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Everything posted by Babbs

  1. Babbs

    Fruit and veggies

    Absolutely. As time goes on, you'll heal up and your capacity will increase a bit. I think I slowly started introducing fruits and veggies around 6 months out. After my protein, I would have room for maybe one or 2 bites of a green veggie. I also would only eat low sugar fruits, like berries, during the weight loss phase, and usually would add them to some kind of protein like Greek Yogurt, cottage cheese or protein shakes.
  2. Yes. I had Gerd before, surgeon did give me the choice between sleeve or bypass (how much you weigh isn't really a factor in getting a bypass), but still decided on the sleeve. GERD is pretty severe, but take medication and is controlled pretty well. No regrets.
  3. Babbs

    Chime in!

    Best meatloaf I've ever made! All Protein, hardly any carbs. I backed off on the chili powder (yuk) and used BBQ flavored pork rinds for the crumbs to give it a little extra flavor. I make mashed cauliflower to serve with it! http://allrecipes.com/recipe/44172/all-protein-meatloaf/
  4. Babbs

    Am I doing this right?!

    Right now it's not about 'will power', like I explained above. Right now you are PERSCRIBED a diet of lots of fluids and liquid or soft food because you just had major surgery on your stomach. Yes, it's hard. Yes, we've all been through it. But believe me, once you get through this phase and can start eating more 'real' food, you will feel more restriction and less hunger. Right now it's just your head messing with you, like it did all of us. This is the HARDEST phase to get through. But get though it safe without landing yourself back in the hospital by following surgeons orders, and it will be smooth sailing from there.
  5. Babbs

    Am I doing this right?!

    You need to be more worried about chips perforating your staples that run a line through your remaining stomach, causing a leak of bodily fluids and bile into your body cavity then bloodstream and causing sepsis and potential death. But that's none of my business.
  6. Babbs


    All your doing is being a cowardly jerk hiding behind a computer telling people off and scaring them from being honest. I guess this is a site where everyone lies and says how perfect their journey is or they will be attacked by bullies. A lot of people got the point across that it could hurt him without being an obnoxious ass. Get over yourself and stop trolling.Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Yes. I see how positive and supportive you are. You are a drug and alcohol counselor yet this is how you behave? This is the language you use? WOW. What's that phrase about a pot and a kettle? Well, wait a minute. Her posts you quoted almost look like....trolling? But that's impossible! She just stated she's a big advocate for positive reinforcement! Also, as someone who has been involved in 12 Step programs my entire life, NO drug and alcohol counselor enables dangerous behavior. When a heroin attic comes to you who has relapsed, do you tell them "That's okay! Everyone makes mistakes!"
  7. Babbs


    What is it with people having to start threads about not liking other people's opinions on a public forum? Get over yourself, will ya? Oh and pro tip: There's a difference between "Oopsie Daisy! I ate a cookie!" and "Yeah I just scarfed down a grilled cheese sandwich 4 days post op and boy is my tum tum sore!" There's a life and death difference. And if you can't handle a little tough love to try to make people understand that they could DIE, then there is seriously something wrong with you.
  8. Babbs

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    Oh, you mean like the Republicans that rallied around Obama? #notmypresident If he upholds all his "promises" regarding immigration, Gay rights, reproductive rights, etc, he will never be MY president and I will NOT rally behind him. I can only hold on to the hope that he continues to be the liar he's proven himself to be. Neither party but up the best candidate, and I get That Republicans wanted change, but did they really want TRUMP? #notmypresident But here's the thing about that "voting for change". Why then would they keep the Republican congressman who were up for reelection? That's not shaking things up. They also knew before the election some of the cabinet picks he was proposing. Newt Gingrich? Rudy Gulianni? Chris Christie? Talk about some fresh faced Washington outsiders! Amiright? Seems his supporters are going to see what's at the bottom of that drained swamp. Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App
  9. Babbs

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    Oh, you mean like the Republicans that rallied around Obama? #notmypresident
  10. Babbs

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App
  11. Babbs

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App
  12. Fun fact. I've just been informed that 75% of people on this site don't like me. Here's to my 25% peeps!

    1. theantichick


      Well, *I* think you're AWESOME. Nothing else matters. LOL.

    2. JamieLogical


      Only 75%? You need to work harder!

    3. Djmohr


      Well, I say to heck with them all! You are awesome!

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  13. Here. Take a look at this chart and you will feel much better about how you're doing.
  14. Babbs

    Stall already?

    Nope, you're not doing anything wrong. It's the 3 week stall that 99% of people go though. Just keep getting all of your fluids and protein in and it will pass. If it's going to drive you crazy, try to stay off the scale.
  15. 52 pounds in 3 months is slow? Give me a break.
  16. Wanna know the best day ever? When you finally weight LESS than your husband!
  17. I have never watched my fat content. Real cheese, real butter, sour cream etc...Of course I don't sit there and chug gallons of lard, either, but thats what has worked for me. I've lost all my excess weight and have been maintaining for a year. I think a little fat in our diet is good for us.
  18. You're in the honeymoon phase, so yes, because of the sheer calorie deficit you will still lose weight pretty much whatever you eat. But it won't last. Your body will adjust to the deficit and the weight loss will screech to a halt or even begin to climb. You've got to think long term. Are you going to keep the weight you've lost off by eating the same way you did before surgery? Sure, you can't eat as much, but capacity and hunger increase the further out we get. At over 2 years out, if I don't eat healthy, I gain. And it doesn't take long to do it, either. But boy does it to get back off! It took me 4 months to lose 5 pounds I gained earlier this year. This isn't magic. It's a tool. And the best way to utilize the tool is to stay with the basics: Protien first, lower carbs, lower sugar and processed food and move our bottoms. Developing those habits during the all important honeymoon period will save a lot of grief later when the honeymoon is over. It's not easy, but crucial to success. Good luck!
  19. You're doing great! Are you able to move a little to help things along?
  20. So would a surgeon re sleeve you if they are saying it was done properly? I mean, how much more could they take? Most people revise to an RNY. I'd be curious to see if anyone else has been re sleeved also.
  21. I'm actually impressed with your diet. I think your numbers are great, but obviously your body needs something different. So yes, I concur upping your calories and protien a bit. In the mean time, until you get get your meds situation resolved, take some walks outside to get some sun and Vitamin D. I notice you live in Georgia, so you should still have some pretty decent weather? I think that will make you feel a little better getting some nice outside sun and exercise. Once again, great job with your menu! For someone who doesn't have ongoing support from your surgeon, you're not doing too bad!
  22. I do have to say it's fascinating how your body reacted to the wine, though!
  23. Meh. I was as far out as you when I had my first drink. So you went a little over board, no biggie. I honestly don't think what your experiencing is actual gain. It's probably just water retention. And don't weigh in the evening! I'm ALWAYS at least 2 pounds heavier in the evening than a morning weight. Drink lots of water, eat lots of protien, and it will come off. There's no way you gained 6 pounds from 3 glasses of wine.
  24. Babbs

    How did WLS effect your marriage...

    Getting married is definitely NOT they way to get enough sex Okay, maybe at first.

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