protein drinks back up. I don't feel well as I'm in some pain and trying to figure out my Water intake. Anyways...I want chicken. Lol
  23. Hello! I am 4 days post-op and trying to figure out these feelings and read my body. What is this feeling I'm having? The only way I can figure out how to describe it is..it FEELS like a stomach contraction that radiates up the esophagus. I've never heard of that so I don't believe that's actually what it is but that's the only way I can describe the feeling. Yesterday I figured it was gas/air, as I wasn't releasing any at the hospital. I've finally been able to pass some here and there but this feeling is happening just as frequently What is it? Thanks for your help!
  24. Sloopyla

    What am I feeling?

    Hahaha! Yeah it's my "selfie."

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