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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by solaa5

  1. All, I have a BUNCH of size 14 clothes that are too big for me to wear. I live in Maryland and would be able to mail clothing to you...they include a couple of The Limited work suits, dress pants, jeans (DKNY), some size 8.5 shoes (Nine West, BCBG, Enzo), and tons of tops and sweaters. If you are interested in these items, please email me at solaa5@yahoo.com. If you don't mind paying for the shipping, you can have the clothes for free. I am paying it forward because I know how difficult it is to redo your whole closet - and with the economy so tight, every little bit helps. Regards
  2. Hi Nymps: It's been ages since I logged on. Life has been crazy busy so that's my excuse. Anyway, I dropped by and decided to catch up with all the threads I have missed over the past few months and I wanted to share some of the things I have learnt during this weighloss journey. 1) Being banded does not meant all your problems are gone - especially the emotional ones. I don't know about all of you, but even with the pounds coming off, I still feel like a fat girl. I still forget that I am getting smaller when I go shopping and even though I have dropped a few sizes, I still find myself picking up my size 16's. Losing weight in this was is also helping me slowly let go of the image I have in my head about what I've always looked like. 2) The gym is my best friend - whao, that is so true. I hate exercise, but I have learnt to love how my mind and body feels after a good workout. It is also the thing that keeps me from gaining weight on the weeks I am at a plateau and eating chocolate icecream and cheese cake because of my cycle. It's been a relationship that I intend to maintan for the rest of my life. I go at least five times a week and I am gaining so much strenght and building killer muslces. 3) The band truly is ONLY a tool - it's no wonder we have to go for fills time and time again. Since my surgery Nov 1st, I have had only four fills (my doc is very conservative and spaces fills out between 8-10 weeks). I am sure we all know that we can "eat around the band" if we really try, however, the idea is to make better food choices, listen to our bodies and get back on track when we fall down. Bottom line, we still have to do all the hard work. 4) Dieting was banded right along with my stomach - I refuse to go on another diet and that is the decision I made when I was banded. No more Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Atkins etc...since my surgery, it's been about great food choices, (not always, I'll admit) and excising. Some valuable changes that I made for the long run, that I can live with including giving up soda's or anything with high frutose corn syrup, going organic and eliminating all hydrogenated oils and fats from my diet. 5) I am Human - most of all, the biggest lesson I have learnt is that I am human...go figure...LOL. But this is crucial in helping me realize that I am not perfect, and somedays, when I feel down and under because of a decision I have made, I can forgive myself because after all, it's part of who I am. Now, I am halfway through my journey. My goal is to lose 80-100 lbs and so far I have lost 40lbs, and by November, I hope to have reached that goal. If I am not there yet, that too will be O.K...as long as I don't gain anything, which has not happened, yet. Actually, when I went for my last fill, this past Tuesday, I was a little bit disappointed that I had only lost 1.5lbs and before I even begun to grumble, the nurse at the office said, "worry, you are still on track because you have not gained anything back." That was enough to reassure me that the band was the best decision I have ever made.
  3. Hi y'all... Banded on Nov 1st...so far, lost 30+lbs...work out at least five to seven times a week, try to eat right...the weight lose is going slow...but I am fine with it because at least I am not gaining and my clothes fit SOOOOOOOO much better, since I am toning my body (hence the fact that I have not lost all that much). Anyway, I have not had my cycle since December. Bariatric doc says it's not the weight and they did all these tests to make sure I am not malnurished. OBGYN also did a gamit of tests and she too says all is well, except she thinks lack of cycle is related to weight loss. Anyone having the same issue? Any thought's would be great.
  4. I was watching Oprah this afternoon and I could not believe all the wonderful non surgeical success stories. What caught my eye were two people (a woman who lost over 500lbs-she started out at 720lbs and a man who was well over 400lbs and is now normal size) who were able to deal with their "food" demons and overcame them enough to start eating right and moving enough to lose the weight. As inspiring as the stories were, I was a bit sad because I wondered what was wrong with me and why I opted to have surgery when there are people out there who are able to do this the "normal" and hardest and disciplined way. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
  5. Hi all, I just wanted to get some opinions on how many people who've been banded actually exercise as well? I know (from this site) that in addition to the band, many people diet, either WW or Jenny Craig or Atkins etc. But how many people are seeing success because of exercise too? Also, who is just relying on the band alone? Meaning, no exercise or diet? Any two sense would be appreciated. Thanks
  6. solaa5

