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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mamato3

  1. mamato3

    June Exercise Challenge

    I don't think there is a Scheels around here. I did a quick search for it online and didn't come up with anything. I have never heard of it. I did find a running store in Richmond called Road Runner. Maybe I can check that out. That would probably be better then a plain sporting goods store like Dick's, right? I sure am running shoe dumb! haha This will be the first time I have ever bought any in my whole life. It sounds crazy to me!
  2. mamato3

    June Exercise Challenge

    I am excited to report that I kicked my own butt at the gym today. haha I got in 60 minutes of cardio (combination of elliptical, treadmill and bike) AND I did the weights as well. I'm tired tonight for sure. I need to find some good shoes for running. Any suggestions? I dont think I can afford $100+. I am almost below 200 pounds and I have been telling myself that I would start running once I made it below 200. I acutally ran a bit on the treadmill today. I felt like and idiot! But I did it anyway. Salsa - I guess you got all of your grading done? Have a fun time camping and go easy on your running so you can heal up!
  3. B - 2/3 cup oatmeal L - Turkey burger (no bun) with bbq sauce, sauteed peppers/onions S - 1/2 cup honey nut cheerios (dry) 1 tsp peanut butter D - 2 oz ribeye steak, 1/2 corn on cob, few bites baked potato
  4. mamato3

    June Exercise Challenge

    Hey everyone. Well, I joined this challenge hoping it would give me some motivation to stay on track. I have been lazy lazy LAZY! So far I only have 135 minutes out of 600 of cardio done and 1 out of 8 strength training. Boy do I stink at the exercise! There, I admitted it! SO, now I am going to kick it in to high gear. I can still make this goal this month. I think.....
  5. yesterday: B - 1 egg, 1/3 cup chopped up ham L - 1 turkey burger patty, 1/4 cup broccoli slaw S - 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 baby bel cheese D - 3 oz chicken with spicy miso sauce, 1/4 cup broccoli/zucchini mixed S - SF Hot cocoa
  6. I am struggling big time with this. You all who are successful at it are awesome. I know I already posted this a few days back, but I am so constipated. I just can't take it. (gross and too much info, I know) I find that to keep my carbs below 20 I just end up eating meat, eggs and cheese... don't really have room for much else. I don't mind eating these things, but my body is screaming at me and it is no fun! haha
  7. I guess I am a night person. I work 4 nights a week now until 11:30 and dont' get home till 12:30 so it is kind of hard to change that routine even on nights off. I have always been a night person anyways. I HATE MORNINGS! hahah
  8. Well I just got home from work and I am having a hard time winding down to go to bed. I did not have such a good day today! Hubby had an epidural steroid injection done today and we ate out for lunch. It is hard making good choices when eating out! Then work was a whirlwind tonight and I didn't even have time for dinner so I had those crackers with cheese in the middle. No idea how many carbs it was. Lots I'm sure! So, it is back on track again for me tomorrow!
  9. mamato3

    June Exercise Challenge

    I would love to join you all. Thanks, Salsa for the invite! I have not been good in the last month or so about the exercise so I could definately use some motivation from others. I have no idea what to set my goal for. I am going to try to make it to the gym at least 2 times a week so I will say 8 strength training sessions for June. Cardio I'll commit to 30 minutes 5 days a week so 600 minutes. Hmmm... might not sound like much, but it's a lot more then I've been doing the last month. Looking forward to chatting with you all! I better go get walking! haha Renee
  10. mamato3

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Nope, I didn't make it either. *pout* Mamato3.........242.......199...........205.5..........6.5 Oh well.... it was still a good amount of loss! So, what is the next challenge???
  11. Yikes.... I am about to abandon ship here! Help! LOL So, this morning says I am up 2 pounds from yesterday. How can that be?!?!? I stayed on plan yesterday and the only thing I can figure is I had ham for breakfast and dinner and the sodium is killing me. Ughh! I am upset. To make things even worse... I am SO constipated! I have not been constipated at all since being banded so I am thinking it has to be the Atkins thing. What do you think?
  12. I did pretty good yesterday ( I think ). I am ready to beat up my DH though! I told him no way to PF Changs, so guess what he did????? He went and brought home chinese food takeout from another place! hahaha I managed to just eat steamed shrimp and veggies with some garlic sauce. I'm sure the garlic sauce wasn't good, but it was better then any breaded and fried foods. I definately do not have the willpower to stay away from the scale. It calls my name every single morning. I'm down 2.5 pounds since we started. YAY!!
  13. I hope your little guy has a quick recovery. Sorry to hear he needs surgery. Eating out is definately a challenge when you are doing this. My hubby wanted to go to PF Changs and I said NO WAY! haha
  14. Well my first day went really well. My eating was right on target but I didn't have a chance to exercise :sad: I have a question for you all though. When you count the carbs, do you count total carbs or net carbs? Like the slimfast low carb chocolate has 6 total carbs but onlly 2 net. Either way, I stayed under 20 yesterday, but I was just wondering. Let's have another good day today. Renewedhope - you can do it... today will be better. I admired your ability to do this in the past, so I know you are good at it!
  15. mamato3

    I'm an exercise dummy!

