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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by solaa5

  1. I was banded on 11/1/07...and I wanted to know how the rest of you are doing regarding hunger and what time you actually want to eat. For the most part, I don't feel thirsty or hungry until after 1.00pm...and I tend to feel hungrier between 4pm-6pm...has anyone else noticed a trend in their "hunger habits?" I know I am doing way less than the recommeded calories per day because of my eating window...I also stay full longer...anyone else feel this way?
  2. I only eat about one and a half meals a day and try to get all my Water in. I knew my metabolism would slow down if I kept eating like that so to keep that from happening, I have started working out. I am at the gym at least four times a week and I do cardio and weights....right now my focus is getting the Protein in and making sure I am drinking enough water. By folks on here say the appetite will kick in...but I am in no hurry for that to happen yet...
  3. solaa5

    In Your 20's And Had Surgery?

    I was banded on 11/1/07 and so far I am feeling great. My nutritionist asked me to proceed with regular food once I hit the three week post surgery mark and even though I was looking forward to that, I still feel restricted and have not made terrible choices with food. I made my decision to have this surgery pretty quick because I refuse to be fat at 30. I also want to have a family and there was no way I could justify adding 30lbs of baby weight on my 5'2 239lbs frame... I proceeded with the surgery even before I knew if the insurance would cover it (paid $13,000) and waited four weeks, insurance approved and they will reimburse me... All in all, I think this is the best decision of my life...I have no regrets yet...
  4. It's been 12 days since I was banded (11/1/07) and I have a serious craving for fruits and vegetables. I am in the mushy stage and so far I have had yogurt, Protein shakes, Jello, pudding, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, creamy Soups, mashed potatoes etc... I know I am not ready for "real food" yet, but since that's gonna be in another two weeks or so, I would like to know what kind of fruits and vegetables many of you started with in the beginning. I would love to bite at an apple, or have nice ceaser salad...
  5. This is my seventh day, and I have kept my banding secret to most except my two best friends, my mum and sister...and as a result, no one knows my restrictions with regards to food. I have been invited to some functions and grand thanksgiving dinners. How are other older and recently banded bansters dealing with declining or graciously saying no to these invites, especially as the holidays are approaching?? Also, what can you feasibly eat at a dinner table with your new band?...Any suggestions and ideas would be helpful. By the time Thanksgiving rolls around, I think I will be in the normal diet stage.
  6. Hi everyone, Guess the question at hand is how am I doing after a week... Well, here goes: I had low fat yogurt today (1/2 a cup) and that filled me up a lot. Went to the mall with my sister and mother...and after three hours of walking around, I was tired as hell. Came home, tried to eat some mushy Cereal but only had a few bites before the shoulder and back gas pain started bothering me so I stopped. I waited 30 mins bofore I went back to my splenda and lemon infused iced tea...yummie... I'll try some scrambled eggs or cottage cheese for dinner... Cannot tolerate the shakes because they make me gassy and irritate me...I'll try them again in a few days. I am so glad I am off work for the month. I don't know how some of you are doing it, but I couldn't imagine heading back to work the way I feel...even though I have a desk job. I am also on my period which is causing me to be weak (as usual)...and tired as hell...so I am glad I have the time off... What's really annoying me is the constant shoulder pain I have and the annoying burps I have to let the air out. My port is still sore, especially when I bend to try and tie my shoe laces. I cannot wait for the discomfort to end. I have a follow up with the doctor tomorrow and believe me, a long list of questions regarding pain (it's never been my favorite thing to endure). For the most part, I am glad to be moving onto mushy foods...I have been on liquids a total of 4 weeks...3 weeks pre- op and this past week. It felt like a breath of fresh air to use a spoon for a change...LOL Total weight loss so far, 20 lbs, which means I have 80 lbs to go. What a road I have ahead...and I am glad not to be doing it alone...
  7. I was banded on 11/1/07 too and have so far only lost no more than 5lbs. And I had been on the liquid diet for two weeks prior to the surgery...during that time, I lost almost 6lbs. I have my post-op appointment on Friday and I cannot wait to be given the go ahead to eat musshy food. Right now I can't stand the fact that I am getting hungry and when I drink these darn liquids, they go through me so quickly. I have not cheated yet, and I don't intend to, but if I have to be on liquid for another week...yikes, I am gonna scream. I started this journey at 235lbs and according the my doctor's calculations, I should realistically lose 100 lbs withing a year. I am burping and farting like crazy and I still cannot drive my car comfortably. I am tired and find myself wanting to nap during the day (thank God I applied for disability as my doctor said I would need between 2-4 weeks). The most annoying this is this gas pain in my lower back left side that won't go away...oh, and I haven't pooped in days. Other than that, I am looking forward to the time people look at me and ask, "are you losing weight?" That will be my victory...yeah...oh and I plan on having a baby next year...
  8. solaa5

