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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mamato3

  1. mamato3

    Non-Scale Victories!!

    Have a wonderful time on your date! Let us know tomorrow how it goes :smile:
  2. mamato3

    Obese Children Maybe Taken From Home

    Reading over this thread has nearly brought tears to my eyes. I guess I could be viewed as an "abusive or neglectful" mother by some of the posters here. Let me just tell you that I am VERY concerned about my daughter. I have taken her to the Dr. numerous times. In fact, we go in tomorrow to have her weight checked. My baby girl, Anna is 9 months old and 26 lbs. Her weight AND height percentiles are off the charts. I am much more concerned at this point then her Dr. is. She is pretty sure that Anna will start to trend down with her weight now that she is becoming more active. The Dr. ordered blood work to be done at my request to check her thyroid, blood sugar, etc. I took her to the lab to have the blood drawn 3 times and they poked her 7 times all unsuccessfully. It was horrible! Her diet consists of formula (dr. says I can not stop giving her this yet) no more then 20 ounces per day, vegetables, fruits, yogurt and meat. No cereal at all. No juice at all. It breaks my heart and worries me like you could not even imagine. The LAST thing in this world that I want is for my child to start out in this life overweight. I would never want her to go through the struggles that I have with my weight. She will never be taught to eat junk, fast food or too large of portions. Not in this house. Anyways, I think I am just ranting now because the thought of anyone stepping in and threatening to take my children from me is just.... well it's just unthinkable. They are my life! They are the whole reason I even had lapband surgery to start with. I feel that maybe some education is needed in the homes of obese children. Threatening to take someones children is just wrong in this case, at least in my opinion..... :thumbup:
  3. mamato3

    Knockouts March '08 chat!

    Congrats to everyone on their successes! I'm so glad to be able to come here with all of you and read about your journey's. You all give me great inspiration. You all also give me so much support and you have no idea how much that helps! It is so wonderful to know there are SO many people out there going through all the same things as me. Easter was a difficult day foodwise. We went to my MIL's for dinner and I did well all the way up until she pulled out lemon merengue pie. UGHHH!!! I couldn't resist. It is one of my favorites. What a wonderful treat that was. I of course felt guilty afterwards, but it was worth it. YUM! SO, it's back on track for me today. No more junk! My Monday morning weigh in went better then I expected and I am down 1.5 lbs for the week. I am really happy about that after all the Easter treats! That brings my total weight loss to 40 pounds! YEAH! Well I'm off to the gym. Gotta start working on getting rid of the next 40 pounds!
  4. mamato3

    Biggest Loser

    I think I have said this before, but there is something so odd about Mark and Jay and all of their boohoo'n. Gimme a break Mark, you were just home! I am sad to see Brittany go. She works her tail off and lately the scale sure has not been her friend. how dissapointing!! I know we most likely will not see one of the women win, but I get bummed when they get booted off anyway! How come Alli voted for Brittany? Dan sure has become full of himself... kind of annoying. But he does look better with out the long hair I think. Why am I so addicted to this silly show?!?!?!
  5. mamato3

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Yippee!! The scale moved this last week! Here's my latest info.....9 Mamato3......242......199......223.5.......24.5<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:P></O:P>
  6. What is wrong with me!?!? I should be jumping for joy with my progress so far, but I'm just not! Why is doing good not good enough for me? I'm sitting here feeling a little bit down on myself because I really thought I would have lost more weight by now. I weigh myself weekly and last week I was only down 1/2 lb. The week before it was only 1 lb. Average weight loss for the last 8 weeks is 1.68lbs/week. I am sure I am probably bordering on OCD here with all my number crunching, LOL. I am sure I need to just quit being so hard on myself, but I just feel so blah. I still do not have much restriction as I have only had 1 fill. 2nd fill is scheduled for the 28th. Perhaps some of this is still due to the ol "bandster hell" thing. I work my tail off at the gym and try to make really good food choices. Is 2 or 3 pounds a week too much to hope for?!?!? Anyways, I just kinda wanted to vent a little.
  7. mamato3

    Doing good, but not good enough!

