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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mamato3

  1. mamato3

    Non-Scale Victories!!

    My husband took me to lunch at Ruby Tuesday yesterday and I fit in the booth! I even had room to spare! ha! A while before my surgery we went to the same restaurant and had to ask for a table with chairs instead of the booth because I literally could not comfortably sit in the booth! SO embarassing! This NSV couldn't have come at a better time for me.... it's been a rough week!
  2. mamato3

    Officially Discouraged!!!

    Wow. I do find this excessive. What is the point of a band if the doctor is not going to fill it to the point of proper restriction. I am having a hard time understanding his way of thinking. I'm very sorry you are going through this. I think I would be looking for a different doctor if that was happening to me. I was banded 1 week before you and I have 6.8 cc's in a 9 cc band. The surgeon wants to see me in his office every 4 to 6 weeks... more often if not losing 1.5 to 2 pounds a week. I hope you can work something out here!
  3. mamato3

    Ouch! Hurt feelings!

    Thankyou all for the continued positive comments and support. Today was a MUCH better day. It had to be because I chose that it would be! I spent an hour working out at the YMCA, I made good food choices and I focused on the positive. I can do this no matter what anyone else thinks or says! You all are fantastic for reminding me of that! Renee
  4. mamato3

    Ouch! Hurt feelings!

    Thankyou all very much for your positive comments. You are all right and in the future I plan on just focusing on the positive. Easier said then done, but I'll TRY! Today is a new day! Another chance to make healthy food choices, get some exercise and take care of ME! BTW.... I did NOT eat any donuts! That was a crazy thing to say or even think. I was having a pity party there for a few.... I'm all done now. LOL Thanks for allowing me to vent.... I love this place!
  5. mamato3

    Anyone have the Realize band?

    I have the Realize Band. Going great so far! Happy to share any of my experiences with you, anytime.
  6. mamato3

    Slime/PB question (kinda gross)

    As far as whether or not I chewed well enough. I thought that I did, but who knows. There were no big chunks of food that came back up or anything. However, I am going to be even more cautious about chewing in the future.
  7. I have had my band for just about 4 months now. I have been proud to say that I had not had any PB'ing and very little sliming. So, today I had the most AWFUL experience. I had some soft boiled eggs for breakfast this morning, no problem. For lunch about 2.5 hours later I grabbed some deli turkey and a piece of string cheese. I had about 3 bites of turkey and a bite of string cheese and then this pain hit me. I knew I had some food stuck. I started salivating insane amounts (slime I guess!) and that lasted a little more then an hour. I couldn't believe how much there was! Then finally I felt really nauseated and everything I ate today came up. I say everything because I could see little bits of the egg. So, my question is.... isn't a PB supposed to be just the stuck food? Why did it seem like I vomitted? Is this normal? I instantly felt 100% better. Also, I probably should do liquids for at least the rest of today, right? Sorry for the disgusting description!
  8. mamato3

    Slime/PB question (kinda gross)

    The sliming lasted more then an hour. Then I got very nauseated and started throwing up... PB'ing, whatever it was which lasted 3 or 4 minutes I guess. I didn't have my timer. LOL
  9. mamato3

    Slime/PB question (kinda gross)

    I was kinda thinking it was the turkey that caused the problem. But maybe it was the eggs still hanging out in there. Whichever, I don't ever want that to happen again! Does a PB seem like vomitting when it happens for most people? I mean, I was heaving. It was way more uncomfortable then any vomitting experience I ever had pre-band. Sorry to be dwelling on this... it just was worse then I had imagined!
  10. mamato3

    I'm an exercise dummy!

