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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by betrthnever

  1. betrthnever

    ARGH! 1 week post-op w/a cold!!! HELP!?

    If I feel like I do now in the am I will def see if I can see my dr (or go for urgent care). Seems like Drs these days (except for pediatricians) don't have the time to see us sick people. I'm feeling more flu-like now. I'll call in the morning to see if this is going to be an issue. I still have a week so it might be ok. But I'll keep you posted. Thanks for your help!
  2. betrthnever

    ARGH! 1 week post-op w/a cold!!! HELP!?

    Thanks, travelgirl. I was going to wait until Wed before starting my calls. Pretty yucky cold. My co-workers said I talked myself into being sick. Perhaps I did
  3. betrthnever

    Anyone wish they had chosen bypass??

    To tell the truth I'd think twice about going to a dr who won't do either surgery laproscopically anymore. Is he trustworthy? My Dr does both like this (laproscopic). If you are cut opened you are subjected to more potential problems, major scarring being one of them. Sounds like he'll make more $$$ from the RNY. Band vs RNY - my dr told me the major difference in the weight loss is the time and not the amount. It will take longer to lose with the band but after a couple of years the outcome will be the same. I hope she's right.
  4. betrthnever

    Lap-Band and Weight Watchers

    I, too, lost and regain a lot on WW but all in all its a good program. I've been thinking about rejoining just to "keep me on track". I'm to be banded 2/19 (think I'm fighting a cold right now so I hope I won't get pushed back). The support is great with WW but I've only been able to take (stand) attending for about 6 months max on it before I'm bored out of my skull. The meetings repeat themselves. That old adage - the longer your're around the more things stay the same or something like that is true with WW. But it might be good to help "jump start" me. Good luck!
  5. Congrats on getting to goal. The effects of the 1st Alli pill lasted 2 days and I refused to take more. I suggest wearing large pads.
  6. betrthnever

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    Met the Dr today and was worried 'cause I've gained a few points (was told that I wasn't suppose to gain at all) but she didn't say a word about it. The surgery is a go for the 19th!! Two weeks. Yes!!!
  7. betrthnever


    There's always going to be different outcomes for different people. I've done so much research on the lapband and I wanted to know both the potential negatives and the potential positives. Wanted to know what might happen and where the challenges might lie. Is there anything in life that guarantees success, happiness, weath, longevity, etc.? I wish to believe I will be a success story. Don't let other people's experiences completely define your own. I'll put my soap box away! LOL
  8. betrthnever

    Should I stay or should I go?

    So sorry to hear about what you've been going through. I more then understand. Something to consider, from my experience as well as many others: The person who accuses the other of having affairs is often the one who is having the affairs. Also, it sounds like your husband might have a psychological problem (is he really up in the clouds and then upset/depressed? These cycles can happen over the course of a couple of days or much quicker then that). And emotional abuse is abuse. Sometimes things aren't meant to work out.
  9. betrthnever

    Anyone Gain Weight Before Surgery?

    HI leenerbups and all, I know this is an old thread, and by now you've had the surgery and I was just wondering...what happened with your extra weight gain? Did they push the surgery back? Did they do it anyway? I, too, have gained weight and was told the same thing - that I can't gain any weight. I sure hope you are still on the board! Can anyone help?:biggrin::ohmy::eek::ohmy: Thanks so much!
  10. betrthnever

    Anyone from Arizona

    Hi yellowroseaz, I'm in Phoenix. Where are you being banded? Or are you already banded? I'm going through Dr Blackstone
  11. betrthnever

    Pre-op Weight Loss

    HI mrsgriffin2u, I, too, started off on a 6 month weight loss program and found out 2 months into it that BCBS dropped the requirements. THe Dr I used for my 6 month program (through the Bariatric Center) said that there is only an issue with weight loss if you are a 40 BMI. If you have a higher BMI then don't worry about it. Good luck!
  12. betrthnever

    something new - Gastric Sleeve

    Hi, I've heard of it too and it wasn't an option for me where I'm at. I think the band is prefered over the sleeve in general
  13. As far as not seeing the dr before the approval - that's common, or at least that's what they do at Scottsdale Bariatrics in Arizona. Now she did give the info presentation but I haven't seen her since then. And like many others I didn't want my insides scrambled, either. Good luck!
  14. Not banded yet but I know I've felt like that when I switched my diet, esp when I gave up caffine and sugar (can't have one without the other). I was dizzy and sick for 3 days. Wonder how much of that could be the dumping of toxins into your system? They say we store toxins in our fat and if you are losing weight that quickly chances are they are in your blood stream. Esp as you've lost weight so quickly. And combined with low calories. I know now to be prepared with the knowledge that this might happen to me, too.
  15. betrthnever

