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About selisejohnson

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 02/29/1980
  1. Happy 32nd Birthday selisejohnson!

  2. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary selisejohnson!

  3. selisejohnson

    Breastfeeding with the band

    I just want to post that I have been banded sice nov 07, got prego jan 08, had a 7lb 7oz healthy baby girl Oct 08. I am still b feeding and plan to past 1 yr. i only had 1 fill and never got an unfill. gained 15 lbs dur pregnancy and currently below my pre prego weight. about 45lbs below pre band weight. Im doing great and so is baby girl. she is in the 75 percentile with no formula supplements. Only breastmilk. So it can be done:thumbup:
  4. selisejohnson

    Anyone due soon?

    I am due 10/20/08
  5. selisejohnson

    Nightly band pain

    i am 31 weeks now, i posted a few months ago wondering if my pain was band or baby related. well I found out that since everything was shifting around inside, thats where my pains were coming from. i still have the pain occaisionally at night when I lay on my side. I just switch sides and sometimes that helps. It is just the pressure of the uterus pushing up on your stomach most likely. you may need an unfil. I was told to get that done, but havent as of yet. I get food down just fine. hope this helps.
  6. so far I have gained about 10lbs.
  7. selisejohnson

    baby and port

    my baby girl has found herself a new toy. for the past few days she constantly kicks my port. It feels really funny. I was wondering if anyone else has felt this? :thumbup:
  8. Hey...I noticed that you and I have the same fill/band and also close in age AND about 4 weeks difference in pregnancy. Congrats!! I am 19 weeks now. I posted on one board about not feeling the baby move. Have you felt yours yet? Also, I am thinking that I will not get my band unfilled. My doc said to just come back whenever I felt like I needed it, but I have not had any trouble eating..in fact, I have sorta ditched the rules on eating/drinking together, and have been able to eat quite a lot. I have only gained about 5 lbs. since getting pregnant, though, but I am scared if I get my band unfilled that I will just eat way too much. Anyway, sometimes I get cramps/pains that I am not sure what it is...drinking/eating....the baby...who knows. Nothing has been considerable or lasted too long, though. I hope your pain has subsided or at least you found out what it was!



  9. selisejohnson

    pain - is it band or baby?

    Thank you for your response. just though someone might have experienced what i felt. I guess not.
  10. I was just wondering if anyone could help me figure out whats going on with me. I am a little over 15 weeks now and for the past couple of days I have been having the twinge/pain under my breast bone towards my right rib. At first I thought it was the weight of my dd breast (that are now getting larger) but it happens with or without a bra, when I lay on my side, or standing. Could something be wrong with my band or could it be all my organs are shifting to make room for my growing uterus? On a pain scale its about a 2 or 3, but enough to get my attention. Has anyone else had this? As far as eating, things go down well, I have 1.2cc in a 10cc band. So I dont think I need an unfill. Just racking my brain on what this could be, any comments would be so helpful. thanks:blushing:
  11. selisejohnson

    Breastfeeding Bandsters Unite!

    just wondering, does breastfeeding help take the weight off faster? (along with it being great for baby)
  12. selisejohnson

    Roll Call Time!

    Name: elise How far along: 14 weeks Due Date: 10/31 Boy/Girl/Surprise: hoping for a girl, dont know yet Rants: n/a Raves: felin great:thumbup: Anything else: __________
  13. i weigh myself every day to see if i have gained. if i weigh in the morning my weight is the same 1lb gain. but if i weigh evening or night 2-4lb gain. its driving me crazy
  14. selisejohnson

    oh my god...

    oops- sorry guys i did mean 3 months . I have gained a lb and a half already. I cant hep but weigh myself every morning. I felt kinda bad seeing the scale go up instead of down. I know I am being selfish, huh?:tongue:
  15. selisejohnson

    oh my god...

    dr. says that I am 7 weeks and 4 days. I called my fill Dr. and he said as long as i follow my OB diet recommendations and take my vit everything will be fine. today is my b-day! I'm pregnant! I'm happy. life's great:biggrin2:

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