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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mamato3

  1. mamato3

    Just getting started in Richmond

    Thankyou for the suggestion. We attend church as often as our schedule will allow, which isn't nearly as often as I'd like. That is a great idea. I will definately give it a try. Thanks again!
  2. mamato3

    Just getting started in Richmond

    Wow...thanks for the rundown. I now know I am going to have to be patient and put in a lot of effort to get this done. I know it will be worth it. Hopefully this time of year isn't as busy as summertime, but who knows. I'm thinking scheduling appointments and classes and whatever things I need to get done over the next few months is going to be a nightmare. I have an 18 month old toddler and a 3 month old infant. My husband and I have a hectic schedule because I work on most of his days off except for every other Sunday. We haven't been in this area too long so we dont really know anyone well enough to have them babysit our babies. Anyways, I am rambling. I am sure I'll figure it out. Where there's a will, there's a way. I DEFINATELY have the will! Thanks again for all your info. I'm glad I have this place to come and get info and support!
  3. mamato3

    Just beginning

    Elissa, I'm right there with you worrying about being denied. I dont think I am going to have any problem because the insurance we have is good and I already called the insurance company and they definately cover the lapband. But I figure about the time I get my hopes up, I will be denied. Just my luck. HAHAHA. Anyways, I'm also stressing about this taking months and months to get done. I have made up my mind and want it NOW. I know I have to be patient, but it is hard. I guess I have been fat my whole life, what's another 6 months, right? Anyways, good luck to you. I'd be happy to try to keep in touch on our journey for support!
  4. mamato3

    Just getting started in Richmond

    MaryWalker20.... I wish you the very best of luck with your upcoming surgery. I am sure you are so excited! I will be anxious to hear how your surgery goes. Wow, May to September...that is quite a long wait. I hope I dont have to wait that long. I guess I have to do what I have to do though. What do you think were the obstacles causing it to be so long? Insurance issues? Scheduling appointments? Is it just this particular office, do they always take that amount of time? Is it typical to wait 4 or 5 months no matter who your surgeon is? I'm prepared to jump through whatever hoops necessary to make this happen for myself. Thanks for your info!
  5. mamato3

    Attending a seminar in Oct.

    Hi... I am attending a seminar on Oct. 4 as well. I'm 5'4" and about 260? (I dont own a scale! too depressing) Anyways, I know you were looking for someone who has already gone through lapband surgery, but it would be great to keep in touch and motivate each other through this process. I am in Richmond, VA. Good luck to you as you start this journey!
  6. mamato3

    I'm Pregnant!!!!

    Congratulations and good luck! :clap2: I will be very interested to hear how the pregnancy goes with the band. I am not yet banded, but I hope to be soon. I have had 2 pregnancies that were no picnic beings I am so overweight. I had gestational diabetes and in genearl just felt like poop. We want to have 1 more baby, but I REALLY want to lose some weight first. I am hoping the lapband is going to happen for me so I am of course very curious how a pregnancy goes with the band.
  7. Hi... I wanted to introduce myself and say thankyou to everyone who posts here regularly. I have been reading lots and lots here and I have learned so much. I only recently decided to pursue lapband surgery. I haven't even attended an educational seminar yet (I have that scheduled on Oct. 4). I am hoping that it turns out to be an option for me. I am currently 35 years old and dont really have any significant health issues at all, but I do have a BMI of 44. (YIKES!) According to things I have read, I would be a candidtate due to the BMI itself, but I was wondering if anyone has the same situation and has been approved by there insurance? I also am wondering how long the insurance approval usually takes? And then following approval how long it normally takes to actually have the surgery. I am guessing this varies, but I am just hoping to find out a general idea. I am VERY excited about the idea of having this done. I have been overweight my entire life and have tried what seems like a hundred weight loss programs. I have lost weight only to gain it all back. I am hoping the lapband is a tool that will finally help me reach the goals I have always dreamed about. Thankyou all again for all of your posts and the great information. It's great to know that you all are here for support as I go through this journey.
  8. mamato3

    another newbie

    OK so I posted like 12 hours ago. Somehow I thought people would respond. Is there someplace else on this board where I should be posting? LOL

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