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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mamato3

  1. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey everyone. Haven't posted in a couple of days. I've been working a bunch of extra hours so that I could get some days off the rest of this week. My husband is going in for back surgery tomorrow morning. :cool2: Between the extra hours at work and all the things I needed to get done before his surgery, I didn't get to do day 1 of week 3 until today. I thought I might die! hahaha I did the last day of week 2 on Saturday, so maybe 3 days rest in between was just too much. The last interval kicked my butt! I did it though. I pushed myself and made it. So far I am keeping my speeds the same 3.5 for walk and 4.5 for jog. I hope I am able to get down to the gym again on Friday. We'll see. Everyone is doing so great! I SO enjoy coming here to catch up on you all!
  2. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Renewed and Bonnie - Thankyou both. I am glad you ladies are here doing this with me. I would have said to heck with it days ago if it weren't for the support. I do journal, but not every day. I do not put anything in my mouth without knowing the carb content in it. My daily carbs have been very low for awhile now. Maybe I will post here my food and you all could tell me if I'm way off base? Yesterday: B - sausage patty and 1 egg L - Low carb slimfast vanilla S - a few bites of salami and 2 oz cheddar cheese D - 6 Tyson Anytizer hot wings with 2T ranch For fluids ( I dont do a lot of plain water ) 32 oz ice tea from Wendy's, 32 oz crystal light, 1 cup hot tea. I had 4 packets of splenda between the teas. According to the Daily Plate that is 1274 calories, 100g of protein and 15g of carb.
  3. I was hoping I would get to update with more of a loss. Oh well, I guess 2 pounds is better then nothin... NAME ____________weight now____ goal___ lbs lost *****:crying:********** **********:smile2:******:rofl:***** aJoneen............230.........220.......3....... Bea1128............220.........199.......1.5..... Babs0101...........185.........170.......0....... blesdbyonmzur......159.........148.......4....... BTTRFLI1432........221.........210.......0....... Bunkey1965.........209.........205.......3....... Chocolate_Snaps....260.........240.......0....... Darr5380...........170.........150.......0....... erikadawn.................199..............175............0.......... FloridaGirl........235.........215.......0....... HeatherO...........168.........155.......4....... JennyPoo...........169.........159.......0....... KarenG.............162.........158.......4....... KathyStrick........305.........290.......0....... Leslie2Lose........223.........209.......1....... Lunabeane..........221.........200.......5....... Luu2008............219.........189.......9....... Luv2Laugh..........232.........212.......0....... luvinke............206.........190.......0....... mamato3............199.........184.......2....... mcgreen............189.........175.......0....... mdgarcia31665......225.........220.......0....... mominlv13..........314.........300.......3....... MSnika3............228.........204.......4....... NANAbanded.........225.........199.......4....... NukeChik...........225.........199.......2...... Ollie..............242.........210.......0....... Redtulips..........191.........180.......3....... Renewedhope........174.........155.......5....... ronni_NC...........243.........220.......0....... slgandera..........185.........173.......0....... StartingOver.......220.........205.......10....... want_so_bad........170.........155.......0....... Sadie..............216.........199.......4.......
  4. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    I'm gonna cry! Ok not really. I can't stand whining. But the scale hates me. I have ended the week with no loss. I am kind of bummed, but I am going to hang in there and just hope I see a loss soon. I haven't cheated one time in the last week. TOM or not, I felt like I should have seen a loss. Someone have any words of wisdom before I go break out the honey nut cheerios? LOL
  5. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    yum! That sounds so good. I picked up a bag of those Tyson Anytizers hot wings (BlooEyez has mentioned them before... thankyou!) They are soooo good. I like hot wings, but not too hot. These are just right. My band stopped me after 6 wings or I would have ate more. I need some good vibes for my "official" weigh in in the morning. I'm stressing about and seriously thinking about tossing the scale out the window if it doesn't start working better. :smile2:
  6. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hello all you night owls! I just got home from work. Trying to unwind. I am anxious to start week 3 tomorrow. I am doing the positive self talk thing cause I was worrying I wouldn't be able to do week 3. But I've talked myself into it now. hahah With my extra time I want to spend more time with my kids outdoors. I have always avoided things outside cause it took too much energy to move my fat body around. Now I look forward to it!
  7. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Well I have been exercising regularly for the last 6 months, but I did way more then usual this last week. I took a step class AND I am in week 2 of the couch to 5K program. I hope I have a "whoosh"! I'm so mad at the scale I want to go pig out. (I wont of course... it just sounds good right now hahahah)
  8. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    I seriously HATE that time of the month! Grrrr! The stupid scale is going in the wrong direction. Up another half pound this morning. I know for a fact it is not my food. I have been so dedicated. Yesterday my totals were 1041 calories, 17g carbs, 87g protein. That is typical of what I have ate every day for the last week. Plus I have been exercising quite a bit. Sorry... I just needed to vent. I'm mad!!
  9. mamato3