    I feel so lost in the exercise department! I have a membership to the YMCA and I go regularly, but I still feel like I dont know what to do when I walk through the door. I guess I am doing something right, because I am losing weight. But, I guess I am the kind of person that does better with structure. I went through my 3 "orientation" classes with the trainer at the YMCA, but I didn't get much out of it. They pretty much just show you how the equipment works and told me to start slow and work my way up. I am not in a position right now to afford a personal trainer, so I was hoping for some advice. This is what I have done so far this week.... it's a little of this and a little of that. Saturday - 30 minutes on the elliptical ( I only had 30 minutes to spend) Sunday - 2 1/2 mile walk outside. (Mostly walked but did a slow jog for 2 minutes then walked for 5) Monday - 20 minutes on the bike (4.5 miles) then 20 minutes on the elliptical then upper body weights for 20 minutes. Tuesday - swimming for 30 minutes with my girls and 30 minute walk outside Wednesday - nothing... bad girl! Is there some kind of program out there for exercise dummies like me? I like the idea of the couch to 5K thing because it is structured, but I am not sure I am comfortable enough with running yet still being 212 pounds. Why do I feel so lost?!?!?!
  16. mamato3

    Can ANYONE eat pasta post-banding???

    I have been banded for almost 5 months now. I have not had a problem with Pasta or bread or steak or any of the other common things that people seem to have problems with. You definately have to take small, and I mean small bites and chew them very well once you have good restriction. I have had 2 PB episodes and both times it was because I ate too fast and without thinking. I also didn't chew well enough. The first time was on deli meat, the second was on french fries ( I know, shouldn't be eating french fries!) Like someone before me said.... try not to worry so much about what you can't eat. Pretty soon it just doesn't matter as much!
  17. Good morning ladies! I woke up this morning excited to get started doing this. I know low carb works and I am ready to get the scale moving! Prior to being banded, the only weight loss plan that ever was very successful for me was Atkins. I just wish I could stick to it long term. But 2 weeks should help me lose a few pounds and kick the cravings! I am glad you decided to do it again cause it will keep me on track having people to do it with! Renee
  18. mamato3

    New guy

    I can't think of a better reason to have this surgery then to get healthy for my kids! I battled gestational diabetes with my pregnancies and decided afterwards that I had to do something before I developed type 2 diabetes. I am so happy I did this.... I haven't felt this great in years!! How old are your kids?
  19. mamato3

    New guy

    congrats buxndux and welcome to banded life! That gas is awful, huh? It will be all better soon.
  20. I would like to join you all. I'm on a mission to make it to onederland and I seem to be at a stand still. blah! Ready to kick the carbs to the curb for while. Looking forward to doing it with you guys this time. Denise - I was a healthcare coordinator at an assisted living for 2 years before I had my girls. I know how hard it is for people to adjust to a new living arrangement like this. They have to give up so much. It is equally hard on family members. I would try to make sure he is getting involved in some type of activities. So many times the elderly tend to want to seclude themselves to their apartment, even for meals! I hope he adjusts well.
  21. mamato3

    lap band failure

    I don't think there is any reason you can't start over. It is up to you. Do you WANT to lose weight? I would find a doctor who you are comfortable with, make a commitment to yourself to do it and make a plan you can stick with. Your band is there waiting for you when you make up your mind to use it like it was intended! Check in to this site often for support and inspiration. Good luck!
  22. Hey all.... I am in the Richmond area and I am just starting out on my lapband journey. I am scheduled for an informational seminar on Oct. 4. I have done lots of reading and feel I am already pretty well educated and I want this SOOOO bad. I was wondering if anyone has any information to share about the Richmond Surgical Group or Dr. Brengman? Would you recommend anyone else instead and why? I spoke with my Insurance Co. and I really dont think I am going to have any problems obtaining approval. I hope I am not getting my hopes up to soon because I could never afford this without the insurance. Anyways... I enjoy reading on this site. I'm hoping I can bump into someone in my area. Any weight loss I have acheived in the past I have done best with lots of support. I'm looking forward to hearing from anyone with any info!!!
  23. mamato3

    It's Kats turn!!!!

    Good luck today!
  24. I thought that I had reached my sweet spot awhile back... felt satisfied with small meals, hunger did not return for 4 or so hours and was still able to eat most anything. Then all of a sudden it just disappeared. POOF! Felt like I was back at square one. I was eating more and more and hardly losing any weight. I went ot the Dr. half way in a panic thinking that I was somehow losing Fluid. Well they were wonderful and reassured me by pulling all of the fluid out of my band to show me I wasn't leaking. Then they went ahead and added more. I now have 8 cc's in a 9 cc band. OH BOY! Today I didn't even attempt Breakfast and just drank a Protein shake. lunch... ouch! I tried eating a couple bites of pork chop and it hurt. Tried a couple bites of rice and it hurt. Managed to get down a few bites of cauliflower and pears. By dinner I had loosened up enough to eat a few ounces of chicken, some cucumber salad and a few swt potato fries. Wow, that was a long post just to say... I think I am finally at my sweet spot! Now, I just hope it lasts! Oh, and I have lost 5 pounds since my fill which was on Friday. I should do liquids for 2 days a week every week! hahahah
  25. B- Atkins Strawberry Shake L - few bites pork chop, 1 bite cauliflower, few bites pear (everything hurt going down.) S - 1/3 banana D - 1 bbq chicken strip, few sweet potato fries, 1/4 c. cucumber salad

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