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    In my excitement about the band I've told everyone and anyone about me getting banded (I'll be banded on 2/19/2008). I have a BMI of about 40. My family are all supportive its the people I only have occasional contact that say the comments like "you aren't fat enough to need surgery", etc. On lady's lost 65 pounds on Weight Watchers and even said I was taking the easy way out!! and then she kind of choked back her words. I told her that I, too, lost 50 pounds on WW but it didn't last and that THAT is the hardest part - keeping it off. I bit my tongue because what I wanted to tell her was that she had a snowballs chance keeping it off. ALL of us know this. At any rate, this is what I want for myself and to heck with anyone else and their opinions. Everyone has one!!!!
  16. I'm 25 days to surgery and I've found this site useful since day one. I WANT to know the good things AND the possible problems. We all have to do what's right for ourselves. For me it's been to arm myself with as much knowledge as possible so I'm not going in empty handed. Suppose I look at it like knowledge = power and other people's freakouts aren't mine.
  17. betrthnever

    new and questions in Easy Valley AZ

    Yeah, I think about that, too (being close to the Dr). One day we might move away but I shouldn't have a problem getting fills. All I know is is that if I could have or knew about this 5-10 years ago I would have gotten it (or if the band was as good then as it is now). I wouldn't have waited. And I can't wait! 27 days to go and counting:lol:
  18. betrthnever

    new and questions in Easy Valley AZ

    Just curious, have you thought about going out of the country for it?
  19. HI ikgrubb, I'm to be banded on 2/19 at Scottsdale Bariatrics and so far am very happy with what I've experienced. They seem to have their stuff together there. And the staff have been friendly. Have you been to an orientation there yet? Worth it. Good luck!
  20. betrthnever

    new and questions in Easy Valley AZ

    Hi wantolose155, The surgery only helps your issues. Often after weight loss many end up not having to take so many meds. Also there are pills in different forms and/or different ways to take them. And Dr Blackstone doesn't do the catheter - you wee before & afterward. She's really good, though. Have you been to the orientation meeting?
  21. betrthnever

    Need to lose the rest of 5%

    Yikes, seems very strict. My girlfriend had the R&Y and had gained at least 10 pounds if not more and they still did the surgery on her. I don't think my Dr is as strict but that is a scary thought. I've gained 8 pounds and my surgery is on Feb 19. Had a knee-jerk reaction to the thought of giving up food. But it is about the weight loss
  22. betrthnever

    The most insulting compliment.

    I've heard that one all of my life from relatives and strangers alike. "But you have such a pretty face", etc...
  23. betrthnever

    CNN Video Clip

    Congrats! I saw it earlier...that is soooo cool!
  24. betrthnever

    OOH! A new forum!

    Hi BANDIT 1, A DH is a "Dear Husband". I think if you look around this site you can find a place that has all of the acronyms that are used on this site. And it is an informative site! Oh, and I was just wondering - what have you lost in the nearly 3 months of your lap band? Thanks!
  25. betrthnever

    OOH! A new forum!

    Hi to all, My name is Jeanine, I'm 40, married, and have 2 kids. Tomorrow I go to my pre-surgery education class. I'm to be banded Feb 19th at the Scottsdale Bariatric Center with Dr Blackstone. My husband is not crazy that I'm having surgery but he's supporting me anyway. I'm happy that I'm getting the surgery so early - BCBS dropped all of the requirements for surgery when I was only 2 months into the 6 month Dr supervised visit. So instead of surgery in April or May I'm getting it in Feb. Wish I would have done this years ago, however, I'm sure that advancements in surgery have made it worth waiting for. So this must be the best time. My girlfriend is having by-pass surgery tomorrow on the same floor I'll be at class. So I can pop over and see her afterwards. Hey, its never too late to start again, right?

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