    Thankyou for the responses. Jachut - You were actually one of the ones I hoped would respond. You have been an inspiration to me since I have been coming here. I would really love to be a runner one day. It seems so far out of reach right now though! LOL Maybe it will get easier when I get under 200 pounds, I dunno. bxlisa - I'm not sure if I am a tv exerciser. hahah I might have to try it out. I dont watch a ton of t.v. cause my hubby is the remote control controller. LOL Molly Molly - When I DO watch t.v.... I am all about the laying my head on hubby's lap and getting my hair stroked! That is so funny that you said that. But, it is also a problem for the whole exercise while watching t.v thing. less then 15 minutes and I am sound asleep!
  11. mamato3

    What was your last good meal?

    My last meal was actually on Christmas Day and you know how Holiday meals go! I should actually call it a last "graze" because I ate all day long! For breakfast we made fried bread! UGHHH can you imagine fried bread slathered in syrup! Then the appetizers started. Shrimp cocktail, lil smokies with bbq sauce, bacon wrapped water chestnuts, cheese dips with chips. Cookies galore! I love Christmas cookies. For dinner, prime rib, mashed potatoes with gravy, creamed corn, rolls with butter. OH, and dont forget dessert.... cheesecake covered with cherries! No wonder I got so fat. Now I dont eat that many caloires in a week! How embarassing to admit :smile:
  12. mamato3

    Calling All NURSES!!

    Hello fellow nurses! Wow, you all have such admirable experiences under your belts. I have been an LPN for 10 years now. Most of my experience has been in nursing homes as that is where LPN's find most of their work, unfortunately. I also did 2 years as a Health Care Coordinator at an Assisted Living Residence... the good old desk job. Fun fun! Currently I am working part time for a nursing agency and primarily have been working at a physical rehab hospital. I really enjoy it and it is probably as close to working in a hospital as I'll get as an LPN. I have 3 beautiful daugthers (15yrs, 2 yrs and 11months) and that is why I only manage to work part time. My new job in life is being the best mom I can. I was banded in January and I am LOVING this journey. I am down 50 lbs including the pre op diet and I haven't felt this great in years!
  13. mamato3

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    I'm going to have to pull out all the stops..... 1 month and 14.5 pounds to go. Yikes! Mamato3......242......199......213.5.......14.5<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:P></O:P>
  14. mamato3

    Hungry Girl

    So I have been glued to this website all night long. Hungry-Girl.com. Have any of you seen it? The founder of the site, Lisa Lillien, takes some common really bad for you dishes and changes them up to be quite healthy looking! I am making a grocery list so I can try some of these out! Take a look and tell me what you think!
  15. I don't know .... it seems that pretty much anything that you put in your body in too large of a quantity could sabotage your weight loss. (maybe not celery, LOL) I personally like ALL kinds of foods. Sweets, salty, you name it. I don't think I really have a weakness in any area. I have had my band for almost 4 months now and I pretty much eat whatever still. Just smaller amounts. If I want something sweet, I try to have a SFfudgsicle or some SF pudding. Usually that satisfies that craving. If I want chips, I have a few. I will go on a serious binge if I deprive myself too much. It is pretty awesome that I can not possibly eat 1/2 a pizza or more anymore though. 1 slice and I'm done.
  16. mamato3

    ONE year and 85lbs Lost!

    What a thoughtful post. Congratulations on your success. You look fantastic!
  17. mamato3

    80's Trivia

    I had to read every post and catch up. TOO FUNNY! My 15 year old daugther thinks I am the biggest dork in the world. My DH and I might just have every single popular 80's song ever made on one CD or another. We like to turn it up loud when she starts playing her "modern" music in her room. Get's her totally fired up! So then we just dance around and sing as loud as we can. HAHA Madonna, Michael Jackson, Wham, Cyndi Lauper. I'd like to say we do it just to get her going, but we actually have fun! :huh2: I remember riding the bus to sporting events (my good ol cheerleader days) and teasing our hair out as far as it would go. The cloud of hairspray..ugghhhh I dont know why the bus driver let us get away with it! LOL We rocked out to Twisted Sister and Quiet Riot. I could go on and on about my high school days... oh the memories! :w00t:
  18. Dee, Thanks for being so thoughtful. I dont think there is anything you can do for my family right now. Just listening to me as I worry out loud is plenty! I do have a brother in Colorado who has been there helping my parents as much as he can. My mom is home from the hospital now and doing much much better. Was a bit scary for a few days, but she pulled through. My dad and stepmom are trying to move forward. The fire is still under investigation by the insurance company because there was an explosion that caused the fire. So they are kind of in limbo, but they are hanging in there. My hubby is feeling much better now. He has his next Dr. appt. on the 28th and can hopefully return to work. We still plan on making our move back to Colorado in early June. I am trying not to worry about things as much. I decided I need to leave things up to a higher power and trust that everything will work out exactly like it is supposed to!
  19. mamato3

