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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About LookingForMe

  • Rank
    The journey begins....
  • Birthday 06/25/1977
  1. LookingForMe

    My 6 year, 4 surgery story

    My weight was 192.4 today at a fitness challenge weigh-in! Down 77lbs since surgery and still losing!
  2. LookingForMe

    Week 4: May 27-31st Sleevers

    Would love to join your group. Sleeved on 5/30. HW = 265 SW = 256 CW = 236 Has anyone else had trouble drinking Protein shakes since surgery? I was fine with the whey protein pre surgery and since then if I even smell it, my stomach retches. Even the protein shots and the clear Isopure drinks. I can do some of the pre-made drinks so I've had to resort to that to get protein in, but they are very expensive. I'm afraid my hair is all going to fall out from not getting protein, like it did when I was banded.
  3. I just tried a new vitamin and it's shockingly tasty! Celebrate Multi-complete chewable with iron, orange flavor Seriously my stomach has been so sensitive I've been scared to try the vitamins but this one I can do!
  4. My story so far spans 6 years and includes 4 surgeries and a lot of ups and downs. In 2008, weighing in at 288 pounds on a 5'3'' frame, detesting seeing myself in wedding photos, and now having a gorgeous stepson to live for, I sought out weight loss surgery. Not to mention, my endocrinologist diagnosed me with PCOS and told me my only hope for having a baby was to lose weight. My employer is known to have a "Cadillac" benefits plan, so I had a hunch approval wouldn't be too difficult. I was correct. Getting approval only took a few months, and a minor number of hoops jumped through. I decided on the Lap-Band and was pretty excited going in to surgery. I wasn't too nervous, believe it or not! And even though back in 2008, the pre-op diet that my surgeon required was MUCH worse than what they do now (14 days of CLEAR liquids), I got through it ok. Surgery went pretty smooth- I remember falling in love with the SF Banana popsicles they gave me to eat right out of surgery - delicious!! After 2 weeks of chilling at home and lounging in the sun, I was back at work. I started getting fills soon after and started feeling the restriction. My memories that stand out - first time I got stuck was on a piece of egg and my husband had to stop alongside the road for me to slime/gag/vomit whatever you call that, ugh. The band had its good and bad. I remember getting stuck often. I remember wanting so badly to sample all of the foods at Thanksgiving dinner that I snuck away to do some yoga poses to get the food to slide through the band so that I could eat more - and was caught by my SIL who thought it was hilarious, as she downed a pumpkin roll. But a lot of the time, I paid attention to the rules, and didn't get stuck, worked out 5 days per week, and I lost weight - a lot of weight! I was down to a size 14 when I started having gallbladder issues. Getting extreme upper right stomach pain and nausea for no apparent reason, vomiting my guts up when there wasn't even anything in my guts to vomit up. That is when the band slipped for the first time. I knew it had slipped because even though I had a slight unfill, I could not get anything through the band and I was sliming/salivating constantly. I carried a can around one weekend so that I could spit my extra saliva out. Gross. By the time the dr finally decided to remove my gallbladder, the slip was so bad that I wasn't eating anything and was very dehydrated. He removed the GB, repaired the slip, and sent me on my merry way. Since I wasn't filled directly after surgery, I immediately gained back about 25 lbs. But I felt so good compared to before the surgery that I didn't care! After a couple of months of not caring, I realized I was starting to gain a little much, so I started getting fills again, pumped back up my exercise plan, and did ok at not getting stuck, not vomiting, etc. But I did still have one problem that I had from the very start. When I had the band, I could not burp. No matter how hard my husband tried to coach me, it didn't work. The gas got stuck in my esophagus and just gurgled around in there, making me (and him) miserable. I learned that if I just *barely* gagged myself with my fingers, the gas would be able to come up, and *most* of the time, I could keep from emptying the contents of my pouch. It sounds, and felt like bad Band behavior, but I was miserable and had to do something. Anyway, I started to lose weight again slowly, and was really enjoying life again. That was a pretty good year for me. That Christmas season was filled with parties, and I was able to enjoy them without the band being an issue. And on December 22nd, we found out the greatest news - we were