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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sweetie716

  1. sweetie716

    First Christmas

    I just got sleeved on the 11th, and it was a good day. I cooked, ham, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, and rolls. Basically all my favorites, and cheesecake for dessert. The family loved it, and I drank my protein shake. I haven't been bothered by all the delicious food around me probably since I can't eat solids yet anyway. Thankful for the peace in my head despite the food around me. And thankful for getting to spend time with my family. I hope everyone had a great day!
  2. sweetie716

    Taking off a week....

    That is awesome! I am excited to be cleared for more exercise- I have been walking since surgery though. I know if it were me, taking a whole week off would make it super hard to get back in the groove again. I would have to do like 2 weeks of every other day or something so I didn't get out of the routine. Enjoy the break, you've done aweome!
  3. I think it is probably more important that you get your fluids in than that you get your protein in, I would definitely get some water or something else in there while you are working on the protein because if you get dehydrated then it will make things even more difficult for you. I totally feel you on the shakes though. It has been getting harder the last couple of days for me to get them in because its just so sweet. Best of luck to you! Hang in there
  4. sweetie716

    Post-OP Liquid Diet Phase

    I just finished the last of my Protein. I could barely get the shakes down today. They are just so sweet. Yesterday, I tried to use the Healthwise tomato soup w/ the protein and it was not great, but at least it wasnt a shake. I cannot wait til I can eat some cheese and meat for protein with maybe a shake a day for breakfast like I used to. Or a protein bar- I could deal with that right now too. I used to enjoy my Protein Shakes, but since I've been on only those for weeks now, not so much. I really hope they havent been ruined for me permanently because it really is an awesome easy breakfast if it doesn't make you gag
  5. I'm also wondering why no cinnamon. My winter spice tea has been soooo good to me in the morning. Please share.
  6. sweetie716

    Weird stalling

    Does 8-10 pounds correlate with about a month? Could it be that time of the month? Hormones are weird.
  7. sweetie716

    So THIS happened the other day. Me and my big mouth.

    OMG, i cannot believe that one. That is horrible. Wow wow wow some people are awful. I wish I had your ability to fire back so quickly.
  8. My doctor's instructions say to sip water/ Protein stuff at a rate of about 1-2 ounces per 15 minutes. Thankfully I have no problems getting my fluids in, but I'm finding that I can drink the whole amount in only a few minutes and it feels fine. Yesterday I had about 4 ounces in under 15 minutes (trying to get the antibiotic taste out of my mouth). I'm 6 days out, and I guess I am just worried that I have a 'big' sleeve or that it's not going to give me enough restriction down the road. Anybody further down the road that can share their experiences with this?
  9. I just told my boss that I had to have surgery. I didn't expand on that at all. They didn't ask for any further info. When a couple of my colleagues asked what was going on, I just told them that I wasn't really talking about it, and they backed off of the questions. I figure it may be kind of obvious at some point, but the longer I can go without having people watch me and scrutinize my body/food intake the better off I'll be.
  10. sweetie716

    Almost time for that two week liquid diet! :-(

    My husband ate chinese, pizza, mcdonalds, etc. and i LOVED every minute of it because i KNEW i wasn't going to eat it. There was no way I was going to go off plan for that, and it was almost fun when people ate the food I liked around me (and it still kind of is fun) because I no longer had to eat it and didn't feel tempted to eat it. I know not everyone would think like that, but it worked for me. Best of luck to you! I should mention that my diet was four weeks long- he didn't eat all that stuff in the course of a week or two
  11. I am SO glad I had the surgery. It is nice to not think about food/meal planning all the time! I'm only 1 week post op right now, so I'm doing Protein shakes and Water right now. I am really glad I did it.
  12. Write your questions down! I had like a page and a half. They probably will tell you that you do have a lot to go through before then, but it will be worth it and you will probably get a ton of good info and feel better prepared for going though it.
  13. sweetie716

    Sleeved on December 11th

    Hey! December 11 was my date too Thankfully my surgeons plan involved full liquids after day 3. Clear liquids was rough for me too. Welcome!
  14. sweetie716

    Hi everyone!

