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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mamato3

  1. mamato3

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Here is my updated info...Hopefully I pasted the most current list? Allaboutme ...... 211 ...... 165 ....... 205 ......... 40 Allison925 ...... 175 ...... 145 ....... 175 ......... 30 Angie4b1g ....... 237.8 .... 205 ....... 237.8 ....... 32.8 Ariel ........... 199 ...... 169 ....... 199 ......... 30 babs0101 ........ 216 ...... 190 ....... 216 ......... 26 Bigbaby ......... 207 ...... 167 ....... 207 ......... 40.0 chickatee.........184........145.........184.......... 39 CQQlgirl ........ 220 ...... 195 ....... 217 ......... 22 debihaines ...... 254....... 200 ....... 227.9 ....... 27.9 Foofy ........... 244 ...... 199 ....... 244 ......... 45 Georgia Girl .... 275 ...... 237 ....... 265 ......... 28 Hazeleyegrl1 .... 233 ...... 200 ....... 222 ......... 22 Hopping To It.... 309 ...... 240 ....... 309 ......... 69 Hungryforchange . 225 ...... 190 ....... 225 ......... 35 ivyrose325 ...... 342 ...... 215 ....... 261 ......... 46 Jeni 85 ......... 214.4 .... 184 ....... 214.4 ....... 30.4 Jennie1976....... 243 ...... 200 ....... 243 ......... 43 Jfran ........... 181 ...... 145 ....... 181. ........ 36 KarenG............195........165.........195.......... 30 Legster ......... 216 ...... 174 ....... 216 ......... 42 Luluc ........... 166 ...... 135 ....... 163 ......... 28 Mamato3 ......... 242 ...... 199 ....... 236.5 ....... 37.5 Mandyjo ......... 188 ...... 150 ....... 186 ......... 36 Mary-2b150 ...... 225 ...... 150 ....... 193 ......... 43 Nadean .......... 204.6 .... 160 ....... 204.6 ....... 44.6 Nhanson ......... 226 ...... 196 ....... 226 ......... 30 Rainer .......... 256 ...... 216 ....... 253 ......... 37 Redtulips3 ...... 245 ...... 199 ....... 245 ......... 46 Smithem1 ........ 240.6 .... 190 ....... 240.6 ....... 50.6 Soaf9 ........... 265 ...... 145 ....... 220 ......... 75 Stacy73 ......... 226.4 .... 194 ....... 223 ......... 29 Starryeyed ...... 280 ...... 199 ....... 237 ......... 38 Suzzzie ......... 297 ...... 243 ....... 294 ......... 51 Sunny112..........215....... 130........ 143.......... 13 Trish5713 ....... 255....... 230 ....... 255.......... 25 Wombat712 ....... 152.8 .... 120 ....... 152.8 ....... 32.8<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end -->
  2. hahaha that made me laugh and I dont know why. I guess I haven't thought about doughnuts or ice cream for awhile. I am so busy trying to figure out how to eat 60 grams of protein that I guess I forgot about those yummy goodies! Good luck to you as you begin this journey. It has been an interesting one for me so far, for sure!!
  3. mamato3

    Realize vs. Inamed

    My doc's office did not know the 12 digit code either. I had to throw a little fit. hahha The website support is one of the reasons I chose the realize. (also the shorter profile port) I ended up calling a customer suuport number for the realize band and they called the Dr's office to let them know what number to give their patients. I had know idea they did not stitch the band in to place. I am definately going to ask my Dr. about that. I knew about the port having the self anchoring system, but I thought the band was placed and stitched exactly the same. As far as hunger, I had surgery the same day as you (Jan 7) and I have hardly felt any hunger at all. Maybe like 3 times. They did not schedule me for my first fill until Feb. 25! Seems like an eternity away. I dont really feel like I have much restriction, but I have forced myself to stick to the 1/2 cup of food 3 times a day. It seems to keep me satisfied so far.
  4. mamato3

    Realize vs. Inamed

    I also have the realize band. I think NukeChik pretty much summed things up. The only other thing I can add about the realize band is that they have an online support website that is pretty neat. You can track your meals, weight loss, etc and you can give your Dr. access to that info. The site has alot of info and recipes. You can look at parts of the website pre band, but unless you actually get a realize band you dont have access to everything it offers. The realize band holds 9cc. I can barely feel my port, in other words I have to push down kinda hard to feel it.
  5. mamato3

    Cheesy Tuna

    I tried this tonight with the canned chicken and it was yummy! Thanks for the recipe idea.
  6. mamato3

    I broke my toe!!

