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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mamato3

  1. mamato3

    Hilary has been banded!

    Congrats Hilary! Hope your recovery is speedy.
  2. mamato3

    I'm back...and banded

    Sounds like you had a bit of a rough run of things! I'm glad you are home and doing better and that the surgery is behind you. As for the shoulder pain... I had my surgery on Monday also and that is my only big complaint! The gas is miserable. It comes and goes for me but it does seem to be getting better each day. I've used Gas-X and a heating pad and they seem to help some. I hope it eases up for you soon.
  3. mamato3

    Home from the hospital!!!

    Contrats to both of you! Your exciting journey begins. I hope your recovery continues to go well.
  4. My surgery was Monday and I am still having some significant gas pains. They come and go. Things that I have tried have helped some but this gas is persistant! Try walking lots, maybe a heating pad and get some Gas-X. Not sure if the gas is easing any because of these things or if it is just finally working it's way out. I hope you feel better soon.
  5. I had my surgery on Monday and I think the gas pain is getting worse each day. The pain in my left shoulder is unbearable sometimes. If I take a deep breath, cough, hiccup or move in certain ways, I sometimes let out a yelp. I walk a ton and have tried a heating pad. Any other suggestions or am I going to just have to keep waiting for it to work it's way out???
  6. mamato3

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Hi there! I just wanted to check in. I had my surgery on Monday and I am so excited to be officially banded. The surgery went great. My only complaint right now is horrible gas pains in my left shoulder. OUCHIE! I'm walking as much as I can and I have tried a heating pad but nothing seems to be easing up this pain. I guess I just have to be patient and let it work it's way out. So far I have absolutely no hunger. I am pretty much forcing myself to drink 3 shakes a day and then sipping fluids the rest of the time. Anyways, I just wanted to share! I hope everyone is doing well and I am looking forward to visiting with you all more! Renee
  7. mamato3

    A Whopping 2 Pounds!

    I just had surgery on Monday, but I am up about 6 pounds from what I was prior to surgery. I know it is from the IV fluids, swelling, bloating etc. I am trying not to worry too much about it. I just keep reminding myself this is a lifetime committment. I have plenty of time to watch the numbers go down!
  8. mamato3

    OWW The Gas!!

    If it wasn't for the gas I would feel awesome! Very little pain in the tummy. I have absolutely no hunger yet. I am pretty much forcing the 3 shakes down. It takes me about an hour to drink one. Other then that I sip water all day and have had a couple of sugar free popsicles. I'm totally happy with my decision to do this, I just wish this shoulder pain would go away. It's awful!
  9. mamato3

    Hello out there.........yawn

    I've been up for a while here this morning too Jim. The gas pain is really getting to me today. My house does not give me much room to walk. I'm waiting for the sun to come up so I can go outside. I took a warm shower and have been sitting up for about an hour now with no relief. Gosh I hope this passes soon.....if it weren't for the gas I'd feel great.
  10. mamato3

    helpful quotes

    Thanks! Always nice to have a reminder that we should never underestimate the power of positive thinking!
  11. mamato3

    Getting really nervous!

    Try not to worry! I know it is going to go great. I wasn't too nervous until a couple of days before. I think I hugged my girls about 50 times more then I normally due. But it will be over before you know it. Like Gingerbug said, try to keep busy and remember, you are doing this to improve your health and your life. It will all be worth it in the end! Renee
  12. mamato3

    Officially in band land

    Congrats NukeChik... glad everything went smooth for you. I totally understand about the gas pains. OUCHIE!!!!! However, I have no hunger at all. I guess that's a blessing. Looking forward to hearing about your continued progress!
  13. mamato3

    Home and Banded!!