    Twenties Chat

    Hi all, I am Solaa and I am 29. I was banded 11/1/2007. I have so far lost 25lbs. I am a slow loser but I am O.K with it becuse I know it will be long term this time around. I too am looking forward to having babies and being a "skinny bitch" or a "preggo cute chick" some day. I work out five times a week, two days with a trainer, and what I have noiced helps me with the head hunger, is exercise. I love shopping and sleep...not in that order, but either order is five with me. Nice to meet all of you... Solaa
  7. solaa5

    Finally my fill date approaches

    Longhorn, you and I think alike. I want this to be a life long change all around, not just in my clothe sizes and of course, we all want to see the scale move lower every time we get on it, however, that is not the ONLY reason most of us got the band. Truth be told, we got this band because we wanted more than just to lose weight, although losing weight would be the most rewarding part of the experience. Like you, I have always been a slow loser, and since I lift weights heavily at least three times a week with my trainer, my weight does not come off quickly, instead, I am focusing on how losely clothes fit me these days because that is what will give me the "true" illustration that I am losing weight. I am trying to do most things right. I exercise five times a week without fail, I don't drink and eat with my meals anymore, I try and pay attention to my real physical hunger instead of my head hunger, I focus on the long term success of my band, and finally, I deal with the scale. I only weigh myself once a week, on Saturday mornings before I get dressed to hit the gym. Either way, whether I have lost some or nothing that week, I am still just as motivated to go and work my ass off. I know that the success of this band will depend on me and how hard I work to get to where I want to be. Sometimes I cannot stand the complaints and griping people make on here, especially those who have not come to the realization that they have to "work" at succeeding in this journey. In order to lose weight, you have to eat less than you burn...and thanks to the band, that part is almost done for us, but we still need to put in an effort for all the other stuff... Just how I see things...
  8. Finally, I get my FIRST fill on Tuesday and I am a nervous wreck. Why, I can't quite tell...although I am hoping all will go well. It's been a long time coming since I was banded with many of you on 11/1/07. I am however looking forward to getting weighed because I know my doc's scale always gives a number less than the one I have at home. Wish me luck...
  9. solaa5

    Full, Bloated and Uncomfortable...Arghhh!

    Holly- I had my first fill yesterday and I feel bloated. I am gassy and really frustuated. This afternoon for lunch I cheated and had some rice Soup...which was fine, although I only ate about half a cup before I was full and felt like I was gonna throw up...and the gas was unbearable. I am resorting to shakes for the rest of the week, until maybe Saturday...although I had scrambled eggs with cheese this evening which went down fine. I have a feeling what we are experiencing is restriction. I hope it keeps on this way because my surgeon only allow fills every 8 week...which means it won't be until March 4th before I can get my second fill...yikes, hope I survive...
  10. solaa5

    Finally my fill date approaches

    Longhorn, thanks for asking how it went... The fill itself was easy and had no issues. The nurse put in 4cc's and made me do a mini crunch before she started so she could locate the port. She gave me a shot that numbed the area and before I knew it, I was done. I have always known my doctor is very conservative, I just didn't know how much until this visit. It has been 8 weeks since surgery and he is making me wait another eight weeks (March 4th) before my second fill. He says that since I don't have that much to lose (started out needing to lose 100lbs-now 75lbs) he wants to make sure I am losing about 1-2lbs a weeks so my skin can stretch back without any problems and also so I can maintain my weight at goal long term. After he explained this, I didn't feel so bad that my fills were so far apart. What thrilled me about the whole visit was that both he and the nurse could tell in my face that the weight is coming off and assured me that I should rely more on the way my clothes fit rather than what the scale reads...of course, I know all this, but it's just nice to hear the experts voice their opinions.
  11. solaa5


    I thought Optifast tasted so awful. Unjury is so much better. I ended up making my own shakes by buying a brand from my local organic store with soy milk which helped me feel more in control of my shake intake.
  12. Hi all, I just had a birthday a few days ago, and my best gift was getting on the scale and realizing in a week, I had lost 3lbs. My first fill is scheduled for 1/8/08 (banded 11/1/07). So far I love this band. I had a party to celebrate my birthday and everyone who had not seen me in a while said I looked slimmer (especially my face) and for the first time in years, I was not able to finish a slice off my own birthday cake (I just didn't want to). As for sex, well, since I have dropped 25lbs, I am more energetic and willing to try "new things." I don't know about you...but 2008 might very well be the best year of my life... Hope everyone is doing great. Have a wonderful New Year...
  13. solaa5