    This stinks! I was just getting in to going to the YMCA and starting to feel better after surgery and I had to go an break my toe! My little girl has an adorable disney princesses step stool in the bathroom that I decided to run into and the silly thing did me in! The Dr. gave me a lovely open toe post surgical shoe to wear and it helps me to walk a little better. But now exercise is on the back burner again. BOOO HOOO HOOO! I guess I am looking for sympathy....hahahahah.
  7. I have to say that I am not overly impressed with the Magic Bullet. Prior to my surgery I just had to have one! I went out and spent some Christmas money my dad gave me on mine. It only does a fair job on making shakes. Seems to have a hard time crushing up the ice. Works better if it is filled very full and you dont use full cubes of ice. As for food... mine is awful. I definately do not get a consistent texture with anything .... I have all kinds of chunks that I cant get it to blend out even if I tap it down, shake it...even take the lid off and scrape down the sides. It is not worth the 50 plus dollars I spend on it IMO.
  8. mamato3

    Where do I start?

    OK... so I am totally feeling ignorant even posting this. I am only a little over 2 weeks post op. I joined the YMCA as it is the closest thing to home for me. I have gone 2 times and it is SOOOOO overwhelming to me! I dont know where to start. I guess I am guitly of never really exercising before. Anyways, I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes and walked a little over a mile. When I got done with that, I looked around and didn't know what to do next, so I left! I felt too stupid to even ask anyone for suggestions. What is a good begginer exercise routine? Maybe I just have to suck it up and ask someone there for a little help, huh?
  9. mamato3

    gross question

    ummmm... I would definately take something! You should probably go at least once every 3 days I would think. I have had a slower pattern since surgery but it is still every other day or every day. Dont you feel miserable?
  10. mamato3

    New forum

    I guess I am a little slow saying hello, but now that I am post op, I feel like I am going to need all the support I can get. I'm 36 years old and pretty much my whole life revolves around my 3 beautiful daugthers. I have a 14 yr old, 22 month old and a 7 month old. Not much time for anything else but caring for these little sweeties. The main reason I had lap band surgery was to better my chances of being around a long time to watch my girls grow up. This message board has been my only real outlet. I currently am living near Richmond, Virginia, but home for me is Colorado. Most of my family is there and I am quite homesick as I have very few friends and even less family here. After the girls go to bed at night I hop on here and read and read and it helps me from feeling as lonely. Anyways... this is getting long and it definately was not meant to be a sob story. I am just so glad you all are here for support through this journey. Thankyou!!
  11. I'm now 17 days out and I still have trouble burping. After I eat it feels like I have a big bubble stuck in my chest. When I do burp, they are very little burps. Right after surgery, it was more uncofortable then it is now. I'm either getting used to it, or it is getting better. It is kinda funny though, how some people say they could win burping contests now and then some of us cant burp for anything! Weird, huh?
  12. mamato3

    Finally home and banded!

    Congrats!! You are on your way now!
  13. So, can we expect to keep gaining until the first fill, even though we are only consuming 600 or so calories a day? I have stuck to the rules and thankfully only gained one pound since starting mushies. But I am really worried that I will continue to gain. It just doesn't seem right! haha I mean, are we really going to consume even less then 600 cals a day after a fill? Just wondering....
  14. mamato3

    hey all 7th bandsters

    Overall I am feeling great! My port incision is a bit painful still..in fact it might hurt more now then it did at the beginning. I guess it must be healing. I'm also at a weight loss stand still. AGHHHH! It is really annoying but I know from reading everyone elses posts that it is pretty normal once you hit the mushy stage. I was up a 1/2 pound this morning over what I was on Monday. I should probably just put the scale away. I went shopping yesterdy and bought lots and lots of good for me foods. I cant believe how excited I am to experiment with "healthy" food. hahaha I am definately trying to keep positive even though it is pretty hard right now. So....how is everyone else?
  15. mamato3


    I'm so glad it has helped a little. It has definately been a shoulder for me to lean on since before I even decided to have the surgery. It is so inspiring to see the success stories and so comforting to know that there are lots and lots of people that are going through what your are or already have and survived! Thanks everyone!!!
  16. mamato3

    I did it!