    I think you will be surprised at how fast it comes off during the preop diet phase. I had a 4 week preop diet since I had a high bmi. The first three weeks were 2 shakes, 2 bars/crisps (ketogenx brand from the dr's office), and for dinner 3 oz of lean Protein and a few handfuls of non-starchy veggies. The last week was just shakes (5 a day). I lost 10 pounds the first week, and ended up about 25 down by the time surgery rolled around. Be sure to get the nutrition from the shakes, you don't want to go without your protein for too long as you're prepping for surgery. Also be sure to get all of your Water. I did walk some, although I didn't get out as much as I'd have liked. Best of luck to you
  15. So glad things went well for you! All three pics are beautiful Nice work!
  16. sweetie716

    strange topic...have you?

    I assumed it was from drinking all these Protein shakes, but I've also heard the ketone thing. Lately I have been smelling other people's breath, which I've never really noticed before. I'm sorry for them and for me at the same time lol. I bought some sugar free mentos mints (too scared I'll accidentally swallow gum at only 7 days out and send my new sleeve into a frenzy). Here's to hoping it gets better for all of us soon
  17. Thank you all so much for your feedback. I felt kind of bad posting that question since I know so many people are having a tough time with getting fluids in or having pain, but it was definitely a nagging concern for me and I really appreciate your answers. Thanks to all!
  18. sweetie716

    Down in the dumps

    I'm guessing based on the supervised visit reference you are pre-op. I'm sorry to hear about the restrictions you've got, but this is one of those times where you get to practice doing something new. We probably will never be perfect at making all the right food choices, so its a perfect opportunity to change how you respond to it. I and I think most of us have done the "well, I guess I'll start again Monday" type of reasoning in the past, with not the best results. Try to do what you need to do and make a change sooner than you would have in the past and count it as a small victory for yourself. I hope that you start feeling better soon!
  19. sweetie716

    Is Pre Op diet Possible?

    It's definitely possible. I had a 4 week preop diet, and didn't eat off plan at all. You will see plenty of benefits, including some weight falling off before you even go in for surgery. Focus on the positives- you don't have to think about what your going to eat or plan out meals because it's done for you. I have heard that for most people it gets easier as you go along- for me, i was sooooo ready to be on Clear liquids and post-op for the last 3 days. Your body will more than likely adjust within the next couple days and the headaches, etc will not be around the whole time. If you don't bite the bullet and get it over with now, you will be dealing with this on top of surgical changes. It will be worth it.
  20. 20 pounds is great! People lose at different rates, so celebrate that you're that much closer to goal. I don't really have much advice on the food yet, but don't get yourself down over the number.
  21. Hi everybody! I just got my sleeve on Dec. 11 and I would like to take a shower, but I'm really nervous of getting my dermabond wet and having a bad situation happen. Also, I've been sleeping on my side since the surgery, but I'm not sure if that puts stress on the dermabond either. My discharge instructions say you can shower with it without covering it, but I need to hear from people who have actually done the showers with the dermabond to feel better about doing so. Could someone who knows please tell me if I'm being too worried about it or any tips you have to keep it on there as long as it needs to be? Also, how long does it need to stay on for it to heal things up?
  22. sweetie716

    Any great apps you use?

    I'm using water tracker on my android to track my postoperative fluid. It lets you customize your serving size and I put in a 1 and 2 ounce option since I can't do more than that in a short period of time. It also lets you set your goal and has a reminder feature.
  23. I had one day of jitters. Well, part of a day. It was the last day of all shakes and everything had been going super. I actually liked the prep diet (for me it was 4 weeks) for the most part, except that toward the end the shakes got to tasting or smelling like protein all the time. Well, the last night before the 24 hours of clear liquids only part, I got to thinking about Moes cuz I used to pic that up on the way home if I had a really late stressful day at work. All I could think about was that I'd never be able to eat a cup of queso and chips due to the size/quantity. It kind of freaked me out because I'd been so excited and ready, but all of a sudden I was worrying over some dang chips and cheese. Thankfully the next morning I woke up with a better attitude and got sleeved the next day.
  24. sweetie716

    Questions about dermabond

    Thanks everyone! I showered and it felt great

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