    I was banded on 11/1/08 and so far I have lost 20lbs. I am at the eight week mark and can now feel I am in a plateau... Many of you had your fills between four to six weeks post surgery and my doctor won't do a fill under no circumstances until after eight weeks. I won't stay I am dieting, but I am watching what I eat, in addition to working out hard at least five days a week...and with a trainer for two of those days. I have not gained any weight, but I only lost one pound for the whole of last week. Basically, I am envious of all of you who have had fills and have some sort of restriction, and are losing. I am not hungry all the time, and I get full quickly, it's just that I would like to see the scale move again like when I got banded. I have vowed not to weigh myself until my fill on 1/8/08 only because I don't want to feel disappointed if I have not lost a thing, or only lost one pound again... Basically, this is just a vent session and was hoping someone out there had some encouraging words...
  14. solaa5


    I've always been good at running, even though I hate it, but love the way I feel when I am done. I go to the gym at least five times a week since my surgery on 11/1 and I work with a trainer for two of those days. When I do cardio, I have to at least do 45 mins of whatever (bike, treadmill, stair climber) to notice a difference on the scale. I have a very strong lower body, and my legs tone faster than the rest of my body. Last year, I wanted to train for the marine corps marathon but I developed a foot injury...so I am hoping I can at least do half a marathon sometime next year if I start now and train well non stop...
  15. I was banded on 11/1/07 and my first fill is scheduled for 1/8/08. I have noticed that some people have gotten fills as close as two weeks after surgery. For whatever reason, my doctor does not give fills for anything less than two months at a time. Which for right now is fine with me, and I know he mentioned that on my appointment, if I am still losing weight, he will not fill. Is anyone else's doctor this conservative?
  16. I've always had a gym membership, but I have hired a trainer and I am doing cardio and weights four times a week. What are the rest of you doing?
  17. I don't know if I am feeling this or just imagining things, but does anyone feel thier food going through the band and into the other portion of the stomach. It almost feels like a slight pain or maybe a nudge presumably around where the band is... Any thoughts?
  18. By the way, my main motivation (and the reason I got the surgery WHEN I did) is because I will be in a wedding early next year and I need to look like a normal sized bridesmaid.
  19. solaa5

    First Fill

    With a band date of 11/1/07, I think my fill is later than most of you...1/8/08. My doctor is very conservative and will not fill for anything more than two months at a time...and if I am still losing, (which I am because I am up to four times a week of cardio and weight training-hired a trainer), I think I will have lost quite a bit and don't know if I will get the fill...but we will see.
  20. solaa5

    Conservative Doctor

    I meant, anything more than two months at a time.
  21. solaa5

    Daily food

    I think each doctor is different and for the most part, a lot of what we get told has to do with how liberal or conservative your doctor is...and how much weight you have to lose. For me, the biggest emphasis is on eating 60 grams of Protein a day and also on incooperating exercise. Personally, I know exercising is what will make the difference for me...so I am focusing a lot of that. My doctor has mentioned he wants us to be on no calorie liquids, but at the same time, if you are working out four times a week, one glass of O.J per week won't kill you. It's all in moderation, I think.
  22. solaa5

    Can I start walking yet?

    My doc approved me for any form of exercise after my one week follow up appointment. He said I could do any exercise I wanted to do as long as I was comfortable and had the energy to work out. So, for the past three week...I have been hitting the gym and now I am up to 45 miins of cardio and doing weight two times a week.
  23. I was watching Oprah this afternoon and I could not believe all the wonderful non surgeical success stories. What caught my eye were two people (a woman who lost over 500lbs-she started out at 720lbs and a man who was well over 400lbs and is now normal size) who were able to deal with their "food" demons and overcame them enough to start eating right and moving enough to lose the weight. As inspiring as the stories were, I was a bit sad because I wondered what was wrong with me and why I opted to have surgery when there are people out there who are able to do this the "normal" and hardest and disciplined way. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
  24. solaa5

    Four weeks today!

    It's been four weeks for me and my first day back at work after being off for a month. One of my coworkers said she thought I looked like I lost some weight...and I know I have because my size 16 pants were very unflattering on me. I need 14's already. I have restriction...I think...because I cannot eat much. A small yogurt fills me up...and today at lunch I had a small noodle Soup which filled me so quickly. I am now on solids and so far it's going well. Just has a roasted chicken healthy choice dinner and I was not able to finish it. Yeah...maybe this is the answer to small portion. I am averaging at least 800 calories a day and about 48 grams of Protein (I know I need to be up to about 60 grams, so I am still working on it). For the most part, I have no regrets about the surgery so far.
  25. I started going to the gym on my second week post surgery... So far, I am at 218lbs and I started out at 235. In one month, I have lost 17lbs. I think working out helps...do you?? Although my clothes feel looser around my waist, I can pretty much still fit in all of them...not about to buy anything new for myself until I am under 200lbs...that'll be my reward.

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