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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    devint got a reaction from bobbyswife in Monday's POSITIVE Post!   
    My husband knows whats best for me even when I don't see it and he's willing to sacrifice to make sure I'm taken care of. When I had gallbladder complications after my sleeve, he didn't pipe up once about having to essentially act like a single parent for a total of 4 months while I recovered from my two surgeries. He is always thinking of ways to show me he cares and to make sure I'm safe and happy. Couldn't ask for more.
  2. Like
    devint reacted to Get.Waisted in 7 mos out, failing horribly... ????   
    I have to figure out a way to prep without my 14yr old and my husband eating all my stuff. I'm thinking hiding my meals in the vegetable cubbies in the fridge may work...they never look there. Lol
  3. Like
    devint reacted to sherry24184 in 117 lbs down! 7 months out :)   
    Well I had lost 101lbs 5 months and 117lbs as of 7 months. LOVE MY SLEEVE! How much more do you think I can lose? HW 325, SW 301, CW 209. My goal in my head was 175lbs but I REALLY think I can get to a normal BMI of 140lbs. I'm trying really hard by exercising, Proteins and lots of Water. Any suggestions? Februarly only lost 4 lbs but March lost 10 lbs. Really hoping for 15lb loss for April to get me to well under ONDERLAND!!!! Happy Sleeving all

  4. Like
    devint reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Saturday's Positive Post   
    Ghrelin was my aha moment.
    Finding out that there was something called ghrelin.
    In my big old stomach.
  5. Like
    devint got a reaction from bobbyswife in Saturday's Positive Post   
    My big A-HA moment was watching my husband, who I considered to be a slave to food of the 10th degree versus me, lost more weight than ever with his sleeve. It was about month 3 of his journey that we had the hard talk where he basically said, "I've done something about my weight, health and longevity. You don't have to go with surgery but you do need to do something. I need you around." I scheduled an appointment that week for consult. I'm glad he was brave enough "to go first" and "to have the talk." It has changed our lives and we're only just getting started.
  6. Like
    devint got a reaction from bobbyswife in Saturday's Positive Post   
    My big A-HA moment was watching my husband, who I considered to be a slave to food of the 10th degree versus me, lost more weight than ever with his sleeve. It was about month 3 of his journey that we had the hard talk where he basically said, "I've done something about my weight, health and longevity. You don't have to go with surgery but you do need to do something. I need you around." I scheduled an appointment that week for consult. I'm glad he was brave enough "to go first" and "to have the talk." It has changed our lives and we're only just getting started.
  7. Like
    devint got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Thursdays positive post!   
    Perseverance. I had learned perseverance, through trying and trying and trying to tackle my weight problem. I watched my weight cost me dearly in relationships and in health. Failing, failing, failing and then trying again a different way. Personal Trainers, Alli, Nutrisystem, So many gym memberships, Walking apps, food Diaries, Weight Watchers, Veganism, Bought a Bike, Nutritionists and medically supervised diets. I know what it's like to live through battle for years at a time. And God forbid, if I ever have to tackle any sort of chronic or lifetime affliction or hardship, I will be so glad for my experience of fall down get up fall down get up fall down get up. I'm one tough cookie because of it.
  8. Like
    devint got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Thursdays positive post!   
    Perseverance. I had learned perseverance, through trying and trying and trying to tackle my weight problem. I watched my weight cost me dearly in relationships and in health. Failing, failing, failing and then trying again a different way. Personal Trainers, Alli, Nutrisystem, So many gym memberships, Walking apps, food Diaries, Weight Watchers, Veganism, Bought a Bike, Nutritionists and medically supervised diets. I know what it's like to live through battle for years at a time. And God forbid, if I ever have to tackle any sort of chronic or lifetime affliction or hardship, I will be so glad for my experience of fall down get up fall down get up fall down get up. I'm one tough cookie because of it.
  9. Like
    devint got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Thursdays positive post!   
    Perseverance. I had learned perseverance, through trying and trying and trying to tackle my weight problem. I watched my weight cost me dearly in relationships and in health. Failing, failing, failing and then trying again a different way. Personal Trainers, Alli, Nutrisystem, So many gym memberships, Walking apps, food Diaries, Weight Watchers, Veganism, Bought a Bike, Nutritionists and medically supervised diets. I know what it's like to live through battle for years at a time. And God forbid, if I ever have to tackle any sort of chronic or lifetime affliction or hardship, I will be so glad for my experience of fall down get up fall down get up fall down get up. I'm one tough cookie because of it.