pregnant! We had been trying for nearly a year and given it up to just enjoy life, and surprise! It was wonderful news! So, I went to my surgeon and he did a complete unfill. I had a GREAT pregnancy. I felt better during pregnancy than I have EVER felt in my life. I felt so full of positive energy. I was literally that glowing pregnant woman walking around on cloud 9! I focused on eating a lot of healthy food, taking my vitamins, drinking tons of water, continued exercising. I was a great PG mommy! (I did crave spicy foods and the baby insisted on a bowl of Graeter's black raspberry chip ice cream every night I gained weight, quite a bit, but I was so happy, I was ok with it. I had a great big round baby belly and didn't care that my arm fat was back I got up to about 248 at the time of delivery. My delivery was great. Near perfect, in fact. I made it to 8 cm before I got an epidural and delivered within 12 hours. Post delivery, they moved me to the recovery room, and that is when the disaster started. I nodded off due to extreme tiredness, and woke up aspirating my spit. Every time I nodded off while I was in the hospital, I woke up aspirating saliva. I am convinced, CONVINCED, that my band slipped during delivery due to being completely unfilled and all of the pushing. The next year was a mix of joy and misery. I couldn't eat food most of the time - well I take that back. Some weeks I could eat soups, soft foods, other weeks, I had to stick to protein shakes and milk shakes. I nursed my baby that entire year on that diet. Every night when I lay down to sleep, if there was ANYTHING in my pouch, even a little water, it would immediately reflux the second I dropped off to sleep and I would aspirate it. I got a couple of respiratory infections due to aspirating, and had to use an inhaler sometimes. I found out that drinking a milkshake at the right time of evening would cause everything in my pouch to slide through and I wouldn't take even a sip after that before I went to bed. Still nursing the baby, I did take a 2 day break (pump and dump) to have an Upper endoscopy, where a GI doctor (not my surgeon) said the band looked fine, and used a balloon to stretch the esophagus a little. This didn't really help. Not wanting to affect my nursing relationship with my very beautiful and healthy son, I continued my suffering. I suffered like this through his 13th month, when he started to drink from a cup and lost interest in nursing. After we stopped nursing, it seemed like the band got even worse. I was down to about 170 lbs. now after a year of nursing and barely eating. And now even the tricks I used for that year weren't working anymore! So back to the surgeon I went and finally he decided to remove the band. It was removed on 11/30/2012 and I weighed in at nearly 160 lbs that morning at the hospital. My insurance would not approve me for an immediate conversion, and my surgeon didn't recommend it. He wanted me to give my body a few months to recover from the malnutrition, trauma, and to see if the reflux problem would resolve. It did, immediately. I did well the first 6 months. I became an exercise nut, doing the 30 day challenge, P90X, etc, and eating a whole foods diet. I spent all day Sunday in the kitchen preparing healthy and wholesome meals for me and my family. I only gained about 20 lbs those first 6 months. Then disaster struck. I went on vacation, forgot my thyroid meds for a few days, came home with the flu, and triggered a nasty depression. A few months later, I had totally given up and was gaining weight like crazy. Within the year, I've gained another 80 lbs. Backing up a little, I tried, just a few months after the band was removed, to get approved for the Gastric Sleeve. My insurance wouldn't approve me this time because my BMI wasn't high enough. Come back when you are on our BMI chart, they said. HAH! Please gain weight and become unhealthy again, then we will help you. SO, anyway, I gave up on that for a while, and started trying again this past January. They denied me a couple of time because they tried to say the Band didn't work, so they wouldn't approve a second surgery. Uh, YES it DID! My surgeon's PA was on the war path when she heard that! A 130 lb weight loss does not indicate failure, she said! So, needless to say, she got me approved. But I shelved the approval due to some personal issues with my mom's situation. And finally decided to go for it, was Sleeved on 5/30/2014, despite my husband's protests (worried about complications/permanence) and looking forward to adding more to my story! So far, the sleeve seems alright. I am definitely not hungry, but a little unsure as to how I'm going to get my protein in with this much restriction. Gonna time my time and follow doctor's orders!
  5. Happy 36th Birthday LookingForMe!