    Thanks you guys. It's such a good feeling knowing that I can come here and speak my feelings and there are lots of people who understand. I guess I will be calling on Monday and seeing about getting on a cancellation list to try to move my fill up. Hopefully I'll get lucky. I went to the gym this morning and busted my tail for an hour again. It seems to make me feel so much better, even if the scale doesn't! hahaha
  8. You have been through ALOT here recently, both physically and emotionally. You are one very strong and inspirational lady. Maybe the hesitation is just due to the fact that you need a break from yet another procedure? (even though a fill is no big deal) Who knows! BUT, if anyone will get through those feelings, it's you. :huh2: BTW, congrats on your recent surgery. You look fantastic! I truly admire you!!
  9. mamato3

    Biggest Loser

    I can not believe Mark is back. GRRR! If I was one of the contestants, I would be mad mad mad! They already eliminated these players once! LOL This show is always full of interesting and sometimes not very fair twists and turns. Mark will probably end up winning the whole thing.
  10. You are the only one who can decide what is right for you. Personally, the sacrifices are minimal compared to the reward of living a healthier and hopefully longer life. Giving up carbonated beverages and some foods seems like a small price to pay not to be 250 + pounds anymore!
  11. mamato3

    Food Network/ Food TV Shows

    I also enjoy The Food Network and watch it way more then any person who is trying to watch what she eats should! I especially love Rachael Ray. She probably makes some of the most terrible for you stuff there is, but I still watch her all the time! Every so often she throws in a healthy recipe and you can also tweak her recipes to be a bit more healthy if you are creative. My hubby makes fun of me all the time because I like her so much. I want her pans and her knives and all of her cook books! Too bad we can't afford them LOL
  12. mamato3

    Warning: Keep an eye on your rings

    So glad you found your ring! I almost lost mine too. I work part time as a nurse and the other night at work I washed my hands, dried them off with a paper towel and tossed the towel in the trash. I dont know why I looked down in the trash, but when I did, there was my wedding ring laying inside the paper towel! I'm heading out to find one of those "snugglers" today!
  13. mamato3

    Dream big..........

    Best of luck tonight, Jaymie. Break a leg!
  14. I have been pretty motivated on the exercise thing this week. I am actually starting to enjoy it! I met a lady at my little girls swimming lessons that has been keeping me motivated. Today she jumped on the eliptical next to me. I would have gotten off after about 10 minutes because I think the eliptical is so freakin hard to do, but she kept talking to me and encouraging me. She was like "just 2 more minutes, I know you can do it!". Next thing I knew I had been on it for 30 minutes! I am super excited! I found out I am stronger then I thought I was. MamaJava... as for the swim suit thing. No one is more self conscious then me! I have FORCED myself to get in my swimsuit and take my little girls to their swimming lessons. I think that I probably spend more time worrying about if people are looking at me then it's worth. I figure, let them look! They wont be looking at me at this size much longer! The swim suit I have worn for the last 6 years (probably a total of 6 times in 6 years since I hate getting in a swim suit SO bad) is too big already! Go for it.... you are doing something good for yourself! :tongue:
  15. mamato3

    Non-Scale Victories!!

    My first noticed non scale victory could have been really bad!! After washing my hands at work last night, I used a paper towel to dry them and tossed it in the trash. Luckily I glanced down to notice my wedding ring laying in the paper towel. It just slid right off without me noticing! While I am glad that I didn't lose my wedding ring it was a really good feeling that I have lost enough weight where they come off so easily. It used to be so tight I could barely take it off! I guess I will be heading down to get it resized!
  16. mamato3

    Feeling like a failure...

    Sorry to hear that you are feeling down lately. I do not have any miraculous advice for you because I am sort of right there with you. I had my first fill last week but still really dont feel any restriction. I'm wanting to schedule my second, but the doctor's office is not calling me back!! grr!!! This waiting for restriction thing is really hard. We have to rely on a whole bunch of will power and it is easy to feel like we just might fail. SOOOO, this is why I posted. You have such a wonderful attitude. You are always upbeat and jumping in to give much needed hugs when people are having a bad day. You always have nice, upbeat things to say to others. I think you need to take a deep breath and read some of the wonderful things you say to others. Then, take your own advice :thumbdown: This is a really hard thing we are doing here. If it was easy, none of us would be here. You are doing great. Keep your chin up and remember we are all here to listen and give you those kind and caring hugs right back. Good luck at Curves next week and I hope your move goes well.
  17. mamato3

    What do you eat if you hate to cook?