  10. Like
    devint reacted to CowgirlJane in Thursdays positive post!   
    I learned to value many aspects of myself. ..intellect, courage, tenacity over looks
  11. Like
    devint reacted to MissCK in You know you lost weight when   
    Men practically fall over themselves trying to help you with ANYTHING at the office, home depot, grocery store, you name it! Not used to the stares, smiles, and flirting. It used to make me self conscious and I would think people stared because I was chubby. Now, if a cute guy is staring at me, it takes me a second but I realize oh, he thinks I'm pretty!
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    devint reacted to Dulcemia00 in You know you lost weight when   
    My gold jewelry Bracelet flung across the room while I was talking to my kid. She had to duck down when she saw my bracelet flying towards her, lol
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    devint reacted to jacileggs in You know you lost weight when   
    A woman came into our office. She went over to my co-worker and said. "I see you have a new girl here"
    She laughed and said. "No that's Jaci, she lost a lot of weight". The woman didn't believe her. Lol. I've worked there for almost 14 years. The woman was embarrassed and said it was that my hair looked different. My hair was in a ponytail, which it often is. This honestly made my day.
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    devint reacted to Tammylb in You know you lost weight when   
    Nothing fits !! Not even my rings. My ring finger is a 5 prior to surgery I was an 8 . If only my stomach would slim as fast as my fingers !! 80 pounds down in 7 months currently at a stall:(
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    devint reacted to lash44 in You know you lost weight when   
    When your old clothes fit you like MC Hammer's balloon paints.
  16. Like
    devint got a reaction from ready2B in After 2 years! Finally found my word.   
    I know my "word" is probably unpopular and some might roll their eyes, but it works for me on a couple levels. I call my experience "recovery."
    In a very real physical sense, I'm still recovering from the surgery and the dramatic weight loss side effects of the first six months. Some peoples ride down is smooth and easy, but not mine. Reading about it ahead of time is nothing like living it.
    Deeper, I am recovering from a lifetime of unhealthy use of food as an emotional numbing agent and my weight as an emotional barrier to meaningful relationships. I am recovering from those behavior patterns because my buffer and my numbness are being stripped away as the pounds melt. I have to deal with things like emotions and relationships now instead of hiding.
    I also never want to forget where I was and where I'm coming from, so calling it recovery reminds me that its not a dream, it's not a magic fix and life isn't going to be all roses and butterflies when I hit goal. I could end up living large again if I'm not diligent.
    Some people need the optimism of inspiring language when talking about their experience. I need a reality check.
  17. Like
    devint got a reaction from ready2B in After 2 years! Finally found my word.   
    I know my "word" is probably unpopular and some might roll their eyes, but it works for me on a couple levels. I call my experience "recovery."
    In a very real physical sense, I'm still recovering from the surgery and the dramatic weight loss side effects of the first six months. Some peoples ride down is smooth and easy, but not mine. Reading about it ahead of time is nothing like living it.
    Deeper, I am recovering from a lifetime of unhealthy use of food as an emotional numbing agent and my weight as an emotional barrier to meaningful relationships. I am recovering from those behavior patterns because my buffer and my numbness are being stripped away as the pounds melt. I have to deal with things like emotions and relationships now instead of hiding.
    I also never want to forget where I was and where I'm coming from, so calling it recovery reminds me that its not a dream, it's not a magic fix and life isn't going to be all roses and butterflies when I hit goal. I could end up living large again if I'm not diligent.
    Some people need the optimism of inspiring language when talking about their experience. I need a reality check.
  18. Like
    devint reacted to zenandnow in How do you handle attention from the opposite sex now that you've been sleeved and are SUPER HOT?   
    I get all blushy and awkward. That usually kills whatever attraction the other person was feeling, LOL!!
  19. Like
    devint reacted to MindiJean in I am unaproachable now?   
    Thank goodness....I've finally figured out why no one ever hits on me!!

    Totally kidding of course. And so not helpful. Sorry.
  20. Like
    devint reacted to gowalking in To be desired again   
    I post about all kinds of things on this forum knowing that if I'm feeling them, or experiencing them, so are others. So..I don't feel that I can leave out the fact that I've begun dating again. Scary stuff...and especially as I'm right in the middle of body image issues, and this brings up rejection issues, and control issues for me. I feel like I'm walking in a field of landmines. Talk about being vulnerable...sheesh.
