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Posts posted by mamato3

  1. So today I took my first ever cycle class. HOLY HECK! :laugh: First I did intro to cycle for 30 minutes then took the 45 minute class right after. It was so incredibly hard for me.... had no idea what I was getting myself into. I felt like an idiot! Especially during the parts were she told us to stand up. I had NO idea how hard that would be. I don't really ever want to do that again, but I will. I'll make myself go again if it kills me!

  2. You all are incredible. I definately gained some inspiration reading this tonight! I'll give a try to posting my daily exercise. Seems like you all are a great support to each other!

    Today I joined a gym after not having a membership for about 8 months or so. My eyes were wide in this place cause it is about 10 times the size of the YMCA I was going to before. I'm pretty excited. Trying to find that motivation I used to have. So, today I only had time to hop on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I mostly walked but threw in some 1 minute runs. Tomorrow I signed up for an intro to spin class. I've never done it before. I imagine tomorrow night I'll feel like crap!

  3. I hoped to never be one of those annoying, whining,"oh poor me" people who post on this board begging for help, so if this is any of those things, I apologize in advance!

    With that said, I am struggling SO bad! I'm trying so hard to figure out how I lost control and how to gain it back. The first 6 months after surgery I was on top of the world. I lost 65 pounds. Then life happened. My husband was in an accident and I thought I was going to lose him. I went on to lose about another 15 pounds, probably from stress. Then, I stopped exercising, stopped counting calories, stopped worrying about what I was putting in my mouth, etc. etc. etc. I still can't seem to find the motivation to return to exercising. I still don't stop myself from eating junk. I still make up excuses why I'm not doing what I KNOW is best for myself. Now, it's been more then a year since my husbands accident. He still hasn't been able to return to work and the weight of the world still feels like it is on my shoulders. Between working full time and taking care of 2 toddlers plus a husband who can't seem to find a way to move past what happened to him, I just don't put my health, my weightloss, or anything about me, first. I wish I could somehow forget that the entire last year ever happened!

    I have put back on 20 or 25 pounds that I worked so hard to lose. My clothes aren't fitting well and I threw away all the "fat" clothes. My husband was converted to long term disability so we lost our medical insurance. I can no longer go for a fill unless I pay for it out of pocket which is definately not in the budget. I'm so frustrated and disgusted. I don't know what it is going to take to get back on track. I know none of you can do it for me. I guess I just hoped typing this out and getting it off my chest might help. I might also be hoping that someone has some words of wisdom for me. Every day I tell myself I am going to make better choices. Every day I tell myself I am going to get some type of exercise in. Every night I beat myself up again because I didn't do it.....

    pretty please.... someone give me a kick in the butt here!!!!

    Renee :crying:

  4. Wasn't sure where to ask this question and I am sure it has been asked a few times before but....

    Does anyone have an explanation as to why the band might be tighter in the morning? I have a very difficult time eating much before noon. I'm ok with it because I actually LIKE drinking a Protein Shake for Breakfast. However, by dinner time, the band seems to have loosened so much that there is no limit to how much I could eat. I wish I could reverse it cause I am and always have been a night time eater!

  5. Wow Chrisann, you are doing awesome! Your goal is in sight and you look fantastic!

    RedTulips, you are almost there too! I admire the both of you so much for sticking with it.

    As for me... I am STRUGGLING! Grrrr! I have 50 excuses, some good and some bad. My husband was in an accident, had back surgery and then got MRSA that set in to the vertebrae in his back and spread to his hip. I completely, COMPLETELY lost focus. I stopped following all the rules, I stopped exercising, I quit coming to this site and then I started putting some of the weight back on. I just recently have gotten myself re-dedicated and I intend to finish what I started. No more excuses! If it takes getting up at 5 am to go exercise, that's what I'll have to do! I hope to post in about 6 months from now that I am at or at least very near goal!

