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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by betrthnever

  1. betrthnever

    so depressed

    Hi Kerri, my eating style has temporarily gone down the tubes, too. I think it might be a pms thing. ANd I don't have much restriction, either. I feel like I can eat too much. My next fill is this Friday - I already have 7.5ccs in a 9cc band and they don't fill it up so I'm a bit worried. However, I do think my good spot is around the corner. If this fill doesn't work I'm going to insist that I be seen under floro to make sure its doing its job. I feel your pain!
  2. Hi JennyLynn, we were both banded by Dr Blackstone! I am sorry to hear about your husband. The same thing happened to my sister and she is still together with her husband. If you have done soul searching and to leave is what you want then that is that. However, it doesn't always mean that it has to be over 'cause of this.


    Do you ever go to the support groups?


  3. I think we have to take restriction in consideration with this poll. And of course retriction is personal. Right now I have 7.5 cc in a 9 cc band and am still not at an ideal place. Maybe one more fill will do it. I'm not losing at a fast rate but I am happy never the less.
  4. betrthnever

    The Five Year Weight Record

    I think they're just looking for a history of your weight. All I did was have to supply a sheet from the Dr (and it can be any dr you have had) with a weight and a date on it. I think the want to make sure you're been overwieght or had a problem with weight for some time and that you didn't just gain 100 pounds (???) Yeah, right!
  5. betrthnever

    Issues with Blood Donations

    I had problems with low iron pre-banding several times in a row. Took a while but I came around. Never heard of a problem with low pulse rate. Hmm. I was also banded in Feb '08 lost about the same amount. I'm excited come August I'll be able to donate again! (my Dr wanted me to wait 6 months after surgery).
  6. betrthnever

    Exercise frequency

    Hi all, I was told that exercise would be a must for the rest of my life. I get to the gym at least 3x a week but I do other things as well - get off the bus a mile from work, go up and down flights of stairs, walk, walk, walk & yoga. Working out isn't such a chore now, however, a part of me wants to be lazy so from time to time I have to push myself harder. I try to find opportunities - there's yoga 1x a week at work and the stairs. Always pushing myself. My weight hasn't moved all that much but I'm toned. Can't wait to see the scale move!!
  7. betrthnever

    C-section vs lapband

    C-section was harder except that the distraction of the baby made it easier to handle. Hard to pay attention to self as new mother when baby needs to be taken care of. Band was MUCH easier but no such distraction. Def babied myself more w/the band.
  8. My friend had the same thing happen to her (the hives) after surgery. She tried everything and nothing worked. Her Dr didnt' know what was going on. She later discovered after going to see a dermatologist she had psoriasis that was brought out by the surgery. It hide itself under other rash issues, too, for a long time before surgery (like in yeast) but the surgery make it lots work.. I'd see a Dermatologist if it doesn't go away.
  9. betrthnever

    Lap Band not working

    My Doc told me that it is swelling from the night before that gives people better restriction in the AM. And as we lose the excess water we lose some restriction, too. If you don't fee like you have enough restriction then you probably don't. I'm at 7.5cc in a 9 cc band and even tho I have restriction I don't feel like I have enough. Would be nice to have more
  10. betrthnever

    sex drive

    Gilliebean, I'm in the same boat. I was ALWAYS more into sex then my DH before being banded but now I couldn't care less most times and HE is the one who is into it more now. Part of me doesn't want to explore the desires because, to tell the truth, my dark fear is that in the future I might do something I might regret. Mostly, tho, I feel that my hormones are just down and that's ok. Most of my resources are going into myself making me a better person. I'm enjoying that for once in my life. Sexual desire I've felt many times but I've never enjoyed my changes as much as I do now so I think I'll just keep enjoying them. I'm sure sooner or later my desire will come back.
  11. As of June 19, my band-day, I'm lost 38 pounds and I've lost many inches. I have had 3 fills and am at 7.5cc in a 9cc band. Started off with a BMI of about a 41 now I'm at a BMI of 34.6.
  12. Not a big deal they give me a pad and I used it w/out underwear. That's what happened to me.
  13. betrthnever

    Can't fathom exercising

    Start by walking. Walk around the block. Walk as much as you can. Wear a pedometer so you can see just how much you do walk. After you've been walking for a while you start to realize that maybe you can do those activities you didn't think you could do. Down the line you might be in a serious aerobics class or you're running and then you look back and say it was because of the walking. Of course it looks monumental to "work out" when you feel too uncomfortable to move. Its all about the baby steps. That's what happend to me - I started off walking and am now working out at 5 days a week, 1 1/2 hours a day. You can do it, too. Good luck and keep walking!
  14. betrthnever

    Self image

    Ceradad, you aren't alone. I, too, am working through self image issues. Feel like I'm still lots heavier, etc. Then when I catch myself walking by a window I'm startled to see how much weight I have lost. There are other threads existing dealing with this that are helpful you should check them out.
  15. betrthnever

    a kind of personal question ...

