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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by betrthnever

  1. betrthnever

    Coffee good/ bad effects on banded

    Argh, I miss the stuff!! But had so many problems before surgery that I don't even what to go there now. Also, it really messes with my hunger. But how do I miss it! California dreaming...
  2. betrthnever

    Treadmill VS Elliptical

    Like others I think treadmills are boring and I burn more calories on the Ellip. But I burn even more calories during aerobic classes like kick-boxing. Can't wait to be able to start my serious working out!
  3. Oh, yeah, after the 8th day or so post surgery of no pooping I did take Miralaz, which did cause a little discomfort/cramping. But I figured I needed to get it all out.
  4. betrthnever

    Your Ah-ha Moment?

    Sure, Minpinmom, lets keep in touch.
  5. betrthnever

    How often do you get fills?

    Oh, but the person who scheduled the one in July for me set me up for August, Sept & October so at least I def have those months covered!
  6. betrthnever

    How often do you get fills?

    Aparently mine has no schedule for fills. Went in for my 1st fill Dr said I didn't need one (and I was ok with that) and then found out that I have to wait 4 months for the next one 'cause they don't have the manpower to do them! So I'm on some vague "list". Very upset, to tell the truth. Believe me I'm going to be calling in a couple of weeks and every week until I get in. Its March, and I have to wait until July! Just not right
  7. betrthnever

    Weight Watchers and LB

    WW now as a program where you don't count points if you eat veggies, meat and fruit, whole grains. Its more complicated then that but check it out.
  8. I'm like everyone here - I'm going a lot less and thank goodness for it!! I use to have a major problem with diarrhea. Some days I'd live on the toilet. Sometimes now, tho, I go days w/out going and that that can be a bit uncomfortable (not to mention carrying unwanted baggage around)! I do remember a time when I was doing the Atkens diet and I was going all of the time - reaction to meat?
  9. betrthnever

    Your Ah-ha Moment?

    I could write a book containing all of the "A-Ha" moments I've had in my adult life - from knocking my children down with my thighs because they stood too close to me and I couldn't see them (this is true! I'd knock them down!) to my son playing with my bat-winged arms saying "oh, soft and fluffy". And then I'd be motivated for a short period of time, the longest was 6 months with Weight Watchers where I lost 50 pounds. But there was always somthing that brought be back to eating for comfort. I was banded on 2/19/08 and hope that the I have and will kick the comfort food moster for good.
  10. betrthnever

    Someone gave me smaller clothes

    Lucky you, LongTBfree, I'm looking for smaller clothes, too (about ready to get into 16/18). Even signed on to my Bariatric Center's website where they have a clothing exchange. Still nothing. Hang on to them that size will be here before you know it!!!!!!!!!!
  11. betrthnever

    Use to be a night time eater

    I, too, use to be a night time eater but with my program I can only eat 3x a day. So I eat between 7pm - 9pm (I usually go to be around 11 pm - 12pm). I think it would be even easier for me if I went to bed earlier,
  12. betrthnever

    How much weight have you lost?????

    Banded 2/19/2008 and as of 3/20/2008 down 13 pounds. Feels like I should be down thirty haha.
  13. betrthnever

    any other az bandster's?

    Just letting all of you new bandsters of Dr Blackstone know that's its now taking up to 4 months to get a 2nd fill. And as it was the Dr thought that my progress was good and since I have a sinus infection and will most likely be on meds he didn't think it was a good idea to fill me. Argh, I could scream. They said they'd put me on "the list". Well, I'll become the squeek in the wheel that needs oil when I have to. My experience has been really good up till now.
  14. betrthnever

    No longer "plus size"!

    Congrats!!! This is a goal we're all looking forward to - when we can shop at any store we want!
  15. betrthnever

    any other az bandster's?

    Are you panning, as in gold panning? What do you teach? Good for you with the chacha dance. Let us know how it goes. I can't wait 6 days to first fill and counting (ok, not really) but I DO need some serious restriction:wink2:
  16. Hi, I was banded 3/19 and other then the initial pain in the port site area that went away I was fine. UNTIL last week when I started feeling sharp pains off & on from the port site when I walk and sometimes when I'm lying down. I'm doing what my Dr says (not too much of anything) except walking but yet this pain. I'm worried 'cause adhesions had been a problem in a previous surgery and I'm hoping that there isn't adhesions forming. Right now I'm a bit constipated and gassy and the pain is there. I go in for my first fill on 3/25. Any thoughts? Could this just be one part of the experience?:biggrin:
  17. betrthnever

    Port site pain 1 month post-op

    Thanks much! No pain today & very happy about that. Funny how are bodies work.
  18. betrthnever

    any other az bandster's?

    Hi ethansgrandma, why'd you have to have your band replace a little more than a year out?
  19. betrthnever

    It ITCHES!

    I think some people are just more sensitive to either the glue or the healing process. Healing itself is a very itchy affair. Mine started itching a day or so afterwards and it probably lasted for a couple of weeks. The skin around it turned dark red and I developed a rash on different parts of my stomach which I think is a result of all of the itching. My skin is so sensitive that the slighted irritation sets of itching and rashes. If yours only started itching 11 days post op I wouldn't think it was due to an allergic reaction to anything as that would have happened right off the bat. Have you called your dr? Are they oozing? That might be a sign of infection.
  20. betrthnever

    any other az bandster's?

    HI amsderb, I went with Realize 'cause the Dr said there were less incidents with port flippage and just the fact that its new. Hopefully the band has been improved on and some of the issues have been resolved with the older bands. Dr Blackstone said she really doesn't have a problem with port flippage anyway. I'm one month out today and I have my 1st fill 3/25. Doing well, except strange sharp pains that come from the port area from time to time. Other than that I'm doing great. When are you getting banded?
  21. Hi amsderb, do you have a band-date yet? I can't make it to Scottsdale Bariatric support groups so I'm more than happy to meet people to share war stories.

  22. betrthnever

    any other az bandster's?

    Went with Realize.
  23. betrthnever

    Port site pain 1 month post-op

    Thanks schampange, appreciate your support with this. My pain comes and goes, too.
  24. betrthnever

    any other az bandster's?

    HI all, I'm an AZ bandster, banded 2/19 by Dr Blackstone. Feeling great!
  25. betrthnever

    Non food substitutes when the munchies hit

    Its hard 'cause I can only eat 3x a day, no snacking, and I'm PMSing. I'm coming up on my 1 month of being banded (yeah!!) and I go for my 1st fill on 3/25. The munchies are coming on strong now...

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