I did very well. I have been able to eat pretty much anything I want for about a week now but of course I haven't. Thursday there was soooooo much food it was overwhelming. I was very proud of myself though. I brought a baked sweet potato to my Aunts house, had a couple peices of turkey, (it was my three week mark and could start turkey and chicken), a teaspoon of mashed potatoes and I couldn't live without a couple bites of my Uncle's cornbread dressing. I would say that I at not even half of what I would normall eat and I was stuffed. Now of course I know once I get my fill on the 12th that isn't happening anymore but it kind of felt good to have some of the things I wanted, in moderation, for Thanksgivng. Now Christmas, that will be a different story.
How did everyone else do? Those who are no longer on liquids what did you eat?