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Everything posted by betrthnever

  1. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    I find myself switching who I'm cheering for - I'd like to see most of them do much better. Gives me hope. Really wish I could afford a Jillian clone to train me LOL
  2. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    What a show!! I'm so addicted to it that I jump up and down yelling to the point that my husband asks me to keep it down. I was SHOCKED when Joelle didn't get kicked off - talk about a lucky break. I do have a certain amount of appreciation that she didn't gloat her win. And that she said that she won over the oldest & fattest contestant, where's the excitement there? I'm glad the dark haired girl (pink team?), the one who lost six pounds, didn't get below the line. Its sad about Jerry but look what he's done since he's been back. He looks great! But the boy stays and that is a very good thing
  3. betrthnever

    5 Day Pouch Test

    I can see the benefits of this test, esp with getting the body off of sugars. I'm having a problem with sugars - seems like I'm eating cards & now more then I have in a long time.
  4. betrthnever

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Those of you who have one: has it made a bigger difference in your weight loss?
  5. betrthnever

    Biggest Loser Body Bugg

    There's another link (sorry, I'm not computer savy) of just the Body bugg. Very informative
  6. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    MacMadame, I COMPLETELY agree with you about not being able to stomach Kate + Eight & the Little People Show
  7. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    Where this might be true specificly with WHAT's going to happen, TBL has been around long enough for the contestants to have a good idea that something WILL happen. The contestants have their own agenda as to why they want to be on TBL so the argument of exploitation by outside forces can't fully be made. So what is self-exploitation for personal gain called? Don't most of us do that already when we check into work each day?
  8. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    Just read on Yahoo! that one on the pick team, Shannon, was arrested for allegedly assaulting a housemate with a bag of flour. Her roommate, it looks like
  9. betrthnever

    Getting tighter as time passes

    Hi DoxieMom, I think there is a link that explains what all the bander terms are but Pb'ing is productive burping. This is all stuff that you need to know before hand. Regurgitating food was never an issue until I got banded (different then actually throwing up).
  10. Yeast can happen in the darker, warmer places of our bodies. My breakouts primarily happen under my stomach, in my belly button & my upper legs. Its a stinky, red raised rash. Sorry, but that is what it is (smells REALLY bad). And when I cut out sugars, coffee and white stuff from my diet I don't have the problems even when I sweat. That's why I know that my diet is crappy right now 'cause I just broke out. Right before a breakout I start to itch all over my abdomen and it feels like butterflys fluttering.
  11. betrthnever

    Bodybugg users report here!

    For the cost of the BodyBugg and the monthly user fees (how much are they?), is it worth it in general? I've seen it as product placement on The Biggest Loser and wondered if people really like it. Can it measure your metabolism? I'm not into recording my food so I might have problems with that.
  12. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    Last season was the first time I ever watched TBL. Has it always been as dramatic as it was last season? Any thoughts?
  13. I have problems with yeast on my body, not vaginally. I used nystatin powder, but when I keep my carbs low I can keep the outbreaks in check.
  14. betrthnever

    biggest loser - '09

    Its amazing that some of you think the numbers weren't good. Granted, they are very large, however, they most likely haven't worked out much less MOVED in a long time. I think most did very well! I love the show and funny, 'cause I hated it so much in the past that I wouldn't watch it (thought it was exploitive, etc) until a fellow bus rider talked me into it last season. I'm hooked on it now! I was hoping the older couple would stay above the yellow line but I don't have much hope that they'll be on the ranch for very long...
  15. betrthnever

    Getting tighter as time passes

    I was TOO tight after my last fill that half way home I had to turn around and go back. Swallowing water was too hard. And now a week out I still have good restriction. Some of us feel MORE restriction a week or 2 after a fill. Most times I can't eat breakfast and I've gone from never PB'ing to doing so many times a week. I wouldn't encourage anyone to leave their Drs over-filled 'cause it might just get worse.
  16. betrthnever

    I have failed my band - SUPPORT GROUP

    Congrats, Crzytchr! I, too, have had my hysterectomy on 12/4 but I was lucky. I kept the 5.25 cc with no additional swelling and I had no nausea. Its feels GREAT to be rid of mine (I had a prolapsed uterus - completely out of my body. It was very difficult to exercise with that issue). In fact I think this surgery was so much easier on me then the lap band surgery. Good for us :biggrin:
  17. betrthnever