    Self Pay Banding

    Hi all, I have a question for those of you who self paid for the procedure. I have Cigna and submitted all my documents to the 10/11/07. We have still not heard from them (they said something about taking 30days). Anyway, my BMI is 41, I weigh 235 and I am 5'2 with no co-ormobidities. I am a size 16 (comfortably) with most of it around my hips, thighs and butt. O.K, my question...I am so anxious to get this done (my surgery date is Oct. 29th). At this point in my life, I am 29 and have been overweight all my life, and I cannot afford to do another six months of anything- although I don't think that will be the basis of denial from Cigna. I won't be fat at my 30th birthday. No matter what, I am getting the surgery done even if I have to pay for it. So, I'd like to know how much it costs, for those of you who had to pay out of pocket? In addition, do the fills cost extra? I can't imagine living another day of being fat and since I have made the decision to let this body go, I am ready to pay no matter what. Any information regarding self paying would be great. Thanks
  9. I am getting banded on 11/1/07 and I am 228lbs...from an original 235lbs (lost during the diet) although I did not follow the diet strickly. Kudos to you. I too cannot wait for the band.
  10. I am being banded on 10/29/07 and would like some tips on what I will need for myself after my friends get back to their lives...I will most likely only have help the first week and need to prep myself so I can do all the shopping, clean my apartment and rent enough movies so I am occupied while I get better, so... 1) How long did it take most of you to get back to work? I have short term disability and I will most likely stay home for as long as the doctor says it's O.K, but what's the average? 2) How long before your energy level is back up and normal? 3) Did most of you get constipated? I am worried about this because I can't imagine not being regular...I have never had issues in this department? 4) How soon before it is comfortable to have sex? 5) I weigh 235lbs and my goal is 135lbs, does this mean I will need surgery to tighten things up when I get to my goal? Don't think I will be in a position to afford this since my surgery is self pay until Cigna decided to if they will pay... Thanks in advance for your help...
  11. solaa5

    Self Pay Banding

    Thanks everyone. Mexico is simply not an option for me... It's not that I don't trust their great doctors, but once you buy a ticket and make all the extra trips, when iy's all said and done, you will have most likely spent all the money you would have paid if you would have done it here. My fee is $2745 for the surgeon, $1217 for the anesthecia and $9000 for the hospital. It come up to a total of $13000. And it's been done in one of the best hospitals in the country, GW- George Washington Hospital in DC. Can't beat that...
  12. solaa5

    Advice for financing?

    I just applied through Capital One. I needed a total of $13,000 and since my credit is good, I got a good rate to pay over 48 months, although I know I will be done sooner. My doctor was not registered with them and between the doctor's office, and the Capital One poeple who have been trying to sell their services to my surgeon's office, it has been a nightmare for me and the office. I am getting banded on 10/29 and since Cigna is taking their sweet time in making a decision, I decided I was not gonna let them come in the way of me changing my life. If Cigna approves me, then I will just pay back Capital One, if they don't, I will be glad I went ahead with the self pay. Good luck to you...being banded is turning out to be the bravest thing I have ever ventured out to do.
  13. solaa5

    Self Pay Banding

    <HR style="COLOR: #e9e9e9" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> <!-- google_ad_section_start -->Hi all, I have a question for those of you who self paid for the procedure. I have Cigna and submitted all my documents to the 10/11/07. We have still not heard from them (they said something about taking 30days). Anyway, my BMI is 41, I weigh 235 and I am 5'2 with no co-ormobidities. I am a size 16 (comfortably) with most of it around my hips, thighs and butt. O.K, my question...I am so anxious to get this done (my surgery date is Oct. 29th). At this point in my life, I am 29 and have been overweight all my life, and I cannot afford to do another six months of anything- although I don't think that will be the basis of denial from Cigna. I won't be fat at my 30th birthday. No matter what, I am getting the surgery done even if I have to pay for it. So, I'd like to know how much it costs, for those of you who had to pay out of pocket? In addition, do the fills cost extra? I can't imagine living another day of being fat and since I have made the decision to let this body go, I am ready to pay no matter what. Any information regarding self paying would be great.
  14. solaa5

    Self Pay Banding

    That's my concern too...being denied based on the 6 month documented diet (I have a record for a few years back which I submitted and I am not sure if they will accept that) but like most of you who self paid, I am tired of waiting and will most likely not wait another day longer whether I am denied or not...so, I will self pay and get my life on track before it is too late. Did any of you who self paid ever get approved and tried to get the money back from the insurance company?:omg:
  15. Hi everyone... I am calling this new phase in my life giving myself TLC...I am reading about the surgery and would like to get to know if there are people in DC/MD who can join a group with me. I will be attending my first informational session on Sept 20th. If my insurance covers it, I would like to get the surgery done in December when I am off break from graduate school and can take time off from work. By the way, I am 28 and weigh 225lbs and I am only 5'2. It's time for TLC...

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