  6. Georgiagirl!! Hey there!

    Well, I had strep this last week. Man, was I SICK! You'd think being that sick I would have lost a few pounds, but it looks like I'm up a couple. (I am going to wait until Monday morning for my official weigh in) Wow, this has become such a struggle! I am not sure where to find that will power I had the first 6 months I had my band. I never cheated one time for 6 months! If I could only do half that good I would probably at least be losing slowly.

    Like georgia, low carb works really well for me. I am just really bad at it! I would rather take a beating then not ever be able to have a slice of pizza! (Boy is my fat Renee side rearing it's ugly head!)

    I'm feeling like such an incredible failure right now! GRRRRR!!!! I am going to set a couple of goals for this week and force myself to stick with them and then each week add a couple more. It's kinda like doing it all and being a good little bandster is just too much! Soooo... how about I I say that I am only going to have my 3 small meals a day and NO Snacks and I am going to start over on week 1 of Couch to 5K (again!) which means I will exercise 3 times this week. I CAN DO THIS!

  7. It's 4 in the morning and here I sit searching this site for some inspiration. I think this thread was calling me! I'm going to try to make this short and sweet, but here is my story :

    I got my band on Jan.8, 2008. At the 6 month point I had lost 65 pounds! I couldn't have been more happy. Then life decided to take some not so fun turns. My husband was in a car accident and after months of trying physical therapy and medications and anything you could think of, he ended up having back surgery in July. 4 weeks later they did a 2nd surgery because he ended up getting MRSA which set in to the disc and vertebra in his back and spread to his hip. I think the MRSA nearly killed him. I lost almost 15 more pounds from the stress of the situation. It has been 8 months since his 2nd surgery and he is still unable to work and probably will never be able to return to the same type of work again. All of this has put the weight of the world on my shoulders. Oh poor me, right! I keep trying to remind myself that it could be worse. At any rate, I have forgotten about taking care of me because he needed me and my kids needed me, so I put myself on the back burner. My lowest weight was 182.5. I guess I have been on a vacation from my healthier lifestyle because now my scale has crept back up over 200. ;) How could I let myself gain back over 20 pounds????? I SWORE I would NEVER go over 200 pounds ever again! I have been beating myself up so bad which has led to just stuffing more food in my mouth that I know I shouldn't! Junk food has become my friend. It is easy.

    OK, I have admitted to having gained the weight. Now it is time to get back on track. I'm so glad I found you all. I'm looking forward to checking in here and knowing there are people out there that won't judge and who might just understand my struggle.

    Here is my first goal..... I want to get back to onederland!

  8. Hello all of my long lost friends! I'm not sure I even know where to start again with you all. I've probably been gone way to long to fit in again!

    Well, I hadn't exercised in a good 5 or 6 months. I embarassed to say that I have gained back some of the weight that I worked SO hard to lose. I have been hiding out due to pure humiliation. Life has been HELL and there literally has been no time to spend focusing on myself. SOOOO... now that I have spilled all of my excuses. I'M DONE!

    I got on the treadmill on Monday and then again this evening and started the couch to 5K over from week 1. I thought about skipping a few weeks, but I figured since I haven't been working out in so long that I better start out slow. I'll see if I change my mind since week 1 seems entirely too easy.

    I am so glad to be running again and I am watching what I eat again and I WILL finish what I started over a year ago. I joined a weightloss challenge at work and if I can manage to win I could win $600!

    I hope you all have been well and I am looking forward to getting to know some of you who are new regulars!


    Well, I completely lost my motivation for awhile there. Stress just consumed me for a few months. But, I am back and I am ready to rededicate myself. I'm not sure I am going to be able to start running more then a couple times a week. But this thread has always had a special place in my heart. You are all such amazing inspirations and I've missed you all! I will probably have to read back a few pages to catch up on what you all have been up to. I hope everyone has been well!

    SOOO... tomorrow morning I am going to hop on the scale (I've been too afraid). I will update my ticker and it will probably be AWFUL! But, that's ok. It's time to get busy!

