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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sweetie716

  1. It is really big news to tell someone. Is there any chance she'll come around once she's had time to let the shock wear off? Her reaction could be due to all kinds of things, like stories she's heard about wls, concern for how you'll come through (which I'm sure will be great), and there could be some jealousy issues as well. I'd give her a minute and see where she is next time you talk. I'd give her the benefit of the doubt, hold off on getting upset with her until you know how she really feels. If she still clings to her beliefs about wls you'll have to evaluate if you can just steer clear of the topic or if it something that will make it difficult to maintain the friendship. I hope that everything smooths out for you two!
  2. sweetie716

    Facial Hair

    I'm about 2 months post op and I've noticed a somewhat substantial change in my situation with this. I mainly grow it on either side of my chin, and for a while it was coming in very dark and the hairs were very thick. I had to shave it every day or every other day. Lately its been much lighter and I shave probably 2x per week or less because the color is much lighter and it is not as coarse. Hallelujah.
  3. I'd agree with the others that loose would be best for the first few days/weeks post op. The rubbing/contact with clothing on incisions wouldn't be the best feeling. Also, in the hospital just wear the gown. It's standard issue because they will need to check and get to things easily. After your surgery you can ask for a second one to wear like a robe so you're not on display in the back. Best of luck!!
  4. sweetie716

    How old are/were you?

    I'm 29. I went to a seminar when i was 23, but I don't think I was personally ready then. I found myself worrying over loose skin and other silly things. I think i really needed to try again by myself a couple of times. I did find myself back at the surgeon's office at 28, but certain about the decision and not giving a hoot about skin and hair type issues. I knew at that point that surgery was going to be how I dealt with my obesity once and for all. I am glad I waited until I was absolutely sure about my decision, but I think others may come to those realizations much earlier than I did. I'd say as long as you truly feel ready to make a commitment for life, go for it.
  5. sweetie716

    Did Anyone Have?

    I didn't have it myself, but my surgeon's pre-surgery meeting told us that that is classic gas pains. They said people tend to worry over it since it seems like nothing should have happened up there and the tingly left arm is associated with heart attacks, but the gas after surgery just gets trapped up there and can hurt quite badly. Try walking around a bit more if you can and it should go away relatively soon.
  6. Have you considered RNY? They get dumping which from what I understand is one of the most powerful ways of curbing yourself when you give into the carbs. It seems so drastic and complicated at first, and I think that's at least part of the reason why some people (including myself) lean towards the sleeve or band initially. However, it does have a great track record and I know an RNY patient personally who still dumps if she eats too much sugar and she's more than 6 years out. If you really want the sleeve or decide to stick with the band, you may want to try to work with a bariatric therapist. There is so much tied up in how we got to where we are weight-wise and learning to change behaviors and coping mechanisms is difficult. Also there is a pretty good book called Emotional First Aid for bariatric patients that is pretty good. Good luck to you. Congratulations on your success so far and I'm sure you're not doomed to fail. You just have to find what works for you!
  7. sweetie716

    so disappointed

    I was going to say what others have said. RnY has a really long and good track record. I love my sleeve, but I went back and forth between the two. I'd hang out on their boards for a bit to see what's going on there, too. Also, one of the biggest upsides to the RnY is the larger average percentage of excess weight lost. It may not be as bad as you think. Good luck in whatever you decide to do!
  8. sweetie716


    I haven't eaten crackers, and I wont given my prior cracker-craziness. However, my doctors office has whole grain crackers on the allowed food list starting at the three week mark. They do say to still eat Protein first- for example, don't eat tuna on the crackers, eat the tuna first and then the crackers.
  9. sweetie716


    My first stall was 10-14 long days. It was the 3-week stall. I hope my next stall holds off for quite a while because they are very unpleasant. It can really mess with your head some days if you let it. Just remember that if you stick to the plan, the weight will come off.... eventually.
  10. sweetie716

    Crazy cravings and snacks?

    I really want some cherry tomatoes w some ranch dressing. I wont eat it bc Protein first and i never have room for more than that, but its a new craving to me.
  11. sweetie716

    Happy Feb. 14!

    I just want to Celebrate my first sleeved Valentines day with you all. It has never been a big holiday for my husband and I, in fact, we decided to celebrate next Friday when we can get seated at a restaurant without the hour and over wait times. Here are a few things that I was happy about this weekend so far: The principals at my school bought all the teachers a little 5-piece chocolate box and I didn't feel the need to eat it. I gave it to my husband, but probably won't be eaten by either of us. I officially fit in even the smallest high school desks now. When I first started I couldn't even fit in the biggest model we had (at least comfortably), and now I fit them all I had to help out with a tournament at my school last night, and I preplanned and packed myself appropriate food. They offered to let me and the other teachers eat in the coaches room where they promised pizza and subs, but I didn't even go back there since I had my shake with me. This morning I was able to exercise, shop, and make a waffle/sausage/orange juice Breakfast for my husband, enjoy the smell, but didn't feel weird or deprived from not eating it with him. I made myself some veggie sausage for breakfast- lots of Protein and much less fat than the other stuff. I'm just really thankful for the surgery and for the results I've seen so far and for this group because even when I'm not posting myself, I get so much from reading all the collective knowledge and can-do attitudes on these boards. Happy February 14th Anybody else have things they're thankful for or proud of today?
  12. I can't wait! I'm losing in my back, butt, and legs, but my belly doesn't seem to be moving much. You have definition and look great. I'm so hopeful that I will be able to lose some of this extra in front- even if it does come with some loose skin.
  13. sweetie716


