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Everything posted by mamato3

  1. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Just got back from the Y. I did it like I was supposed to today. Week 4 day 3 done! yay! I even did the walk intervals for the right amount of time. I'm psyched for week 5! (or is the runners high everyone talks about? lol)
  2. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    razor - as far as my portions go, I usually just eat the amount my band will allow. I have a pretty tight fill so getting in 1800 cal/day might be tough.
  3. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I'm heading out soon here to do week 4 day 3. I'm like Renewed in that I'm not sure I am ready to move on. Like I said in an earlier post - this week I have made my walk intervals slightly longer then what the program says to do, but I have jogged the full 3 and 5 minute intervals. I was just not able to get my breathing or heart rate recovered enough during the walk intervals, so I made them a little longer. I hope that wasn't a big mistake. Renewed - I might be crazy, but week 5 actually doesn't look as hard as week 4. The total actual jog time is 15 minutes for week 5 and it was 16 for week 4. The walk time is 5 1/2 minutes for week 4 and 6 minutes for week 5. I might be over analyzing this LOL it's what I do :thumbup: Week 7 looks like the killer to me!
  4. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    I'm still low carbing and again I am FRUSTRATED! The scales are not rewarding me at all. I don't get it sometimes. I had 1 meal... ONE... that I fell off the low carb plan and the result was I gained 2.5 pounds! GRRR!! I have been back at it for about a week again and I am still hanging on to that 2.5 pounds. Is that crazy or what?!?!? Makes me want to say the heck with it! Anyways.... I am going to just keep at it. Those pounds will go away eventually. I find eating like this to be a huge challenge most days, but I just want the weight gone. It needs to start falling off easier if I'm gonna keep this up! LOL
  5. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Week 4 day 2 done. It did not get any easier today! I pushed through and finished though. Every week I look to the following week and wonder how the heck I am going to do it... once again, next week looks challenging. Maybe I should quit looking ahead? This has been a very active thread today! I don't even know where to start to catch up with all of you. Georgia - all I can say is ewwwww to the snake. Snakes and bugs freak me out! I hope that you don't have anymore unwanted visitors and that your ankle feels better soon. bahotmomma - welcome and good luck. This is lots of fun! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have been. Bonnie - congrats on the wii fit! I'm so jealous. To all of you wonderful mom's... I admire you so very much. You have hearts of gold and the pictures of your children are beautiful. I will have to post some pictures of my little darlings soon.
  6. mamato3

    Haircut suggestions?