  10. Well, it seems I am finding less and less time to post. Unfortunately, I think that means I am less and less dedicated to my weight loss. I have been stuck at about the same weight for several months. Probably need a fill, but it is not in the budget as we lost our medical insurance when DH was converted to Long term disability. So that's it for blah news....

    Now for good news. 1. DH is improving. He is moving about more and able to participate with physical therapy. It will probably be another few months before he is back to himself, but progress is good. 2. I am going on a mini vacation for Thanksgiving. YAY! I get to take my girls to Arizona to spend the holiday with my parents. I am so excited and I really need a few days. 3. I GOT THE JOB! I start Dec. 1st. I'll be a Health and Wellness Director for an assisted living residence.

    Renewed - enjoy your date night! How fun will it be to get some new clothes!

    Kathy - when you figure out the whole work full time and still find time to run thing... will you fill me in? LOL

    Thankyou to all of you for letting me pop in and kind of be a running wannabe. I sure hope I can find time to start running again. I have never had anything else in my life give me such a personal sense of accomplishment. You'd think I would find time since it makes me feel so great....

  11. Hello my friends! It's been what seems like forever since I've posted. Life has been crazy busy. I interviewed for a new job yesterday and I can't even begin to tell you how bad I want it. I have my hopes up so high. It is a managerial position which would be so much better then what I'm doing right now. Better environment, better hours, better money. I have not had any time to fit in exercise lately and consequently have not lost ANY weight. With this new job I wouldn't have to be to work so early so that would make time for exercise. YAY! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

    Renewed - Congrats on your surgery and I'm so glad you are recovering so well. I've been thinking of you lots and I'm sorry I haven't posted to you sooner. I am anxious to see your pictures:smile:

    Georgia - good luck with your race tomorrow!

    Everyone else... hi there and I'll have to do more reading to catch up on what's going on with all of you!

  12. I think I'll change my name to "Lurker" :w00t: Sorry not to post more often. I just don't seem to have much to contribute. I can't seem to find time for exercise and my eating has been horrible. But, you all are doing great! I still read all the time and have so much admiration for all of you.

    Renewed - good luck with your surgery! I'll be thinking of you.

    Luluc - my hubby made some "skinny butt" comment to me today. I just might hae to go pick up some of those yoga pants so he'll keep sayin it!

    Lyn - good luck with your race. Wow! You are one brave lady!

    Georgia - congrats on the 30 minutes! Thats awesome.

    Kathy - awesome story about your son. Can he come help me clean up my place? hahaha

  13. I am struggling big time.

    This thread is always so upbeat and positive and you all are doing so amazing. I hate to be such a downer, but I really need some advice/help.

    I seem to have lost all motivation. I'd give anything to back in July again right now. I felt amazing when I was running and eating right. I dont know how I can get myself back to that. For starters, I don't even have the time anymore. I am working 5 days a week again and my typical day starts at 4:45 am to get myself and my girls ready and make it to work on time. I get home about 4:45 in the evening just in time to make dinner and spend a few minutes with my girls before baths and bed. Then I have to do all the housework stuff. My husband is absolutely no help with anything still. He is feeling miserable and doesn't even get up out of bed for more then about 20 minutes at a time. By the time I am done doing all the things I have to do it is between 8 and 9 and I'm completely exhausted. Some nights I find the energy to pop in one of my Jillian Michaels videos, but mostly I am just too pooped. On my days off from work, I usually have to run my husband to at least one appointment, run errands, grocery shop, etc. Again, I'm always exhausted after running around all day and don't find the energy to work out.

    My husband and I visited a psychologist yesterday to help us get through this whole ordeal. Make sense of this.... she was more concerned about me then him. She thinks I need an antidepressant. I'm blown away right now. I'm torn. I'm confused. Grrrrrr.... I dunno. I just need my husband back, not an antidepressant. Or, do I need it? *sigh* How do people who suffer much worse hardships then what I'm dealing with do it?