    I love me some shakes!

    HAHAHAHA!!! warmed vomit? mmmm mmmm quit making me rethink my food choices here!
  20. Ok I am going to give posting my food a shot to see if it helps me stay on track. Maybe typing it every day will keep me from eating the no no foods! B - Slimfast low carb vanilla shake L - 1/2 cup ground turkey with taco seasoning, 1oz shredded cheese, and 1 small tomato. D - 1/2 cup chicken with bbq sauce, 5 baked sweet potato fries S - 1/2 of a 100 calorie bag of popcorn
  21. mamato3

    I love me some shakes!

    I have to agree.... the Atkins are super good! I like all of the flavors but I lean towards vanilla and strawberry more. Just the opposite of ginger! haha I also really like the Slimfast Low Carb shakes. YUM!! I've been banded for going on 4 months now and I still really enjoy a shake almost every morning for breakfast due to my band being tighter in the early part of the day.
  22. mamato3

    Just getting started in Richmond

    Hey there Chris.. I dont think you will have any problem with your approval. I have Anthem... Dr. Brengman's office submitted my paper work on Oct. 30 and I had approval on Oct. 31st. Surgery was Jan. 7. It took a bit longer because of the Holiday I think. But the time flew by! Before you know it you will have a band and be on your way to a healthier you! Good luck!
  23. mamato3

    My own worst enemy

    First off, I think you should be proud of your accomplishments! 33.5 pounds is gone and that is awesome. I think I was having some of the same thoughts/concerns/worries as you until I got really good restriction. Now that I have it... if I follow the recommended eating plan, ie: Protein first, then veggies, then fruit I actually do feel very satisfied! I do not get hungry for about 4 hours, sometimes more. I do not slime or PB. I'm not saying that I dont have the occasional "bad for you" snack. I DO! Probably way too often. In fact, I often think I could have lost a whole lot more by now if I would quit snacking. Night time is the worst for me. I like to munch on popcorn while watching t.v. I like to nibble on this or that while I'm on the computer. You get the idea..haha. I had my 3rd fill two weeks ago today and that is when I really started feeling restriction. I have lost 7.5 pounds since that fill! Prior to that I felt like I was at a stand still. Lose a pound, gain a couple, stay the same, drop 3, etc, etc. I wish I had some magical advice for you. See what your doctor has to say. Maybe it's time for another fill? Have you considered having an "off" day? Like, follow the plan to a T for 6 days a week and on the 7th day just relax and dont worry about it? I dunno, it works for some people. Do you have any rewards set up for yourself? I am going to treat myself to a pedicure when I reach the 50 lbs lost mark. May not sound like anything special to some people, but for me it is just something that doesn't fit into our budget, so it is a super special treat! Anyways, I'm just thinking out loud here and it is starting to look like I'm rambling on and on! Hopefully something I say helps..... Remember, you are going in the right direction and you are doing awesome!!!!! :tongue_smilie:
  24. mamato3

    how many fills so far ????

    I have had 3 fills so far for a total of 6.8 cc's in a 9 cc band. I think I am at a good spot for right now. I had my third fill two weeks ago today and I have lost 7.5 pounds since then. Definately can not complain!!!!

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