  6. Happy 35th Birthday LookingForMe!

  7. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary LookingForMe!

  8. How much exercise is ok while pregnant? I'm 7 weeks, first OB appt in a week, and am really confused about exercise. I was doing hard workouts 3-4 days a week pre-pregnancy. I was starting to get into running and was finally starting to lose weight again. I've had a cold foe the last week so haven't worked out anyway. I'm ready to move! I want to run again but people tell me to take it easy and a lot of articles say to keep you heart rate under 120 or 130. That doesn't even feel like a workout to me! If I'm gonna exercise, I want to sweat! What workouts do you do during your pregnancy? I've already gained 7 lbs between the holiday season and being pregnant. I feel like a house already and have read that I shouldn't gain more than 15 the entire pregnancy. I feel like I need to workout!
  9. Hi, Ladies, I just found out last week that I''m pregnant, and that puts me at 6 weeks. I have been wearing a compression garment (ok, just call it a girdle already!) since about 50 lbs down from my original weight. That was about the time that my extra skin and flabbiness started to annoy me with its jiggling, and also cause excess sweatiness/rashes from the rubbing. I don't go out of the house without one on! I'm still 100 lbs down from my original weight, and I know it will be some time before my baby belly really starts to "pop", especially since this is my first. So, can I keep wearing my girdles for now? When should I give it up?
  10. LookingForMe

    revision more painful?

    I too just had revision surgery to repair a posterior slip, but also had my gallbladder removed at the same time. I have had a lot more pain this time around. I talked to the dr. about it and he said it's to be expected. I know my situation is a little different from yours, but I thought it might help to hear it. I also had a lot of the shoulder pain from the abdominal gas they use this time, and I didn't have that the first time at all.
  11. In the 20 months since my LAP-BAND®® surgery, I've lost 116 lbs. I went from size 24 to 12. It's hard to realize your success, because in the mirror, you always see the flaws. My wakeup was when I was able to wear my husband's clothes. I couldn't believe his jeans fit me! And then they were too big. It was a great feeling! Unfortunately, I've started having some complications. My gall bladder had to be removed, and my band had slipped during the period of time that I was sick with gall stones. So my band is now repositioned and completely unfilled. I just hope this doesn't indicate a turning point in the wrong direction! But today - I feel like a success story!
  12. I am 20 months post surgery, down 115 lbs, and my gall bladder had to be removed. My gall bladder made me so sick that I vomited a lot, even though I was trying to be careful what I ate. At my Friday appointment with the surgeon, surgery was scheduled for Wednesday. That night, I woke up in the middle of the night violently vomiting up pure stomach acid. I think this is when my band slipped, because I could barely eat the rest of the weekend. I had more vomiting on Monday night after trying to eat some soup. It got worse after that, and all day Tuesday, I couldn't keep anything down except small sips of water. When I went in for surgery on Wednesday, I requested to speak to the surgeon beforehand and told him I thought the band may have slipped. He was very skeptical at first, and made a few attempts at dry humor. But, after taking an x-ray, he could see that the band was in a different position than it was originally. He came back and told me he was glad I mentioned it. He said he has a lot of patients that think their band has slipped when it hasn't. So, my simple gall bladder surgery turned into also repositioning the band. I have 6 incisions instead of 3 more, for a grand total of 11 scars on my belly now!! Good thing I never planned on wearing a bikini! I also asked him to do an upper endoscopy while I was down to make sure there was no damage to the esophagus from all of the stomach acids, and that turned out ok. All in all, a stressful day, but I'm glad it's over and my band is back in place. Unfortunately, it's totally empty right now. I just hope once I start eating again, I don't gain any weight back! I keep reading stories on here about the band never being right again after a slip. I hope I don't have the same problems. I'm just glad I was so close to goal weight before I started having real issues.
  13. LookingForMe

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    I did it! 112 lbs so far, and I guess I'm finally at that "sweet" spot. First 6 months - 50 lbs, 2nd 6 mos - 20 lbs, 3rd 6 mos - 20 lbs In the past 3 months - 22 lbs. It feels like I'm losing so fast right now that I can't keep myself in clothes!
  14. LookingForMe

    Kentucky, "who's your Doctor"

    I'm in Northern KY, and went to Dr. Dwayne Smith. He's very good! I have Anthem/PPO
  15. LookingForMe

    Very strange fill....

    It's been awhile, but I wanted to update this thread. My doctor was very much more calm and collected the next time I saw him. He had to finesse the port a bit, but was able to get a good fill. He apologized for my overhearing their conversation (it was about me), and this time he took time to explain the real situation to me. I appreciated that very much. I have had one other fill since then and I'm very pleased. I have good restriction, and I'm losing weight easily. It feels like I'm barely working at it anymore!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