    I have failed my band - SUPPORT GROUP

    Ebox I'm sorry to hear about all of your problems!!!! My thoughts are with you. The frustration you must be feeling! All my fingers and toes are crossed for you:girl_hug:
  18. betrthnever

    I have failed my band - SUPPORT GROUP

    Thanks, Tabithan, for your support. Seeing other people with their issues (port flips!!! Yikes!), far worse then mine, makes me feel a little humbled. To tell the truth I haven't set goals for myself. Sounds crazy, that's part of my issue. The goals are coming, tho...
  19. OMG you look FAB!!! Do you have any more pics? Hows married life treating you?

  20. betrthnever

    I have failed my band - SUPPORT GROUP

    Hi All, I really want to tell you that I appreciate your posts and how REAL they are. Not all of us are super losers. And I know that if I tell you my problems I'm not going just going to hear, "suck it up and get on with it", (ok, I admit - I think I DO need to hear that in some respects). This is my story. After 9 months I finally know what restriction is. I know why I have to chew slowly, why I can't drink Water when I'm eating, etc. Before, my band was not working for me. Or rather I didn't get the fills (the new nurse missed my port when giving me fills and I ended up only having 3cc in a 9cc). So I didn't have the band for the longest time and now I do. This is how I feel - I've been banded since Feb -08 but have only been "banded" since the end of October. So here it is - I'm in the middle of this anger/poor me cycle 'cause of the no fills and have slipped away from what is important - committing to myself, getting on the band wagon of weight loss. I know what I need to do is dust myself off and tell myself that today is a new day and I'm on my way again. I've slipped so far away from what I NEED to be doing - watching the clock when eating, etc. One good thing, tho, is that I'm HAVING to listen to my band since my last fill ( a week ago ). Maybe this will send me on my way. Has this happened to any of you - the no fill thing? Thanks for your help
  21. betrthnever

    I have failed my band - SUPPORT GROUP

    Weight loss in itself is an ongoing venture. Why would you write yourself off as a failure while its still going on? One year I found a ring and turned around the same moment and lost track of it. I had a pretty good idea where it was - out in one of the 3 large trash bags waiting to be tossed in the trash bin. It had been thrown out I was sure of it. But yet, it seemed like it was already so far away from me that I couldn't do anything about it so I just shrugged my shoulders, sad to just lose what I found. I was about to walk away from it when my father said, "You KNOW where its at but yet you don't want to get it? Why? Its right there in front of your face." (BTW this is a true story) I found the ring halfway down the first bag I looked into. Weight loss is a never ending marathon with ourselves. There's no end to it. We are either wanting & willing to do something about our weight loss now/later or we aren't ready & aren't willing now/later. Sometimes is slower than we want it to be even when we do work at it. That's what it really is in a nutshell. Please don't sell yourself short with that heading.
  22. betrthnever

    Jacole's story...

    Hi Jacole, why not post some "after" pics? Way to go!
  23. Hi all, I'm having surgery in December and want to know if you had to have a complete unfil before going in? I will be completely under. One NP says that its not necessary to have a complete unfil (except she recommends it), another says I should. What is your experience? Did you have a complete unfil or partil? Your help is appreciated!
  24. Congrats! I do think its easier when you're younger - I should have listened to my mom who told me to lose weight before I turned 30. We don't listen, do we? LOL
  25. betrthnever

    Backsliding, but still determined!

    Neadobandito, I, too, went through a situation where I was losing control of my eating. In the first months of being banded no matter what I did I wasn't losing much. I was hungry and never felt any restriction at all. And I was doing everything right. No matter how many "fills" I had I never felt restriction. I became depressed and began eating more & more out of control, leaving behind some of the rules of eating. And I, too, wouldn't visit the forum. After 8 months of being banded a wonderful NP decided to pull all of the fluid out of my band and I found out that I wasn't getting proper maintance on my band and only had 3 cc in a 9cc band (and I was suppose to have 8cc). I was so upset!! I have a "real" fill now and feel better at 5.25cc; I need another one but have to wait until December. Truly can't help but to think that maybe I could have been 20 pounds down (and again the feelings of anger and sadness hit). As it is I lost 50 pounds w/little or no help! Something to be proud of

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