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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by betrthnever

  1. Rolfing is the best - would recomend to anyone. Keep up the good cause!

  2. betrthnever

    RNY or Lap Band

    There are so many people locally I've met who have had minimal, if any at all, success with the Lap Band (myself included). Granted, on here collectively many have had success with the Lap Band. Most don't want to read about those who haven't succeed 'cause we want the positive stories only when we're psyched up about it. My GF's husband, who's well over 350 pounds, gained back everything he lost while at great restriction less then a year after getting banded. Of course, you have to "work" the band but you also have to eat right if you get the RNY as your body can get use to carbs again. I would suggest going to the support groups your Dr office offers for his/her patients, if he has them, or try meeting people in your area who've been banded & who've had the RNY. But no matter what, success depends on a few things - self motivation, family support & the Dr's support. My self motivation died (and depression set in) after 8 months when I found out that the person giving me fills in the Drs office never hit my port and so I never new what restriction was. A different Dr just a couple of weeks ago finally gave me the restriction I need and helped get my motivation back. Your decision is definately a personal one. But please note, neither are going to be a cure all and work will be required
  3. Hi Karenv, you said you took an enzyme pill when you got stuck - ? Never heard of this
  4. betrthnever

    Where was mom between 1994-2009?

    Cherishthepast, often its a mind game. You will lose weight and MIGHT continue to feel the same way for a while. I know I do. I was the one with the camera and so there are few pics of me. Now, I'm always in the pic and am told that I'm very photogenic YET I don't always see it. I have about 30 pounds to go and its taking a while to get there but there are parts of my body that I really do appreciate and other parts that I'm just going to have to get use to. I'm past trying to look like I did when I was younger 'cause that just not going to happen. So carry on - its all about how we feel about ourselves!
  5. betrthnever

    Why would first BF contact me after so many years?

    Dubbee, I DID tell him everything - what a pain to think that I was still holding on to lots of crap. I think that did the trick to scare him a way. He really was just saying "HI" but I don't think he was looking for anything more. And you all were right he was remembering the "good" times and then using the excuse that his memory issue has made him forget lots of the bad stuff. He's an ex for a reason. Thanks for all of your help but I'm OVER it LOL
  6. betrthnever

    Why would first BF contact me after so many years?

    Fae, He's married too with 2 kids! THanks for your help. I realize just how much of a dead-end post my post is! LOL. This is a save myself type of issue. Sometimes I think things too deep when its late. The answer is obvious even to me now - tell him to get lost. And I've realized that I don't want him to. YIKES!! Suppose I'll do what I have to do. Thanks again!
  7. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    Everyone going home for a month and only losing at the most 10 pounds just goes to show how hard it is losing weight can be (ok, I KNOW we already know this) but it also shows just how artificial the ranch environment is. Unless I can work out 6-8 hours a day with a trainer and not have to work I won't be able to lose 10 pounds a week. I'd be happy with 10 pounds a month!!
  8. betrthnever

    True? Divorce after WLS within 3 years? Why?

    It IS interesting to see this thread back up! Just in time, in fact, to relate the story of my dearest friend, "B" (This REALLY is about my friend, not me :-) Things are going great between DH & I). B and I met on the bus about 5 years ago, when both of us were very obese. She was about 290 and I was around 230. We were the 2 fat chicks who had to share the bench seat 'cause sitting in the regular seats together was impossible. Anyway, our typical conversations would be, of course, about our weight (and how we could NEVER have weight loss surgery) & our husbands/relationships/families. She LOVED her husband (and in many ways, she still does) and did put her relationship above everything else. They had sex 3x a week and were good friends. I was envious that her relationship was so close when my DH & I seemed to always be struggling. We rode the bus for a couple of years together until her work laid her off. We said goodbye and wished each other the best. Fast forward a couple of years (about a year and a half ago). We ran into each other at my work, of all places. We were able to get right back into our friendship. She told me that she was scheduled for gastric bypass and that was when I decided to start the process of getting banded. At that point her DH started to cool toward her and she suspected an affair. Right after surgery he stopped having sex with her all together and didn't have it (with here) for over a year). Fast forward again (am I drifting on? LOL) and B, now about 140+ pounds lighter, is now "sex crazy" and is going through a second adolesence it seems. She spent tons of money on CDs of music that teenage girls would listen to (ok, I know adults like that stuff, too...its just so out of character for her). She's met a couple of guys for sex online and has even shared this info with some of her co-workers (yikes!!). Her marriage is on the brink, her DH treats her worse then ever. She's realizing that DH has never really been a good person anyway. And it took losing the weight to find this out. IMO B is spinning out of control. I've seen this disinegration of B's marriage right before my eyes. The marriage was probably all wrong from the get-go but still (she's been married for 30 years!!!). She BELIEVED the marriage to be ok, and still loves the man, still is turned on by him, but can't live a sexless life (can't blame her for that) & with a man who says & does snide things. HOWEVER, I'm trying to tell her that no matter what happens between DH & herself she needs to live with herself and be able to hold her head up. Trying to get her to focus on using that powerful, exciting new energy of hers to make her life better - working out, her photography, her job. At this point she's contemplating divorce but DH has the health insurance and she wants some surgery before it happens.
  9. Walking to the surgeon's office to get it done. That's what I'm going to have to end up doing. My arms are SO out of proportion that its just wrong. I'm checking out that tricep website that Jodi suggested!
  10. betrthnever

