Hey gettinsmall,
I too am an ICU Nurse and the "what if"s are what really hold me back. We know too much and see some of the worst situations. Even despite all the positive stories all I can think of are the complications (even the ones shared on here). I would hate to do this only to have a life changing complication. I'm relatively healthy other than food and weight issues and I can't imagine compromising my health if something were to happen. I'm a binge eater and an emotional eater too and the fear of the unknown, not having that comfort (despite how much pain it also brings me) is scary too. I don't really want to tell anyone at work if I were to get surgery and I imagine if anything went wrong having to explain why I was out for several weeks. I also would think that two weeks might be ok for some jobs, but ours is a physically demanding one and I would almost think 2 weeks wouldn't be enough (and what if I did cause issues by doing too much when I went back). Anyway, I'm not sure that I helped but have not seen another ICU nurse on here. I figured you would understand some of those fears. You obviously have a great motivator in your baby girl. I wish you luck in whatever you decide.