I had been looking for forums online to share my experience and get views from people going through similar experiences. I am from Pakistan and weight loss surgeries are not too common here. I was the 60th sleeving patient in 3 years for my Surgeon.
So i am exactly 4 weeks post sleeve and 8 kgs down from the weight on the day of my surgery. I lost 2 kgs in the first week, 5 in the second week and half a kg each in the 3rd and 4th week. We accidentally discovered that i was hypothyroid and had poly cystic ovaries, 3 to 4 days before the surgery(i decided on having the surgery on a very short notice - only a week before and there were 4 of us who had a sleeving surgery on the same date). 2 days post surgery while still hospitalized with TSH level 5.75 i was prescribed 50 mcg of thyroxine everyday.
On my second visit to the surgeon after the surgery, my doctor recommended a Thyroid test follow up to figure why i was not losing weight as rapidly as the other sleeving patients who had the surgery on the same date. They have lost about 15 to 18 kgs and are all about 10 to 14 years older to me. My current TSH level has fallen down to 0.023. I have to meet my endocrinologist day after however i have been quite upset since my TSH reports came. I dont understand how i went to being hyperthyroid from hypothyroid. Also, doesnt hyperthyroidism make you lose weight drastically? Does PCO hinder weight loss?
I would appreciate if any of you could get back. Any suggestions? Opinions?