    Boddy Bugg Users

    I got my BB on sale in January for $179 and only just got it up and running a week ago. I already see a difference - I'm working out more, eating better...I'm very happy with it. I think its a different type of tool that works for me
  11. Hi all, Ok, here's my story. I have my 3rd fill next week and almost 4 months out from surgery (banded 2/19/2008). Really I have hardly any restriction and can eat anything (even tho I know I shouldn't and try willfully not to eat it) like bread, rice, etc. Am NOT eating chocolate, fast food, or twinkies - the things I ate before surgery. I am losing inches and some weight as I work out almost daily. Of course I have more restriction then before I was banded but just not what I need/want. Not even close to my sweet spot. Its my will alone that's floating me. So my question is, will it happen? Will it get to the point where physically I CAN'T eat bread, my nemesis, and not have to really just on will power alone? Can 1/2 cc make a difference? Is my stomach the size of a watermellon (just kidding). Thanks! :confused2:
  12. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    Yikes, its on wed 'cause its shorter tonight...ok, I can see that. I don't start watching it until after 9 or 10 anway so maybe I'll get some better sleep tonight
  13. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    Yeah, its on tonight & Wed...a double whammy this week
  14. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    I wanted to try out 24 hour fitness for their classes. I'm only about a mile away from my current place just not very happy with the classes there. Saturday I'm going to try out kick boxing classes at my kids karate place. LOVE kick boxing!
  15. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    I tried out 24 hours and couldn't stand the ads all over the walls (ads for bread where you work out??). And too many people. I'll stick with my small gym for women. Although I do miss working out with me:wink:
  16. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    Oops! LOL Seems like only yesterday that the show started :biggrin:
  17. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    Take away the drama queens and out goes most of the drama. The show is still very interesting to me, tho, and I'll watch uninterrupted 'til the end. Macmadame I think you're right - I think its only about 6 weeks on the ranchor so but def not 6 months. The dad of the brown team bothers me - yes, I know he's hurt but shouldn't the weight be coming off of him that much faster between the surgery & his size? Seems like he does a lot of talking. I like the purple team but the daughter really hasn't been pulling the numbers. HOWEVER, that was a great job they did on the chalenge. WOW! Glad they won out over the green team. Guessed that the yellow team would suffer if hubby came. Too much co-dependancy. And she's going to struggle with that I believe once off the ranch. That first challenge was kind of disappointing, tho, the results of it were very interesting. How everyone gave into (Paula?) so her DH could come over. They kind of saved themselves with that one (except Blaine) All in all tho I'm not on the ranch and don't really know what its like, having cameras on me while I puke on the treadmill. SO I have to give them all credit.
  18. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    Does anyone know the criteria the producers use to determine who gets to be on the show?
  19. betrthnever

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Yeah!!! I'm getting a BB for my birthday, or sooner once I light the fire under DH's behind. Maybe this weekend...
  20. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    I agree!!!
  21. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    Dan's numbers weren't where they should have been. For the show, anyway. I still think 12 pounds in a weeks is pretty darn good even if you're that big. And I'm glad to see Joelle has turned a new leaf. They kept her on 'cause she wasn't losing while at the same time giving her a second chance. Good for her!!! I like how the woman on the purple team told Dan's friend that he just didn't get it. That's how I feel Joelle was until this week - she finally got it. Sometimes I don't think I'VE gotten it yet!!
  22. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    Drama seems to keep this show going, IMO. I think the red team was more of a threat then the Silver so he was voted off. Perhaps there is some producer intervention but who really needs that to get the drama going? The contestants get wrapped up in the game and forget the goals, its seems
  23. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    Looking forward to BL tonight!!! I usually tape it so I can FF through all of the commercials
  24. betrthnever

    Inauguration... what did you think?

    President Obama has his work cut out for him cleaning up after Bush. Yikes!!!!! Just hope people are patient and realize that things can't turn on a dime.
  25. betrthnever

    no sleep at night

    Hi Rosko1, sounds like maybe that little you gained is enough to put pressure on the band? Sounds like it is time to see your Dr. But Congrats on getting to goal! I'm almost a year out and am about 1/2 way

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