    So last night, the fella I've been dating for a couple of months is coming to my apartment. My train is late and I get home and text him to find out if he's on his way. Turns out he's already waiting for me and comes up a couple of minutes later. I'm still in my work clothes..which happens to be a very handsome dress in a rust/coral color and he stares at me and says that I look fantastic in that dress and the only thing that would look better is if I was out of that dress..lol.
    It's been such a long time since anyone has shown that kind of attention to me. I'm not a kid so no worries about being swept off my feet by a few choice words but it none the less, warmed my heart to know that someone wanted me again. Desired me again. I must be somewhat attractive for an older and somewhat wrinkly old broad.
    I feel like I'm on a high today in the office. This was not on my radar. My WLS was to allow me to walk without pain and to get my mobility back. That was the plan. This romance stuff has been a really nice addition to the mix. Yes, I know putting myself out there is risky but right now I'm enjoying it and I hope to keep on enjoying it. If it's vanity, well so be it. I think I deserve a little vanity after all I've been through. I'm so happy to know that I don't have any surgeries coming up in 2015. That sentence alone tells you some of what I've been through.
    So friends...back to my conference call. Break's over. Have a great rest of the day everyone!
  21. Like
    devint got a reaction from Alex Brecher in Goals During the Holiday Season   
    I think Christmas is a lot easier holiday to adapt to versus halloween and thanksgiving, that are strictly food focused. With all the decorations, traditions, songs and activities, food takes a back seat and I at least hope I'll feel a lot less dissonance between my first sleeved Christmas and years past.
  22. Like
    devint reacted to ziggypbang in FINALLY! I have found not one but TWO things I **HATE** about my sleeve.   
    ICE. COLD. ALWAYS. I sometimes go into the bathroom at work just to stand by the hand dryer for a while. Wool is the greatest stuff EVER. Everything should be made of wool! And all base layers should be poly or silk - those cotton thermals just don't cut it.
    My fingers and toes have developed this weirdness called Raynaud's phenomenon- I usually can't feel most of my fingertips and they are bone white from the last knuckle to my fingertips. Sometimes they turn blue, and sometimes red. They're very patriotic!
    I have to touch people's face in my job as an eye doctor. I've been apologizing for the icy hands when they jump away from me in shock. Sometimes I mention that my father is half vampire. Not everyone gets the reference.
  23. Like
    devint got a reaction from susancae in Mindless eating and daily no no's ...   
    I've made some stuff from bariatricfoodie.com and my family ate it up with minimal complaints
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    devint reacted to BLERDgirl in Mindless eating and daily no no's ...   
    Plan for it. Find nutritious low cal replacements. Do not bring anything in the house you can't eat in a sensible manner.food diary. Seriously plan your 3 meals and 2 Snacks. We are food addicts we must eat with purpose or set ourselves up to fail. I use Myfitnesspal and most days I pre-plan my meals. At the end of the day, I edit to match what I actually ate. It keeps me accountable.Do not directly eat out of "family size bags". Buy those snack size ziplocks. When you find your snack that you can safely eat in small portions. Buy the box/bag or whatever but then separate into single servings according to YOUR food plan. Example: I used to love ginger snap Cookies. In the winter I loved having a cup of coco and some Cookies in the evening. However I could eat half a box pre surgery. What I started doing is separating the box into serving sizes. 3 cookies is a serving. This got me through last winter.
  25. Like
    devint got a reaction from ready2B in After 2 years! Finally found my word.   
    I know my "word" is probably unpopular and some might roll their eyes, but it works for me on a couple levels. I call my experience "recovery."
    In a very real physical sense, I'm still recovering from the surgery and the dramatic weight loss side effects of the first six months. Some peoples ride down is smooth and easy, but not mine. Reading about it ahead of time is nothing like living it.
    Deeper, I am recovering from a lifetime of unhealthy use of food as an emotional numbing agent and my weight as an emotional barrier to meaningful relationships. I am recovering from those behavior patterns because my buffer and my numbness are being stripped away as the pounds melt. I have to deal with things like emotions and relationships now instead of hiding.
    I also never want to forget where I was and where I'm coming from, so calling it recovery reminds me that its not a dream, it's not a magic fix and life isn't going to be all roses and butterflies when I hit goal. I could end up living large again if I'm not diligent.
    Some people need the optimism of inspiring language when talking about their experience. I need a reality check.

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