    Ok everyone... here are the results! So far I like it... but I have not tried styling it myself yet. That will be the true test.
  7. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Ok I started a thread to see if anyone has haircut suggestions. Thanks for the idea Leslie! :thumbup: My hubby must be one of the rare ones. He actually likes my hair shorter. Go figure. Renewed - good job finishing your run even after a long day. You are always motivating me!
  8. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey everyone! Just checking in. Today was a no run day for me. I'm planning on heading to the YMCA first thing in the morning for week 4 day 2. I'm excited! After my workout I'm gonna go shopping cause none of my clothes even remotely fit me anymore and I look like a clown. Then I'm going to get my haircut! I have no idea what I'm gonna have done. Who's good at haircut suggestions? Oh wait... this is the couch to 5K thread. Ooops! hehehe Good job keeping at it everyone! I'm so proud of all of us!
  9. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I did week 4 day 1 this morning. wow! I must admit that I slowed my jogging pace just a little from 4.5 to 4.3... then as I was jogging my legs wanted to go faster so I put it back to 4.5. I also rested slightly longer in between jogs. But I did jog the full 3 and 5 minute jog intervals without stopping. For day 2 I'll do it like it's written cause I think I can. I was full of self doubt this morning and talked myself into slightly longer walk intervals but I really dont think I need them! Why do I sabatoge myself? lol
  10. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Ok confession time. I fell off the wagon BIG TIME tonight! I am admitting it right now so I can get right back on track. I ate ice cream. mmmmmmmmmmm it was good. Ok I'm done. Right back at it. I am trying hard not to feel guilty.....
  11. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    I thought I would chime in on the why I am eating low carb question. I guess it is my opinion that this is basically the eating style my surgeon wants me to use anyways. His rules : Protein first, then veggies and if you have any room left some healthy carbs. Almost sounds the same as low carb to me. I usually don't have any room left after protein and veggies. (8cc's in a 9cc realize band) I am by no means perfect at this. Yesterday I ate some cantaloupe (sp). I have occasional not so low carb foods. But this is working really well for me right now so I am going to stick with it for awhile. I feel good and I am loosing weight. Those are the goals for right now. I'll worry about what comes next when the time comes :crying:
  12. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Renewed - great pictures! You are already a step ahead of most of us since you have already finished a 5K! You are such a motivation to me. I can't wait to cross the finish line for the first time. Leslie - Good luck on your first run! It is so exciting to finish that first day. Actually it is exciting when you finish every time. And what a cool mom you are... not many moms would allow their home to be the kids weekend hangout! Whosya - wow you have become an exercise fanatic! That's so awesome! That's a good idea having someone drop you off a few miles from home. I'm gonna have to try that one! As for me... I am DEFINATELY taking a rest day today! I'm pooped. The most I might do is go out for a walk later. Only a WALK though. hahah
  13. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Kity - hello and welcome! I am by no means an expert at this low carb thing, but I'll try to tell you what has been working for me. I really have only been eating meat (all kinds), cheese, eggs, lower carb veggies (leafy green veggies, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans). There are some pretty tasty low carb salad dressings out there, just check your labels. I usually have a low carb slim fast or atkins shake once a day. For treats I will occasionally do an atkins bar or sugar free jello with a bit of real whip cream. Drinks - I am not a big water fan so I guess I end up drinking a few carbs a day. Crystal light, hot tea or ice tea with splenda. I've only been at this a few weeks but I am down 8.5 pounds. It also helps me stay on track when I use thedailyplate to track my carbs. It gives you the carb count on pretty much anything you could imagine! I try to keep my carbs around 20 most days. I hope this helps. Good luck!
  14. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Bonnie - Great job! You are doing wonderful! Let's keep it goin... I am excited to report that I am down 4 pounds this week. Last week was a no loss week, so this makes me feel much better! I ate some stuff I shouldn't have yesterday and it dropped me down to only a trace of ketones. Blah! Oh well, back at it today.
  15. NAME ____________weight now____ goal___ lbs lost *****:biggrin:********** :blushing:**********:ohmy:******:sneaky:***** aJoneen............230.........220.......3....... Bea1128............220.........199.......1.5..... Babs0101...........185.........170.......0....... blesdbyonmzur......159.........148.......4....... BTTRFLI1432........221.........210.......0....... Bunkey1965.........209.........205.......3....... Chocolate_Snaps....260.........240.......0....... Darr5380...........170.........150.......0....... erikadawn.................199..............175............0.......... FloridaGirl........235.........215.......0....... HeatherO...........168.........155.......4....... JennyPoo...........169.........159.......0....... KarenG.............162.........158.......4....... KathyStrick........305.........290.......0....... Leslie2Lose........223.........209.......1....... Lunabeane..........212.........200.......9....... Luu2008............219.........189.......9....... Luv2Laugh..........232.........212.......0....... luvinke............206.........190.......0....... mamato3............199.........184.......6....... mcgreen............189.........175.......0....... mdgarcia31665......225.........220.......0....... mominlv13..........314.........300.......3....... MSnika3............228.........204.......4....... NANAbanded.........225.........199.......4....... NukeChik...........225.........199.......2...... Ollie..............242.........210.......0....... Redtulips..........191.........180.......3....... Renewedhope........174.........155.......5....... ronni_NC...........243.........220.......0....... slgandera..........185.........173.......0....... StartingOver.......220.........205.......10....... want_so_bad........170.........155.......0....... Sadie..............216.........199.......4.......
  16. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I finished week 3 today. YAY! It felt great to be able to finish and remembering a week ago thinking "how am I ever going to run 3 minutes straight". I did it. I didn't die. Now for week 4! Ok, now I have to whine. The YMCA I go to is only open from 12 to 6 on Sundays so I wasn't able to go today. They have no child watch on Sunday and I had no one to watch my girls. My hubby said I could go when the girls went to bed (he just had back surgery on Thursday and cant lift over 10 pounds!) So I had to run outside! *gasp!!!* I had stupid bee's buzzing around my head the whole time. The roads out here where I live are all gravel and that crap is hard to jog on! I also live in an area that is very heavily wooded. I was sure a critter was gonna come strolling out to eat me up! But I did it! I made myself do it! Georgia - Congrats on the weightloss this week! Great job! Renewed - You are amazing! I am totally impressed that you moved on to week 4. Awesome job. Kathybad - congrats on the blood sugar! I think that would keep me going on this program all on it's own! Bonnie - I usually have at least 1 day off during the week. It's not like I don't get some exercise though. I just don't get my heart rate up and keep it up. I like to take my girls outside and pull them around in the wagon. That's fun and a little bit of exercise.
  17. mamato3

