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Everything posted by betrthnever

  1. betrthnever

    What am I missing ?

    Ditto on this! Except I still have my band.
  2. betrthnever

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    @@VSGAnn2014 I do have to back peddle on what I said at first. There is no "time line" on when people are ready. My fiancee started dating as soon as his divorce papers were signed. Me? I was a reluctant dater!! And the "suspend judgement" - very true! @@OKCPirate Yes - "...have an open spirit to possibilities and enjoy the company of another human being." True!
  3. betrthnever

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    @@OKCPirate ... I don't agree. I assume a man can take care of himself and doesn't need a woman to pick out clothes and remind him of hygiene. I wouldn't want to be with a man who needs help like that! I think its the opposite - more people probably become more "relaxed" once in a relationship. Does this really happen? On the other side of the coin, I would not consider a man who was just coming out of marriage either...not because of hygiene issues, just emotional ones.
  4. betrthnever

    I want off this ride!

    Here is an interesting article...http://center4research.org/child-teen-health/diet-weight-and-physical-activity/not-quite-everything-you-need-to-know-about-lap-bands/
  5. betrthnever

    I want off this ride!

    @@parisshel The fills never hurt me (even through the layers of scar tissue) and I was never offered a pain med for it. Didn't even know that it was available! A band patient will always have to research new Drs in any area they move too. They might have to end up driving hundreds of miles for a Dr. willing to service them (an existing band patient). Many don't want to service them. And here is another thing to consider - it is not permanent! It will have to come out eventually. It is a hard thing to accept when you just get banded, because you are still excited and it is still working for you. My mother had her's out after 3 years. Just found out my band is not in the right place, so that might help speed the revision along (after 7.5 years I was lucky!) Why invest in a procedure that doesn't have a good track record? My Dr. doesn't even perform bands anymore or even offer a monthly support group for bandsters. We are lumped together with the other WLS groups.
  6. @@PSRS520 Thanks. I hope that it only helps me to get a revision to RNY, and that of course I don't end up in ER. BTW a barium swallow is a normal (yearly) part of having a band. Nothing hard about it!
  7. betrthnever

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    My dos: I always did "meet & greets" .. I didn't consider them real dates - I would say that I didn't date many guys at all but went on dozens of these meet & greets. I always suggest a place for a quick "out" if necessary - coffee shops were my favorite. Believe me ladies (and maybe you men, too!) there might be times where you might need to leave in a hurry (I have a couple of these stories). It is a very shallow visit - nothing more then funny stories, what do you do for a living, etc. to see if there is a desire to go onto a first date. And be honest - if you aren't interested, be polite but be honest and tell them. Read a person's profile and respond to it like you read it. That's what my fiancee did with mine. Be honest about your body type. If you are a BBW then list it! My guy was looking for a "BBW" and he set his filter to only look for BBW's. If I would have put "curvy" or "a few extra pounds" we never would have met. I was only interested in guys who had paid memberships. To me it showed a "commitment" to dating. We met on Plenty of Fish and are getting married in December It IS possible to meet a person and have a good relationship from an online dating site.
  8. betrthnever

    When your spouse/significant other is still obese...

    My friend's husband decided to have lap band surgery after she had RNY. She lost weight, he gained so much, even with the band, and ended up having to have it taken out two years later. He is bigger then ever and she has gained some of her weight back, too. We talk about this, her and I. She says that eating together is like "foreplay". She loves him and wouldn't fat shame, although she is very worried about his health.
  9. betrthnever

    It was too late...

    @@BeautyInProgress Sorry about your father!! My thoughts are with you...
  10. I don't think I would. I would like to see the band surgery no performed anymore. My Dr doesn't even do them anymore.
  11. @@divaofsongs I hope your surgery went well! Looking forward to hearing your story!
  12. betrthnever

    New "addiction"?

    Those with the alcohol, sex and shoplifting proclivities aren't speaking up.. Unfortunately I know people who had the alcohol and sex addictions that developed after WLS. I've heard of the shoplifting just recently. But this is real, right?
  13. betrthnever

    true confessions; how I invaded the "mens room"

    At the airport, leaving Paris, the women's toilet was out of order in the terminal I was at so they were just waving both sexes into the men's room! This was no accident! We, men and women alike, just made eye contact with each other - like this happens all the time LOL. And then there was the time at costco where I was texting and just didn't pay attention that I walked right into the men's restroom...excuse me as I back up slowly!
  14. betrthnever

    I want off this ride!

    The fills, yearly barium swallows, etc (upkeep) are all things people should take into consideration when thinking about the band.
  15. betrthnever

    I want off this ride!

    I know that $350 is a lot but it might be worth it.
  16. betrthnever

    Band Removal Approved; BYPASS DENIED!

    This post is a real inspiration!! I see my Dr on 8/18 about a revision (again) and I fealty they won't fight for me. Pink you just changed drs and it worked?
  17. betrthnever

    I want off this ride!

    Thank you Bobbe! I didn't know any legal service like that existed!! What do the lawyers say about our rights against the insurance companies making us jump through these hoops ? Ultimately I wonder how much out of pocket it costs for their services? I'm sure I'll find out soon enough!
  18. Thanks ladies...I found one at a lingerie shop that specializes in undergarments for formal affairs (of course I paid for it $$$). Not crazy about how it fits (it does the trick) but I'll be able to use the toilet!
  19. Hi Ladies, I need help finding a good, tight bodyshaper for formal wear. I want something that won't keep me from being able to pee!! Your experience with these are appreciated. Seems like most of these are sold online. Its been a while since someone else posted this request so I'm looking for new ideas. Thanks much!
  20. betrthnever

    I want off this ride!

    I was having surgery for another issue at the time I was denied so I didn't appeal at the time. Believe me I will if I get denied again!
  21. betrthnever

    I want off this ride!

    I also want to note that you seem to be ready to have this done tomorrow...I sense your frustration but it might take a while. My insurance company is holding me to the SAME rules as i was held to before I was even banded - 5 years of a BMI over 40, for example. Really?? How about 80 pounds lost in 2.5 years and 30 pounds gained the next year, and another 30 pounds gained the year after, after 7.5 years of being banded? Was denied last year, trying again this year. Yahoo! I'm ready for war! LOL
  22. betrthnever

    I want off this ride!

    I get it! I am currently trying the second time for a revision after a rejection last year. Just remember that its a journey. Because of your acid reflux you might not be a good fit for the sleeve.
  23. I wonder what the statistics are for those of us LapBanders who now suffer from GERD. Its really quite common. The first time I experienced it was a couple of years afterwards, when I was at my tightest. All of my Fluid was removed and I have never been able to experience the same level of "sweet spot" since. You can't live your life in fear, however, Good luck to you!
  24. betrthnever

    Raw Oysters with Lap Band

    No problems whatsoever with oysters. But I have very little restriction. It's usually dry Protein, like chicken breast, that I (had) the most problems with.
  25. I was told to not drink 20 minutes before a meal and 20 minutes after. Put the fork down between bites. Eat for 20 minutes only. 2 bites of Protein, 1 bite of veg, carbs should be avoided - but if wanted then only be the last bite. Eat 3 meals a day only (no snacking). No carbonation, no sugar. Eat without distraction (no tv, no reading, etc.). 80 oz of Water a day. Didn't have to worry about counting calories or measuring food if these rules were followed. From what I understand my Dr. has since revised some of these basics like drinking before a meal and the snacking. Sometimes I think it would be wise for the clinics / Dr. to update their veteran banded patients on the newer findings on the to do's/not to do's of the LapBand. Things change. Thanks for this topic!

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