I apologize. I am new to this site/app and I did not get a notification of replies.
I am so excited to have others on the same time like as I. I just completed my hos. classes, exercise info class, pysc. eval. and medical appt. My bariactric doc is now just stating we are waiting the clock out. Sigh.... I am ready. I appreciate the 6 mo. thing. But I have two insurances and my primary is a 4 mo. plan, whereas my secondary insurance is a 6 mo. So in order to have pretty much nothing out of pocket, I am in it for a few more months.
Got the protein drink thing down, jello, water, cottage cheese, and cut the soda and coffee out. I am not a patient person. I really want to get this boat moving. I am ready to move again. I am always in pain and tired. I daydream of enjoying the outdoors again. I need this tool.
ok, done ranting. lol.