    Like I said, I hate to be such a downer. I just have no one to turn to for an opinion right now. I still have 50 pounds to lose. I didn't start this journey to make it 2/3 of the way and quit. I just can't seem to figure out how to finish. I think I lost 1 pound during the entire month of September. I'm not eating like I'm supposed to either. Any thoughts or suggestions from my favorite group of ladies online would be very welcomed right now.


  14. Renewed... Congrats on your 5K! That is so awesome. You continue to be such and inspiration to me. I am so proud of you!

    Georgia.... You must be so thrilled! 100 pounds in 1 year is nothing short of AMAZING! You rock! Congrats!

    luluc.... You also are quite an inspiration. I hope to be able to exercise as much as you one day!

    lyn....You've made such positive changes for yourself and done things that you wanted to do for YOU. Who cares if it's a midlife crisis! Make yourself happy!

    Kathygood... ( :girl_hug: ) I LOVE that song from Rocky. I have it on my MP3 in my workout playlist. Also, congrats to you on finishing your C25K program. I'm so happy for you.

    Sugarbean... I've been kinda distant lately too. What do you say we jump back in full force here? Time to start exercising and posting.

    You all are so great. Sorry for my distance lately. I've come to realize that being here is a positive thing in my life. I know this might sound corny, but I need you guys! You are always working hard and striving for the best. My whole life situation has been dragging me down lately and I need anything and everything I can get to keep me going on my weight loss and healthier lifestyle journey.

    Tomorrow is my birthday and since I have to work, my in - laws came over today for a little party. She made my favorites.... chicken Parmesan and German chocolate Cake. I was a very naughty girl! It tasted SO FREAKING GOOD! Luckily I could only eat a little bit. I sure do love my band. My hubby got me an exercise step and some hand weights so I can get my workouts in at home. YAY! So since I was so naughty with the food tonight, I did a Jillian video tonight and she kicked my butt as usual!

    Ok I suppose that is enought for tonight. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

  15. Well, I did better today. Probably still ate a little more then I should have and I'm thinking maybe I need a small fill. I have long days lately, but I have made the commitment to do some kind of exercise daily. Tonight I put in Jillian Michaels Cardio Kickbox DVD. Wowzer! I feel great now. It wasn't running, but it sure beat doing nothing. Happy to be back on track and looking forward to seeing some results. Hopefully I can get back to 5K training someday. Isn't that what this thread was about? hahaha

    Update on DH..... every day seems to be a new issue. I think he has made some improvements, but it seems like 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Today when he was home alone, he was walking to the bathroom and had some kind of a spasm in his back and it caused him to lose his balance and he fell. His thumb is all swollen and the fingernail is all bruised and so is his elbow. *sigh* The good news is that he has no new pain in his back. He is having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic that they have him on so they are going to have to change it. His feet and ankles swelled up out of the blue and he had to go to the hospital yesterday for dopplers to rule out a blood clot. The list goes on and on and on! We just need to trade his body in a new model :)

    Well off to get some rest.... 4:45a.m. comes fast.

  16. Hey Renewed...haha I didn't think anyone would notice my lurking! Hey everyone else too. I was sitting here reading different threads and watching The Biggest Loser. I'm so excited that my favorite show is back on again!

    Time for me to get my butt in gear. I have been lazy, lazy LAZY! My eating has been horrible, horrible HORRIBLE! I completely suck at this thing lately. I could give a million excuses why, but what is the point in that? Time to quit with the excuses. Time to quit with the feeling sorry for myself. I started this journey 9 months ago knowing that it would last a lifetime. So, why am I slacking? A sick husband is no excuse. Stress is no excuse. As some of you said earlier... Shit happens! Life goes on. I feel so much better when I take care of myself by eating right and exercising. Why on earth would I stop?

