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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by betrthnever

  1. betrthnever

    Getting fills without fluoroscopy...

    The NP said it wouldn't hurt my first time but it did hurt a little more then I thought it would (kind of like getting a shot or two at the Dentists office). She didn't give me any meds before hand, either. She got it on the first time and was fast. It was kind of a strange experience. But even tho it hurt it won't keep me from getting it again!!
  2. betrthnever

    Eating/drinking on day of fill?

    I agree, tapshoes, there is so much discrepancy between Drs. Have to wonder about that. Had my first fill yesterday and it was ok for me to eat before hand but I'm on clear liquids for 72 hours. Yikes! It's about 24 for me now and I think I'll be ok throughout work. But by tomorrow? This time around isn't as bad as when I had to fast 5 days after my surgery. Probably 'cause of eating better now
  3. betrthnever

    Time Off on "Fill days"?

    FMLA is something that I use in conjuction to the time leading up to getting the band and the surgery and now the fills. It usually lasts one calender year (if you were approved for FMLA in July you'd have to re-apply for January 1). My husband used FMLA for a few days around my surgery. The reason why I use FMLA even now is because my boss legally can't say "no" to any of my fill appts. Now AZ being a right to work state they can always find a way to fire who they want to but since I'm a government employee I'm ok I went to work today and got my fill and then returned to work. This was my first fill. My Dr says no eating for 3 days and THAT is MY big issue. I'm STARVING lol and its hasn't been 1 day! Yikes!
  4. betrthnever

    Finally, my first fill

    I just had my fill 2 months out. I was so proud thinking that maybe I, too, could go the distance w/out the fill. But I've been SO hungry since I started exercising and so I think I'd rather be filled and losing. The fill was an interesting experience. So glad I had it!
  5. betrthnever

    Rash..under my stomach (apron)

    Cool, Thenume on the one hand, strangely gross on the other :smile::thumbup:
  6. betrthnever

    Wierd Question for Women

    How's that possible? Hormones? From personal experience I know that with hormones these things can happen but just losing weight isn't usually the way most women gain breast size
  7. betrthnever

    Wierd Question for Women

    Well put, Argon!!
  8. Hey Jacole, what's up? I've called you and am wonding what's going on. Are you upset or just busy? Let me know! :-)


  9. betrthnever

    Wierd Question for Women

    Hi Emily, Hmmm, the universal question of most women everywhere - Will I deflate? - and if you are like many of us the answer is probably a strong yes. Ok, well, for me it has happened like that. When I was 12 I was already a C, with kids (and 100+ pounds) I was a FF, now I'm (thank goodness!) down to a D and am over 40. Yes, they are swinging in the breeze w/out the help of a bra. And hopefully will get down to a B. Most women I've known always lose there first. But there are good bras out there AND good surgery, too, if you are so inclined. For me its not that big of a deal. I'm looking forward to being smaller. Might need a lift later, tho!
  10. betrthnever

    New Picture at the Top

    Thanks, Rain she's an inspiration. What a great pic!
  11. betrthnever

    New Picture at the Top

    Is she a lap band patient? Anyone know? Just at weird wanta know thing
  12. betrthnever

    restriction gone!! help!

    Hi Jacole, remember I told you I lost my restriction, too...not completely it does come and go. Don't worry all will be well. I'll call you! J
  13. I had good ristriction for about 6 weeks then it became spotty. Some days I'll have better restriction then other days. Didn't get a fill at my first appt, and will be getting a fill next appt. Thank goodness! That's great that anyone can still retain good retriction after 6 months. I think maybe its really a mental thing? We chose to eat better so it works better? This is my theory. But I am ready for a fill now
  14. betrthnever

    Am I A Failure?

    Jessica, sounds like you need to see your Dr! You could have something wrong with the band itself. Sorry you're going through such a hard time:sad:
  15. betrthnever

    Rash..under my stomach (apron)

    Just like Jo Skinny my Dr has given me Nystatine Power (the creams make it worse). Every once in a blue moon I get a rash under my stomach or breasts now but haven't had one in a long time. I've even had them in my elbow, & between my legs (this is the worse). I find that when I drink lots of coffee & eat food high in sugar I get them. There was 1 year when I seemed to have the rash for months straight. Yuck
  16. betrthnever

    Fresh Foods???

    I may have problems with eating certain types of foods with proper restriction but I don't have much restriction right now. The only foods I have slight issues with is watermelon/cantelope and I think 'cause of the water content?
  17. betrthnever


    I got hiccups, too, but not that bad after I was banded. They did go away, tho, when the restriction when down. They seemed to scare me a little at first because they were strong. Maybe you should tell your Dr about them?
  18. betrthnever

    sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't?

    I feel like I've just learned alot from all of you. I went in for my 1st fill 2 weeks ago and my Dr said that I'm doing great and that he didn't think I needed a fill. I was ok with that until I found out that I have to wait 4 months until my 2nd fill. Now I'm worried. However, I still have times that I have more restriction then others. I'm still trying to go for a fill, tho, before the 4 months. Until then I will have to use mostly will power.
  19. betrthnever

    Advice you can take or leave, but please listen..

    I understand raising concerns about overt medical issues like "puking blood" that need to be addressed by a Dr. But other times people ask questions because they want to hear about other's experiences. This is one way to learn.
  20. betrthnever

    Donated blood since being banded...Help!

    Talked with my mom (nurse) and she says its probably to do with my body being in transition and the quality of nutrients in it. She wasn't comfortable with me donating blood. Ok, I'll wait and ask the next time I see my Dr in person for a full explanation. I've done pretty much everything by the book so far might as well keep plugging along. Thanks for the support!:smile:
  21. betrthnever

    Donated blood since being banded...Help!

    Thevoice of reason. I understand where you are coming from Twilight I just don't see any logic behind what the Dr suggests. Suppose everyone's all over the board. My Dr is very conservative. I'm listening to the no exercise (except walking) until the 6th week and then only light stuff and then I can really pick up at the 8th week. I can understand that...but no donating blood when there was never a transfusion or a risk of blood loss?
  22. Hi Socalgal 3, Congrats on reaching goal! I'm just a few years older than you and would love to hear how you got there. I see also that your band slipped...and how easy was it for you to get fills since you were banded in Mexico?

  23. betrthnever

    Donated blood since being banded...Help!

    Thanks, I'm doing it anyway. Use to do it all the time. Haven't heard from anyone whose had any issues at all. I had low iron issues before so now that I'm not drinking caffine I wonder what my levels will be now. So Saturday at 1:30 here I come!
  24. betrthnever


    When it doesn't hurt and you want to!
  25. betrthnever

    Donated blood since being banded...Help!

    Seeing that it takes a while to get through to them I'm just going to see what you guys say. My dr sees to be UTLTRA conservative so I think I'm going to go for it anyway. Don't understand why not

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