    Congrats!! You look fantastic!
  14. So I'm almost 2 months out (Feb. 11) and I had posted pretty soon after surgery about not being sure that I had very much restriction (I was still on liquids at the time). Anyway, I've been carefully weighing and measuring, so although I would sometimes start to feel full, I had never had an "old normal" portion of food on my plate since surgery. Today I forgot to bring my Protein shake for lunch As a teacher, I decided to look at the lunch menu to see if anything would fit in with what I needed. They did have a cheeseburger option (trust me, it's not worthy of the name), but I decided to eat the meat without the bun. I COULDN'T EVEN FINISH IT :) I put it in mfp and I'm so happy because I didn't go off track and eat bread or breaded items that were available; I got really full off a partial hamburger patty; I'm still on track with my nutrition tracking and my protein goals for the day. I feel lucky!!
  15. sweetie716

    I wish I knew how to quit you, (fill in the blank)!

    Premier Protein bars. Lately I've been using them to help boost my protein intake. I have a shake and a bar almost every day. Between the two it's 60 grams of protein quick, but I want to make time for myself to eat more real food.
  16. I'd say drink a ton of Water (at least the 8 cups a day). If you can, drink it plain since some sweetners in crystal light/mio can make it seem even harder to give up carbs for some people. Then, if you can get a good balanced Protein shake mix like Bariatric Advantage, drink those for 2 meals and then about 3 oz of meat and some veggies for dinner. If you need the 2 Snacks between meals stick to high protein/low carb ones like cheese sticks, nuts, or maybe a carefully selected yogurt. You can do this!
  17. sweetie716

    isopure ready to drink?

    My favorites were Passion Fruit and the Alpine Punch flavors.
  18. sweetie716

    TMI for the day!

    I have a whole new appreciation for getting to poop! Congrats on your big one!
  19. sweetie716

    Keen Olfactory Senses Post Surgery

    I could smell everything too post op, the one that drove me the most crazy was smelling other people's breath all the time. Thankfully it has subsided since. I would say by about the end of week 3 it seemed to be pretty much back to normal. I hope that it gets better for you, too!
  20. sweetie716

    I'm still hungry!

    Jasminew, you may go back and forth between being hungry/looking forward to eating, and then have periods of time where you could take it or leave it. I'm almost 7 weeks out and it goes back and forth for me. When I was on full liquids, I got so sick of them that it was a chore. Then when I was just starting out on semi-solids/soft foods I was always looking forward to it, but the last maybe week or two I mainly eat cuz I have to to hit Protein targets. I've heard it can go back and forth like that. Good luck to you!
  21. sweetie716

    Just for laughs....hopefully not TMI =)

    I need that shirt lol
  22. sweetie716

    Half of Me - A Pictorial Reminder

    Oh my gosh, you look beautiful! Congrats on all the hard work paying off! Thanks for posting, it's very motivational.
  23. sweetie716

    Teachers and Time Off

    I took a week before Christmas break for a total of three weeks. It was nice to have the time, but I think I'd have been ok after 2- I was feeling awesome within a couple days, but it is a big job to get Protein and fluids in for that first couple weeks after surgery. I have worked out before school ever since going back and I feel really good. I do tend to fall asleep around 830 or. 9 each night, but I am getting up at 4 or 430 every day to exercise. Good luck!
  24. I had saved some ham from Christmas, and I ate that. It wasn't until the next day I found out that it's on the "do not attempt" list for the soft diet... It turned out fine. I haven't had a food that I haven't tolerated. I've eaten chicken, pot roast, cheese, turkey meatballs, and lots of fish. It's all been quite good. I tried a Protein bar last night, and I think that was the most difficult thing I've tried so far, it didn't hurt, but it didn't feel normal, so I will wait a while before I try that again. Whatever you pick chew lots and eat slow. Enjoy!
  25. sweetie716

    Anybody else?

    I just had one of those days yesterday! I was super stressed out and I kept looking at my cheese stick (which I hadn't been able to get down since the morning) and my Protein shake (supposed to be lunch) and I just couldn't bring myself to eat or drink it. I didn't get all my Water or my protein yesterday for the first time since 3 days post op (i'm 6 weeks out today). It sucked. All day I had like 230 calories and 36 g of protein. It was a bad day for me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