    OK, I am just typing randomly here. I don't even understand my own psycho babble right now. I'm talking myself into getting myself back on track and all of you are my witnesses. If I'm not checking in daily and letting you all know that I'm keeping my promises to myself.... please kick me in my butt! I need you guys!

  17. Please try to be patient here! Work with your band and give it some time. Fills really do help. I cant really say I'm a total "success story" because I have not lost all of my weight yet. But..... I had the Realize band placed on Jan. 7 of this year and I am down 75 pounds. 11 of that was pre op diet. It takes time and some work. I have good days and bad days. Good weeks and bad weeks. I've had 4 fills (last one was May 16) and currently have 8 cc's in my band. I promise, good restriction does make a difference! Good luck!

  18. Hey everyone...

    It's been awhile since I've posted. I've definately been a lurker. I decided that since I haven't been running and all of my posts were just about my family problems that I would back out for a bit.

    Today I tried to run. ughhh. I am so disappointed. My hip started hurting almost immediately and tonight it is hurting pretty bad. It had a nice long rest so I thought it would be ok to run just a bit. I guess I was wrong. Back to square one. I'm bummed because I really do enjoy running! I have never felt better then when I was running regularly.

    Dont know what to do lately really. Weight loss is at a stand still. My eating isn't what it should be at all. I'm hardly exercising. BLAH! I just want things to get back to normal. I might need you all to give me a kick in the butt too. I gotta quit feeling sorry for myself and get my act together, I just can't seem to do it. Anyone have any good suggestions?

  19. Even though I never make my goal on these challenges, I can't help myself from joining! I'm gonna do it this time!

    _____Name______Start Weight____Current Weight____Goal________Lbs lost


    1day at a time.....263............263............243............0





































    Instructions: Start Weight = Weight at the beginning of the challenge, Current Weight = Weight at time of posting, Goal = Goal to attain by Halloween, Lbs Lost = Difference between start weight and current weight.

  20. I didn't make it. Missed it by 2 pounds. Every challenge I join I never my goal. Maybe I would lose more if I dont join them anymore! lol

    Name_________Start Weight ____Goal____ Lbs lost____Current Weight

    *****:cool2:********** :laugh:**********:thumbup:******:tt2:**********:w00t:*****

















































  21. The only way that I can add medical coverage at my current job is to wait until the open enrollment period which isn't until November. Call me crazy, but there is NO way I am going to go without medical coverage for 2 months. My luck we'd all somehow catch this MRSA crap and we'd be in big trouble!

  22. Just thought I'd pop in and say hi. I am going to try to get back in the swing of exercise again, hopefully some running! DH has improved a little bit. I have left him home alone a couple times for a couple hours and he is managing. Monday I am going back to work so he's on his own! We have Physical and occupational therapists coming to our house as well as a nurse on the days that I work to do his IV antibiotic. He is still having some pain, but it's improving. I'm ready to get some sense of normalcy back. My 15 year old helped me alot with watching my little girls through the summer and now she cant help anymore so I am in search of daycare. My DH and I vowed we would never put our kids in daycare but we have no choice now. This is one of the hardest things I have ever done! I'm also going to have to find another job. When I started my current job I opted out on any benefits because my DH works for the state and we were all covered. Well, he converts to long term disability in about a month and they are going to drop our medical insurance! I had NO idea that was going to happen. I'm in panic mode to find a new job with medical coverage now.

    Renewed - I haven't been posting cause I just haven't had much time. My thoughts have been with you though. I know what you have been going through has been difficult.

    Kathy - I totally hear you on the cleaning thing! I have labeled myself a "clean freak wannabe". I love a clean house, but I just can't seem to get it that way. I wish I could have a cleaning service!

    Georgia - you are doing so good! Stay on week 3 as long as you need to. You had an injury so take it slow! Maybe I'll join back in with you since I haven't ran lately.

    Leslie - love your new pic. You look great!

    Lyn - thankyou for all the fun things you write. You always make me giggle which I really need right now!

    Luluc - I hope someday I can do a workout like you do! Holy cow!

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