    I dont know if you would even consider this....it does involve some preparation but is so easy. Ziploc makes these nifty little bags called Zip'n Steam. All you have to do is throw your ingredients in the bag and pop it in the microwave. You can use chicken or fish or shrimp which you can buy in single serving sizes then take some vegetable and either cut them up or buy them already cut up, toss everything in the bag with some seasonings cook it up in the microwave. SO EASY! Believe it or not these are really tasty!! I was very skeptical but my hubby insisted on trying them. We have done salmon with peppers a bit of garlic powder, oregeno, olive oil, red wine vinegar, cook it for 5 minutes. Delish! Super easy clean up too. For quick lunches I tend to eat alot of deli meat. I either smear a small amount of cream cheese on it and roll it up or eat it with some kind of low fat cheese (rolled up of course). Canned tuna, salmon, crab or chicken with lowfat mayo celery and onion. I do love to cook, so this is all I am coming up with right now for the quick and easy things. I usually cook at least 1 meal a day for my family and pick out the Protein and veggies for myself. :thumbdown: good luck
  18. mamato3

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Here's an update: Mamato3......242......199......228.5.......29.5
  19. I was just wondering if your fear is more about actual flying, or the whole seatbelt thing? If it is more about flying, maybe talk with your doctor if you are really that nervous and he/she could give you something to settle your nerves? If it is more about the seatbelt thing... I am 5'4" and my highest weight was 262 lbs and I was able to wear the seat belt on airplanes no problem. I have flown numerous airlines and some are more snug then others, but I have always fit. OH, I also carry ALOT of weight around my waist where the seat belt sits. I think it will fit you fine :shades_smile: Have a blast in Vegas! It is SO MUCH FUN!!!
  20. mamato3

    Virginia Monthly Chat

    Congrats you all... you will be on the flip side before you know it. Then the fun begins! hahah Good luck with your surgeries and keep us posted.
  21. mamato3

    Realize band

    Elissa.... I'm with you! Too bad I got this crappy Realize band. Had I gotten the other I would be down 100 pounds instead of 32. How stupid was I ?!?!?! OH, and by the way. My EMPTY band provided me with enough support to not feel any hunger for over a month. My first fill was 3.8 cc's. Pretty good restriction already. I couldn't be happier with my "realize" band! Renee
  22. mamato3

    Biggest Loser

    There was something really odd about seeing those guys cry like that. I have wanted Mark to be voted off for a long time now, but last night I learned that he actually does have a heart. He cares about other people and that was kind of refreshing. It is a game that each and every one of them joined to win. Walking away like that couldn't have been easy. How did you guys like the way Jillian kicked Brittany's butt?!?! I need her to be on my team for a couple of months. LOL
  23. I'm getting no where fast either! blah! Want2beme 181/171 "I can do it!" wombat712 148/138 "OMG the 130's??" curr 143.8 Gweniper 218/211 curr 216 mamato3 233.5/223.5 "10 pounds in 21 days. Am I nutts?" cur 229 MANDYJO 180/172 I HOPE IT DOESN'T COME OFF MY BOOBS Biggestloser2be 202/195 "I can do this - I need the challenge!!!" currently 198 reif78 247 now/ 237 i think im crazy but i can do it!!! good luck all Current wt. 236 kyteachjules 294/288 movin' movin' movin' movin' movin' on down! mumof2boys 188/180 "If I do this, I will be 5 pounds away from 100 down" ---keeping my fingers crossed! stacy73 222/217 " I HOPE IT DOES COME OFF MY BOOBS"(inspired by MANDYJO)
  24. mamato3

    March Exercise Challenge!

    Haha! 600 minute march is really funny. Count me in on the challenge too!
  25. mamato3

    Just getting started...

    Sorry for the slow response. I was taking care of my darling almost 2 year old being her sweet little self. I live a little ways west of Richmond. We will be here 2 years in April.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
