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Ginger Snaps

Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Ginger Snaps

  • Rank
    Bariatric Hero
  • Birthday 12/08/1965

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  1. Sitting at the same weight for a week now... if this pound doesn't drop and get me to the halfway point soon, I'm going to start cutting off appendages to drop the weight! :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zoey716


      @Ginger Snaps - That is SOOOO exciting!! You are doing SOOO well!!! I too avoid using the word stall. I have been hitting the gym regularly (atleast 5 times per week), tracking everything - my concern is that I may not be eating enough. I know my body needs more calories for the work outs that I do, however I physically can't eat more. Hoping I break free from this sticky point quickly!! :)

    3. Ginger Snaps

      Ginger Snaps

      I hear you @Zoey716 -- I had to add in more calories when I started working out hard -- my nutritionist told me to add in some carbs (veggies/fruits) because you need it for the energy to workout. But I can't really seem to get a lot more calories without cutting down on the protein. I get around 600-800 calories a day but need to kick up the protein more -- I haven't been hitting 60 lately.


    4. Zoey716


      @Ginger Snaps - Same here!! I get in the same # of calories as you. I've been trying to add in more fruit and veggies (salad with a protein at lunch and a piece of fruit for a snack). I'm still low on protein - anywhere from 55-65 grams most days. Hoping with the increase in carbs that will help the scale! (Weird that now we are trying to eat more to lose!?!) :)

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