    Congrats Jim! Glad your surgery went well and that you are home and feeling good. How nice that you have a supportive wife to help you through everything.
  14. mamato3

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Hello everyone! I have heard from more then one person that this is a fun, friendly place to chat. SO, here I am. HAHAH I have a major case of the nerves today so I am sitting here reading and reading and reading. I thought typing a little might help. I am being banded tomorrow in Richmond, Virginia. I am so excited and nervous. Mostly just ready to be "on the other side". I'm 36 yrs old and have been overweight pretty much my entire life. I dont really have any comorbidities, but with a BMI of 43 I qualified through my insurance pretty easily. I only started this journey in October and here I am looking at surgery tomorrow. WOO HOO! Anyways, I just wanted to say hello to all of you. I am looking forward to talking with all of you more.
  15. mamato3

    Surgery Tomorrow

    I'm scheduled for tomorrow morning as well. I have actually become quite nervous in the last couple days. Like Jim, I am very ready to be on the other side and just get started. I didn't have to do a bowel prep either. Yikes, no fun. My pre-op diet seems to have gone pretty well. This is day 10 and according to my scale I am down 9 pounds. We'll see what the hospital scale says tomorrow, but I'm feeling great! Good luck to both of you and anyone else being banded tomorrow!
  16. Bowel prep??? ughh! I do not have to do that. Is it pretty normal?
  17. Hopefully everyone is just busy with the Holiday's. I miss ya all!
  18. mamato3

    will be born again on Jan. 7th

    Heya Ladyroz! I am with you on the 7th. I am very very excited as well. However, I think today a twinge of nervousness has struck. I dont know why cause I haven't worried at all for the 4 months I have been pursuing this. Oh well, 72 more hours and I can look back on my nervousness and laugh. My new life is soon to begin! Looking forward to hearing how everything goes for you!
  19. mamato3

    Argh. Preop day 1

    I know everyone is different, but I think the first couple of days were the hardest. I had a headache and I felt dizzy and I was starving! haha I am now 8 days complete and it doesn't seem near as bad. I dont know what your pre op diet consists of. Mine is basically 2 high protein meal replacement shakes, a piece of fruit and a yogurt during the day and then for dinner I get to splurge with 4 oz of lean meat and 2 slices of low cal bread plus 1 cup of veggies. I think my pre op diet is a little more liberal then some but I find it very doable! I find sipping on hot tea helps curb my hunger too. Keep strong! It will be worth it!
  20. I have to say that my husband has been 100% ok with me getting a band. However, he often forgets what being supportive means. LOL I think just about every day he offers me something to eat that I am not allowed, and this is only the pre-op phase! I just give him "the look" and he is like, oops sorry! It sure would be easier if he was at all interested in healthier eating!
  21. mamato3

    Biggest Loser?

    I think I might be addicted to watching the Biggest Looser! Hahah. Usually I sit there watching it, thinking "If I got up off this couch and moved my butt for the hour it was on, maybe I wouldn't be so fat!" Anyways, I sit and cry as I see how they transform their bodies. It is truly amazing to me. I really dont know the statistics as to how much of the weight they keep off. It sure would be interesting to know.
  22. mamato3

    I am home!

    Congrats! I bet it feels great to finally be on the other side! I can hardly wait!
  23. mamato3

    OK, Fellow New Years Knockouts

    Congrats on being first official New Year's Knockout to receive your band! Sorry you had a rough start after anesthesia, that's no fun! WOW, 24 pounds! Congrats on that too! You are already doing awesome!
  24. mamato3

    before pictures

    I'm not entirely sure how to post a picture on here... but here goes my best try....oh, and I cant believe I'm doing this! haha This will be much more fun a year from now!
  25. I am impressed with your courage to push through with this procedure even though your hubby, who is also a physician has not been 100% supportive. You are a strong woman. He probably just has worries and fears just like any normal husband would have, but they are made bigger worries and fears due to the fact that he is a Dr. I too, think you should sit down with him and just have a good long talk. Let him know you care about his feelings too. Let him know how important this is to you. Let him know how much you want and need his support right now. Has your husband ever been overweight enough to even qualify to have surgery like this? Has he been a person who struggled with his weight all of his life? No one, not even your husband knows how you feel on the inside related to your weight issues. You are the only one who has to live inside your body. You are doing this for YOU. You are making a great choice. A healthy choice. Anyways, now I am just rambling I think! hahah Good luck to you and remember, we are all here for you for support.

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