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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    devint reacted to 630racoon in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I think for me, my last straw wasn't 1 thing specifically but a build up of so many last straws!

    Like everything in life there are needs and wants. Reasons you NEED to lose weight and reasons you WANT to lose the weight!

    For all of us brave, beautiful, strong people who have made the decision to finally take back some control of our lives the needs are the first and most important ones. My needs and wants are probably the same as some of you but together we can do it.!

    1. I NEED to be able to walk up a flights of stairs and not feel like I am going to have a heart attack.
    2. I need to seriously lower my cholesterol before I have a heart attack and leave my girls without a mother
    and a husband without his wife.
    3. I need to stop my joints from feeling like they will give out at any moment
    4. I need to stop the pain I feel in my lower back all the time
    5. I need to lower my blood pressure before I have a stroke
    6. I need to wake up and not feel so sad and depressed anymore
    1. I WANT to be able to be active with my family and not have to sit down to rest after 5 minutes
    2. I want to go shopping with my daughters and or friends and actually buy something besides shoes
    3. I want to not find a reason to stay home every time we get invited to a family get together
    4. I want to be able to walk through a row of seated people and not be afraid I won't fit.
    5. i want to love going to the beach
    6. I want to finally feel full when I eat
    7. I want to wear a bra that only has one letter in it

    I have just started my journey and get closer to my surgery date with every doctors appointment and clearance letter I get! I hope that some of you can relate to my needs and wants and look forward to sharing everyones weight loss journey together, the up days and the downs.!! God bless

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    devint got a reaction from HalloweenBaby24 in Do you miss anything about being Fat? (You're Old Body)   
    I'm still pre-op 1 week out. My biggest concerns from talking to others and watching my husband (he's 90lbs down from 10/23/13 VSG on our anniversary) are 1. addiction transfer and 2. not knowing how to respond to sexual attention from others. Both of them come down to the fact that my weight and eating have acted as a barrier, emotionally keeping people at a distance and me feeling safe. With the weight loss, I'm going to have to step out of my comfort zone big time, work on emotionally maturing and seek support from others to make sure I don't develop other unhealthy habits and reactions to compensate/fill the void.
    Good luck on your journey and see you on the losers bench!
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    devint reacted to LilMissDiva Irene in Basics Bootcamp V2 - Getting Back on Track   
    THE BASICS BOOTCAMP VERSION 2 (5.2.2014) RULES: The most important rule is you must follow the rules for it to work. It's only 5 days, you CAN do it! For 5 STRICT DAYS eat only AS MENTIONED BELOW... If you are desperate to get back on track this WILL work, but again you MUST follow the rules EXACTLY.


    Proteins: Seafoods, Poultry (skinless and fat trimmed) and eggs (no or half yolks only and not more than 1 yolk per day), Dairies (No more than 2% milk fat), nuts/seeds including Peanut Butter (No more than 1 serving or 1 Tbsp PB only).

    Veggies: As much as you can get in. Tomatoes are fruit.

    Fruits: None.

    Breads/Cereals/Other Carbs: Net 30g.

    Fluids: Minimum 64 Oz Water.< /p>

    Protein drinks (No sugar. RTD or Powder).

    ~AVOID SUGAR AND SODIUM~ Keep your servings to 8g or less in processed foods with nutrition labels. Never any candy, Cookies, chips, pop corn, crackers, cake, pastries, etc. Total sodium for the day should not exceed 1800 mg (unless you have a health issue that would make this more or less).

    Once the 5 days are over, I am pretty much over the Sugar Carb Demon. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate carbs! I do need them to live a healthy life. However, I need GOOD carbs. Whole grains, fruits, veggies... But I don't need processed sugars. White carbs, in cereals, breads, rice... etc.

    Lots will do the 5 day pouch test. liquids only is simply from being threatened with my life (post op) or if I'm just feeling sick and to let my Sleevie rest. That's it.


    Good luck everyone! This journey is tough, but nothing worth doing is ever easy. Xox

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