    she's trying to kill my mother

    How are things working out? I didn't read this post until today. Could you possibly request to speak with a social worker at the hospital and they could help you get adult protective services involved? I hope things are going better. I know this must be a stressful time for you. I'm sorry for what you are going through.
  18. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Ok Georgia - you are way tougher then me. If I hadn't given up running already because of the heat, a gnat down my throat would have put me over the edge! That is dedication. So much talk about this wii fit.... maybe that should be my request for my birthday. My hubby would think I have lost my mind. I always gripe about him playing games. Isn't a wii a game system? lol I did a 1 hour yoga class yesterday. I have never done yoga before and I am surprised... today I have some sore muscles. I couldn't do some of the stuff they were doing, like a headstand. I sat there giggling at the thought of myself trying to do it. Oh well, maybe someday.
  19. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Good job Georgia! The feeling after finishing is so great, isn't it!?!?!
  20. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Whosya - Like everyone else has said... thankyou so much for the encouragment and support. You are awesome. As for the 5K I am debating signing up for... I figure even if I have to walk some of it and even if I come in last.... at least I can try. It will give me something to aim for! You will probably be here saying "I told you it was too soon", but I'll take that chance Renewed - congrats on finishing week 3! You go girl. I plan on finishing it tomorrow and I also plan on moving on to week 4 next week. Thanks for starting this wonderful thread. Doing this together is such fun! Georgia - I don't know how you run out in that heat! Yikes! You deserve an award.
  21. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I finally did week 3 day 2 this evening. It went easier then I expected. I was dreading it big time, but I feel great tonight. I found out today that there is a 5K on August 30 close to where I live. If I am able to progress each week, I should finish up the C25K program about that time. I think I am going to sign up and give myself something to work for. Even if I am slow, slow, slow I really want to do it!
  22. Scale is movin... aJoneen............230.........220.......3....... Bea1128............220.........199.......3.5..... Babs0101...........185.........170.......0....... blesdbyonmzur......159.........148.......4....... BTTRFLI1432........221.........210.......0....... Bunkey1965.........205.........195.......7....... Chocolate_Snaps....260.........240.......0....... Darr5380...........170.........150.......0....... Epm316.............209.........199.......0....... erikadawn..........199.........175.......0....... FloridaGirl........235.........215.......0....... HeatherO...........166.........155.......6....... JennyPoo...........169.........159.......0....... KarenG.............164.........158.......2....... KathyStrick........305.........290.......0....... Leslie2Lose........221.........209.......3....... LessNLess..........144.5.......140.......0....... LilMissBand-Aid....240.........225.......0....... Lunabeane..........221.........200.......5....... Luu2008............219.........189.......9....... Luv2Laugh..........232.........212.......0....... luvinke............206.........190.......0....... mamato3............199.........184.......5.5..... mcgreen............189.........175.......0....... mdgarcia31665......225.........220.......0....... mominlv13..........316.........300.......1....... MSnika3............228.........204.......4....... NANAbanded.........225.........199.......4....... Ninja..............207.........189.......2....... NukeChik...........223.........199.......4....... Ollie..............242.........210.......0....... Redtulips..........189.5.......180.......4.5..... Renewedhope........176.........155.......3....... ronni_NC...........243.........220.......0....... slgandera..........185.........173.......0....... StartingOver.......220.........205.......5....... Sunshine2..........187.........170.......2.3..... want_so_bad........170.........155.......0....... Sades..............189.........180.......3.5..... Sadie..............216.........199.......4.......
  23. mamato3

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Well I am heading out here soon to do day 2, week 3. I'm dreading this big time! I struggled with day 1 so now I'm scared. I need a kick in the butt or something. I know someone posted awhile back on how to figure out your target heart rate. The other day my heart rate made it all the way up to 170 and I was huffing and puffin pretty bad. I return down to around 130 during the walk part, but I was just wondering if 170 was too much. (I would search back but my connection is just dial up cause we live in the sticks and it would take forever to find it!) Someone tell me I'm not going to have a heart attack on the treadmill today! LOL
  24. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Kiki - way to go on 2 more pounds! tigerlili - welcome and good luck! Holly - I love seeing your posts on what you eat. Yum! Everyone - you are are right! The scale is moving down this week. Last weeks visit from aunt flo had me discouraged as heck, but I stuck with it. I'm down 3.5 pounds since Monday! I've been reading everyones discussions on adding some carbs back in. OMG does some cereal sound good. I think that cereal was probably one of my favorite things pre band. I had it almost every morning and usually more every evening before bed! BAD BAD GIRL! hahah I didn't have just one serving either, I had a big ol bowl full! Anyways.... I don't think I am quite ready to start adding that in yet. I'd like to get rid of some more weight first.
  25. mamato3

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Renewed - We would miss you way too much! I hope you keep posting here. Afterall... you are the one that got this thread goin, so you get all the credit for bringing us all together! Things are continuing well for me.... keeping it low carb. No loss last week, but the scale has moved 1.5 pounds so far this week. Trying to be good but I have a ton of stress going on. My hubby is going in for back surgery tomorrow. I'll be so glad when it's done and he can start feeling better!!

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