    Hey all! I just wanted to check in. Here is my story.... I had my surgery yesterday. Wow what an experience. I got to the hospital at 7:45am, as instructed, and the waiting began. First they brought me back (leaving my hubby behind) and I got my gown and gorgeous booties and hat on. They started my IV, asked a million questions and then I laid there until 10am before they took me into OR. I was more anxious then nervous. They put a mask over my face and told me to take a couple deep breaths and next thing I knew, I woke up in recovery. The only thing I recall right away was that I had terrible left shoulder pain (the gas). After sitting there awhile and coming around the nurse let my hubby come back for a few minutes because they did not have a room ready for me. So, I waited and waited. At 3:30 they took me for my upper GI. Band looked great but let me tell you, that is some of the most horrible tasting stuff they make you drink! YUCK! Then they took me back to recovery. The nurse was joking around with me by this time. She said the first thing I said when I woke up from surgery was "I'm so excited!" haha Not a typical response from someone coming out of anesthesia, but at least I was thinking very positive! Finally they got me to my room at 5:30. I was in a room with 2 other ladies that also had a lapband placed yesterday. That was a hoot! We walked and talked and had a great time together. I was sent home today about 11:00 am. All in all I am feeling pretty good. I still have a lot of left shoulder pain from the gas. Walking helps that alot so I am doing lots and lots of walking. Clear fluids are easiest for me to tolerate at this point. I have only gotten down about 8 oz of carnation instant Breakfast drink since last night. It really fills me up and gives me a tight feeling in my chest, so I am assuming that is the "full signal". I am SO glad to have the surgery over. I am SO excited to start seeing the weight come off. It is so nice to have all of you here to come and share my thoughts and feelings with. Congrats to all of you other Jan. 7 "bandmates" as well as everyone else who has already received their band this month. Good luck to the rest of you who are still waiting for your turn. It's gonna go great and you will be so glad you did it!!! Renee :whoo:
  17. I am definately with you on this one. I thought it might get better soon, but so far it still feels like I have a big lump in my chest. I am 11 days out from surgery and I am still having this problem. It is especially bad after I eat or if I take too big of a drink of something. I have no idea what to suggest to do. I guess I will talk to my doctor about it next week when I go in. Sorry to not have any suggestions but at least you know you aren't alone!
  18. I understand the misery you are in. I thought the gas was the very worst part of the whole surgical experience. Nothing I tried seemed to help much. I did do a number of things and whether or not they helped, I dont know. Try the heating pad, try not to lay down too much....move around as much as possible including doing big circles with your arms, have someone massage your shoulder a little, keep using the gas-x......I dont know if they help but they sore cant hurt. It will pass soon. I had surgery on Jan. 7th and it is much better now. I still have little twinges of pain in my shoulder but they are much more bearable now.
  19. mamato3

    Finally have an NSV

    WOW! That is fantastic. Congrats!
  20. mamato3

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    OK this looks like fun!!! NAME.........Start Weight...Goal...Current Weight...To Go Jeni 85........214.4 .......184.......214.4 ........30.4 Stacy73........226.4........194.......226.4 ........ 32.4 Nadean.........204.6........160.......204.6......... 44.6 Angie4b1g......237.8........205.......237.8......... 32.8 babs0101.......216..........190.......216........... 26 wombat712......152.8........120.......152.8......... 32.8 bigbaby........207..........167.......207........... 40.0 Redtulips3.....245..........199.......245........... 46 Allaboutme.....238..........165.......211...........46 mamato3............242................199...........242....................43<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
  21. mamato3

    i'm back and on the band wagon

    I was also given a script for Emend that I took the morning of surgery before leaving for the hospital. I had a short wave of nausea but it went away as fast as it came. I cant imagine throwing up after having surgery. Chrisann you are a tough lady!!!
  22. So glad to hear you are home and getting better. The worst is over now I think. The gas gets a bit better each day. Your story was fun to read even though I already had my surgery too. I just enjoy hearing everyones experiences. Looking forward to reading on everyones progress too! Take it easy... we have the rest of our lives to look forward to bein healthier!
  23. mamato3

    Banded January 3rd

    I'm guilty of the chew and spit out! hahah My hubby made some chicken all spiced up for tacos and it smelled so yummy! I chewed up one tiny little piece and then spit it out and rinsed my mouth. It was amazing that it was actually satisfying. HAHAHAHA The funniest part? I do not even like taco's or any type of Mexican food!
  24. I am just wondering if what I am experiencing is gas or what. I am 5 days post-op. The pain in my shoulder has eased considerably, thank goodness! Now, it feels like I constantly have to burp, but no burp comes out. It is like a tightness or pressure in my chest going through to below my left shoulder blade. I wouldn't exactly call it painful, but it is uncomfortable. Is it gas or just post surgical discomfort that will go away or what?
  25. I was really worried about this too.... They sent me home from the hospital with a script for Percocet. I thought no way I can take that... they are huge! But they have gone down without any problem. I'm sure everyone is different though...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
