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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by betrthnever

  1. Mr Dr had to remove gum before. Is it worth chewing it? I use to enjoy drinking coffee so much now it gives me the runs. Def NOT worth it LOL
  2. betrthnever

    Ladies I need your help!!

    You're young. I know some of us over 40 have period issues but I'd see a Dr anyway. Chances are your hormones are off but just the same...Any chance that you were pregnant? Sorry, don't mean to sound insensitive but that could explain the bad cramping (I do remember the bad cramping). All in all I'd see a dr - Hope this is resolved for you!
  3. betrthnever

    In Honor of Yesterday

    This has brought me to tears. I'm so sorry for your friend's loss. The way he cried when his brother was leaving like he knew he wouldn't see him again. Terrible what families have to go through for this imposed war...
  4. betrthnever

    When to tell

    Hi Tonks, there might come a time when you 2 go to dinner and you don't eat much and he will ask why. It will probably come up sooner or later. And because you are asking us the question it is on your mind and you feel like you need to tell him. Perhaps you will know when the right time will be to tell him? Good luck!
  5. betrthnever

    Countdown to Onederland!

    For the first time in over 10 years I'm in Onederland!!! Its a great feeling. For me that was a big goal. My next mini-goal is 189. I'm not a fast loser but I am losing!
  6. betrthnever

    Hair Loss

    My Dr said that the hair loss is a result of the body's going into a 'starvation mode' trying to protect vital organs because its not getting the quantities of food that its use to having. More of a physiological issue rather than a nutritional one. She said it can take up to 9 months for the body to normalize. Her experience shows that hair products don't do anything for it and that you'll have to wait it out. But it will end!
  7. That is exactly what I think we all want - to be a positive influence on our family. I'm 3 months out and my kids are eating better, too. Not my entire family but it will take time. Congrats!!
  8. betrthnever

    Does Anyone Else Have This Problem?

    Well put. We each have our own path to follow. I gave up smoking and I would like my husband to give it up too and he knows it. But I won't harp on it. He has to choose to make his own changes or all you are going to do is push him away from you. A girlfriend of mine battled cancer by becoming a vegan. She lost weight in the process too and felt much better (she only had a few pounds to lose but the transformation was amazing). It took years for her meat loving husband to come around but he did. She was patient and just concentrated on herself and ACCEPTED THE FACT THAT NO MATTER WHAT HE DECIDED TO DO SHE HAD HER OWN LIFE TO LIVE AND LOVED HIM FOR WHO HE WAS. Over time he saw how happy, healthy and energetic she was and wanted that, too. He is now down 50 pounds and has the energy and health he was missing. As far as your children go continue to be the best role model you can be by providing healthy food and a healthy eating mentality. I wish you patience and understanding.
  9. betrthnever

    How much could you eat?

    Just had my 2nd fill last week and I still don't feel like I have much restriction. Of course I eat less then before surgery but I feel like I still eat more then I should be eating. Heard it could take a while to get good restriction. I'm 3 months out today:thumbup:
  10. betrthnever

    How Do You Cope?

    I was hungry, too, but was only suppose to be on a clear liquid diet for 4 days. But since I hate broth and can only somewhat stand sugar-free jello I went without eating. The first couple of days were the worse but then they got better. 2 WEEKS without eating just doesn't seem right to me...maybe you should call your dr?
  11. betrthnever

    Time Off Work????

    I took a week off. There's one women in my support group who went back to work the next day (she said she didn't have a choice). This surgery was pretty mild compared to some of the other surgeries I've had. I'm 3 months out now and loving it!
  12. 3 months after my surgery I'm getting my second fill. That's good news as I was told initially that I'd have to wait for almost 4 months for my 1st fill (I didn't need a fill at my 1st appt so they pushed me back due to understaffing at my center). Just very happy! I'm looking for that elusive feeling of restriction. Right now I feel like I almost have none. Just wanted to share!:smile:
  13. betrthnever

    should I laugh or cry???

    HI aubrie, its ok if you can get in to see him easily. It wasn't so easy at first for me to get in for a fill. At my 1st fill I was told that I lost a good amount of weight and that we should wait for a fill. I was ok with that until I found out that I had to wait almost 4 months for another fill!!!! I understand, tho. Call in another week for another appt. And then lie OK maybe just stretch the truth
  14. betrthnever

    It was a no-go

    Maybe you should get a second opinion. I think I would.
  15. I lost 13 pounds the first month. Was banded 2/19/2008. Lost 5 pounds the second month and the scale has hardly budged! But I am working out and need to watch what I'm eating a little closer.
  16. I'd call. I had to call. I got only my first fill scheduled and never even got my a fill anyway. My second was originally scheduled for July, from March!!! If they won't give one to you I'd demand to talk to the program administrator. It seems that others at my LB center had fills pre-arranged but not me. Was able to get fills for may & june, too.
  17. betrthnever

    Ouch! Hurt feelings!

    Mama congrats on your loss!! That's great no matter what anyone says. The best thing for me is not to look for external validation. Of course its nice to hear how great we're looking from time to time we need to FEEL great about ourselves. This is what it seems you are doing - needing/looking for external validation. People always say inconsiderate things about others. If we are self-validated, then their comments won't effect us as much. You have accomplished a great thing! Wear a smile on your face (and own it!) no matter what others say. (ps I grew up with a mother who was well know to say inconsiderate things to me. She's much better now.)
  18. Although I do have a little restriction I've never had a "sweet spot". Was banded 2/19 and have had only 1 fill. Get my second on next week (5/14). Maybe I'll actually have good restriction after this next fill.
  19. betrthnever


    Shadow08, if you want to do this you must do it for yourself no matter what. My DH said that he didn't like the fact that I was getting the surgery but never once gave me an ultimatum. I think he knew that I would do what I needed to do for myself and that was to get the band. Even tho he wasn't happy about it he was there for me with the surgery and he's here for me now. BTW, it sounds like this support person won't be around for long w/or w/out the surgery. Are they looking for an excuse to leave?
  20. betrthnever

    Surgery tomorrow to reattach tubing to band!

    Glad it worked out, Jenny. I had my first fill and of course didn't feel much restriction. Worried needlessly that there was something wrong even tho everything I've read says that the 1st fill doesn't do that much. But I know it's working 'cause every time I bend over after drinking/eating I burp like a mad women LOL!
  21. betrthnever

    WWYD: re: infection/redness in navel

    Nystatin powder is much better than the cream. Last thing we want/need is more wetness with a yeast infection (blahh!) Wow, I was hoping those would go away with weight loss not stick around
  22. betrthnever

    Would you do it again?

    Yes, I'd do it again w/no hesitation. Just remember that you need to work with the band that its not an automatic fix. I'm 2 1/2 months out and have had very little restriction. Must pay good attention to what I eat. Reminds me that my weight loss is still up to me and that the band is there only for support. Hopefully I'll have more restriction within the next couple of months (a fill a month). Yes, I'd do it again!
  23. betrthnever

    Surgery tomorrow to reattach tubing to band!

    JennyC724, how did they find out it had come apart? Obviously you had no restriction, etc, but how many fills did it take before the Dr thought there was a problem?
  24. betrthnever

    Very Very New

    I was at a BMI of 40 and had no problems getting insurance approval. I have BCBS.
  25. betrthnever

    My "Clothing Fund"

    Craigslist is another good one. You don't have to pay for shipping.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
