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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About McKaylee

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  1. McKaylee


    I had the Gastric Sleeve on April 14.. With the two week liquid diet I have lost about 30 pounds.. But I have started to gain weight.. They switched me to soft foods last thursday.. am I doing something wrong...
  2. McKaylee

    Almost 2 weeks post op

    Yeah from 1-5 weeks post op, I am only allowed to have cottage cheese, greek yogurt, sugar free pudding, apple sauce and of course the protein shakes strictly.. My nutrionist says that anything else is too hard on my staples /:
  3. With the two week liquid diet included I have lost 29 pounds! As of today! When I started I weighed in at a whopping 347pounds.. now I'm down to 318.. I honestly can't remember when the last time was that I weighed under 330.. This is the absolute best thing in the world.. I have had a hard time getting in my Protein and Water.. Does anybody have some helpful tips or ideas? My diet consists of cottage cheese, greek yogurt, sugar free pudding & apple sauce.. I'm already so bored and discusted with it, I prefer not to eat.. I also have a tmi.. I have been taking miralax to use the restroom.. But I havent been able to since the hospital.. I'm starting to get a little worried..
  4. McKaylee

    1 week surgerversary yey

    Seattleslew! The pain in your shoulder is a sign of a leak! You should go get that checked asap! I had surgery at cincinatti childrens where the 12 year old Alexis Shapiro did.. Have you heard her story? Well me and her became close, and thats how they found out she had a leak was from her shoulder pain! So please call your dr!
  5. Melodica, they wont let me have tomato soup or cream of chicken.. they say its to acidy for my staples.. I also have to have EVERYTHING at room tempture.. I went through cincinnatti childrens hospital, I guess thats why theyre so strict..
  6. I had the sleeve on the 14th.. For the next couple weeks I'm allowed to have; cottage cheese, sugar free pudding and Jello, greek yogurt and Protein shakes.. For people who have had the surgery already, how do you handle this stage? I really just want to add things.. For others who are getting ready to go in to surgery, good luck! Congrats! Its a great feeling to watch the weight start to fall off! With the two week liquid diet I have shedded 25pounds! Just remember to breath, sip sip sip and walk walk walk. The more I walked the better I felt!
  7. McKaylee


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