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Suzanne! Hi there! Of course let's get together. I am going to email you.
  10. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Wow! Whosya - you rock! Congrats. What a wonderful accomplishment. Here I am all happy that I finished week 2 of C25K without dying. haha Excited to start on week 3, but also very nervous. Not sure if I can do it. Georgia - welcome! Glad you are joining us.
  11. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Bonnie - pizza is evil! (and my favorite food in the world). It's just one night... try not to let it get you down. Jump right back at it. You'll be ok:) You are doing so good... one night off isn't going to hurt once in awhile. I intend to have one soon. hahah My ketone stick was back to moderate, possibly even large this morning. YAY! I know morning is the best time to check, but I'm addicted to the dumb sticks too! The scale wasn't as friendly as the stick though. I'm up 1/2 pound. Auntie Flo has arrived for her monthly visit, so I'm trying not to be bummed.
  12. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Well I survived my double shift! Ughhh! It was crazy busy today. I hardly had time to eat. Why oh why does my body linger with only a small amount of ketones? Today I ate... hot tea with 2 splenda and cream on the way to work low carb slim fast for mid morning snack 1/2 chicken caesar salad for lunch atkins yummy yummy caramel nut chew for snack other 1/2 chicken caesar salad for dinner I can't figure out why my sticks wont keep me at moderate ketones? Is what I ate today seriously too many carbs? I had to read like 3 pages to catch up to you guys tonight. No more double shifts for me... I get behind! hahah!
  13. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Of course you can jump in kikival! The more the merrier. I have only been at this a couple of weeks also. Loving the results so far. Everyone here is so supportive and motivating. Welcome!
  14. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    phew! made it through week 2 day 2. It was tougher today then last time. Maybe because I did the step class yesterday. Tomorrow is definately a no exercise day for me. Not only do I need a little break, but I'm pulling a double shift at work. Yuck! That's a lot of hours on my feet.
  15. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    MSnika - I'm glad you liked them. I told you they were tasty! As for the sugar alcohol thing.... well I dunno how good it is for you. It does not knock me out of ketosis, but it is definately something you shouldn't do all the time. A once in awhile "treat" when you are ready to dig in to something really bad is more what I use them for. My husband has a pan of brownies he made a couple days ago that have been calling my name. I have stayed away with the help of these little bars. I might not truly know what a craving is. I have a desire to eat almost everything I see. I'm not sure how to tell the difference between a desire and a craving??????
  16. mamato3

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Congrats Steve! :redface: Ann D - I promised myself a massage when I got to Onderland too, I just haven't had the time (or the money) to do it yet! What a wonderful reward. I'm gonna do it soon. Keep on doing what you all are doing.... you will get there!
  17. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Renewed - I hope you know that it was YOUR enthusiasm and success that gave me mine! Bonnie - I'll let you know how the class goes. I still didn't have all the steps down after the hour last night but I'm assuming it will get better the more I do it.
  18. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Bonnie - wow! congrats on the success at the amusement park! I think the feeling we get when we stay on plan and receive the benefits are WAY better then the temporary flavor sensation of the food we cheat with. Does that make sense? lol Renewed - You should be rid of the rest of that Water weight soon. Being sick really messes with our systems. Good job with the nursing diagnosis! :redface: MSnika - The Atkins Endulge Carmel nut chew bars are ohhhhh sooo good! Taste almost like a snickers without so much guilt. I try not to do them often, but they are great if everyone else is eating something naughty and you feel like you might cheat. Also, when I am out for the day, I usually bring a low carb slimfast or a Atkins shake. I can order an ice tea wherever we might be with LOTS of ice and after the tea is gone I pour the shake over the ice. I love the shakes though. They are very filling for me. (I have super good restriction) YOu are doing great! Try not to get discouraged. I promise it does get easier with restriction. I try to stay off the scale except for Monday mornings but that is not working this week. Today I am down 2 pounds! YAY! I'm trying not to update my ticker until Monday though...
  19. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Haven't been on in a couple days (computer problems) and I sure did miss reading about how everyone is doing! I did week 2 day 1 on Tuesday and will do day 2 tomorrow. I found it to be definately more challenging then week 1, but doable. Today I took a step class. First time trying that and it was fun! I never thought I would be enjoying exercise this much. I must admit though, I am a little nervous about next week having to jog 3 minutes straight! I guess we'll see how it goes. Great job everyone! Keep posting cause you guys keep me motivated!
  20. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    LBT has definately become my new addiction (replacing food addiction) ha! We have had computer problems for the last couple of days preventing me from getting online and I've had serious withdrawals! Call me a dork, it's ok.... I've worked myself in to moderate ketosis after working at it seriously for a few days. It's a wonderful feeling knowing you are burning fat! I don't know where I have found my motivation, but I'm on a roll. I think it is because I enjoy reporting back good news to you all. I hope the scale is good to me this week.
  21. mamato3

    July 08

    From the album: Progress!

  22. mamato3

    Jan 08

    From the album: Progress!

  23. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    pinktweety - I had alot of trouble at first with constipation. I'm guessing that is probably common. I started using Miralax every other day and everything is great now. SkinnieMinnie - I just adore your name! Too cute.
  24. Today is my 6 month bandiversary. 65 pounds lost! Here are my progress pictures....
  25. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    My ketone stick has yet to show me in "moderate" ketosis.... but I am up for the challenge! Let's do it! Today is my 6 month anniversary since surgery. 6 months out, 65 pounds lost. What a wonderful feeling! I posted a picture taken today along with my before picture in an album if anyone wants to see!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