    Hi Tracy, I'm on my second fill (I'll be getting my 3rd on Wed) and I've noticed that I've more restriction in the last few days then ever and my period just started today. Not pbing (haven't done that) but I've gone from wide open or feeling like it anyway to a nicer amount of restriction. But it comes and goes so who knows if its associated with the TOM or just coincidence?
  16. betrthnever

    Haven't told my hubby :-(

    I TOLD My husband that is is what I wanted. Period. There were no threats or anything like that. This is MY body and he knows it (I love him!). There wasn't even a thought about what I'd say to him. He wasn't thrilled but knew that it was my choice to make. And both my children know about my surgery. Didn't keep anything a secret. **The only negotiation that is envolved in my opinion is if you have to mortgage your house to get the procedure 'cause its only fair to the spouse for the financial involvement. Lucky for me my insurance paid for everything. You need to do what you need to do for yourself.
  17. betrthnever

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    I have had 2 fills and have almost no restriction. So feels like I could eat a whole chicken at times (ok, slight exaggeration)...you folks who are having 1 tablespoon of corn or an ounce of tuna, I'm assuming you have good restriction? My Dr doesn't have us weighing anything as long as we eat within a 20 minute period. How many of you feel like you have to really control the amount you eat? I'm curious (as I don't have much restriction)
  18. betrthnever

    2nd fill w/Realize band 6cc total no restriction

    Thanks Zengirl, the thing I have to remember is that we are all different and what works for one won't necessarily work on another. My fill is a week from Wed and I'm looking forward to it. Also, I don't tend to weigh myself on a regular basis because the change isn't dramatic so getting a fill is another way for me to see where I'm at.
  19. betrthnever

    3rd fill

    I'm at 6cc in a 9cc band (the realize) and have only had 2 fills. I have my 3rd fill next week and I HOPE I will have the restriction I need. Currently I have some restriction but not a whole lot.
  20. betrthnever

    Headache after eating?

    Have you talked to your Dr?
  21. Best to go by what your dr says. I walked from day one but it wasn't until 6 to 8 weeks out that I could really excersise. You REALLY don't want to pull anything. Patience now or you might have to pay for it later. My sister use to be one of those people who would work out and do heavy lifting right after surgery until she ended up with a hernia and an infection after her hysterectomy. She ended up with a hole in her stomach for almost 2 years because of chronic infection and a dozen surgeries.
  22. betrthnever

    June Exercise Challenge

    My goal is to do heavy duty exercise every day for a week - Friday I did the eliptical for 30 minutes, 50 situps, & more weights, saturday 1/2 hour weights with 1 hour Zumba class (aerobics), Sunday 1/2 hour eliptical & weights, today did yoga in the am and will do Zumba tonight. So far so good!! Banded 2-19-2008
  23. betrthnever

    OMG I'm lopsided!! What should I do?

    My arms are disproportionately larger then the rest of my body. But what am I going to do wear long sleeves through a miserably hot summer here in Phoenix, AZ? I just have had to come to terms with them. I was banded 2/19 and have lost around 3 inches from my arms but they still look like flabby popeye arms. Where there's no natural fix there's surgery in the future!
  24. betrthnever

    No more weight loss

    So in less then 2 months you've lost an average of 9 pounds and you're upset! Would you have lost that much on your own??
  25. betrthnever

    Is this normal fills every 6 weeks

    Doesn't sound right that he Dr said it would take up to 6 weeks to work. Usually you know what kind of restriction you'll have within a week at the most. Was it the Dr that told you that? Sometimes there's too many "cooks in the kitchen" when it comes to giving out info. Is the dr the only one there giving fills? Patients at my center don't ever see the Dr after surgery we only see the NP in the office. & the policy with fills is every 4 to 6 weeks. Not so unusual to have to wait some for fills. Maybe you'd feel better with another Dr office with fills & that have more support for the patients. You don't have to see the dr to have support & the Dr doesn't have to be the one who does the fill.

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