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Ginger Snaps

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Ginger Snaps

  1. Ginger Snaps

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    Thanks Woo Woo... I think I jumped into thinking you were talking about me because I do feel very picky. It sounds kinda snotty but I am going to be pretty discriminating this time around. I have a very successful career and my ex was very intimidated by my income. He always made it an issue and even now says resentful things like how it's not fair that I get to take the kids on vacation, etc. Even though I'm paying him alimony... Go figure! Anyway, even though I'm not materialistic I want someone kind of on the same income and education level. Just so we don't have that kind of disparity to have conflict over. However I've frequently thought of finding a sexy handyman to take care of the house and yard while I earn the bacon! Ok. Guess this thread has gone way off topic! Lol
  2. Ginger Snaps

    Benadryl : Can I take it?

    You should contact your doctor but I would try getting some liquid Benadryl. The pharmacist could tell you an adult dosage of the children's liquid.
  3. @Tootles1975 -- I'm so glad you followed up and updated us! I was just wondering what you had decided. Best of luck as you move through the process and let us know how it goes!
  4. Ginger Snaps

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    I don't consider myself negative or judgey. I didn't say I don't like the bass or deer or motorcycle or car pics, I just want to be able to see their face clearly (not backlit) in at least one picture. Actually, the car pics don't do it for me. I'm not materialistic and if I want a freakin' expensive car, I'll buy one for myself, thank you very much. The motorcycle is different because that's not just transportation, it's like a lifestyle/hobby thing, too. I do have a few requirements I consider important for profiles -- I think it's a big red flag when they say they are a PhD professor or a master's degree holding engineer but they can't put things into sentences or they spell REALLY poorly (not just -- I'm typing on my iPad poorly). I won't look at profiles without a picture. Nine out of ten guys put in their profile that they won't respond to profiles without a pic and neither will I. And if the first email I get from them is "you are so beautiful, you are the one for me, I want to make you the happiest woman on earth"... PASS! Or if they start with "distance doesn't matter".... ummmm, yes it does if you're a professional with a career and not willing to relocate. Go check out some of the Dr. Phil shows on online dating scams ... it's amazing what some people.fall for.
  5. Ginger Snaps

    Single..... Am I the only one?

    I certainly feel lonely at times -- just because my two teen boys live with me doesn't mean the provide companionship! And the two dogs are just downright ANNOYING most of the time! I have tried to get involved in more social activities to help with some of that loneliness. I have a friend that started a walking group with me -- we invite friends and show up once a week to walk and talk for about an hour and a half. I have another friend who I just call up now and then and we try to find somewhere interesting and different to go. Especially all those local places that you've heard of and just haven't tried -- gardens, museums, etc. I've also gotten involved in two groups at my church and just make myself get up and go to those even when I don't feel like it. One thing I've heard (and found true) is that when you are feeling lonely or feel like you're becoming depressed, to volunteer somewhere you feel passion about. Like at the local Soup kitchen or homeless shelter or teen runaway home, etc. When you are volunteering and giving back to others, you'll feel better for yourself and who knows who you might meet! Best wishes... Ginger
  6. Ginger Snaps

    June 2014 Dates!?

    It took 2-3 months of me being on the CPAP before I really noticed a HUGE improvement in how I felt during the day. It wasn't an overnight fix for me. Hang in there Zelda -- we only have 3 weeks to go!!!
  7. November this year? Or next? I ran in high school too and have always wanted to get back into it but the weight has taken it's toll and I wonder if I'll ever be able to again. I was thinking of making a tiny little goal of a 5k late this year. But a marathon??? You GO girl! (and if I get postop and find I can start running some, I'll hit you up to do a 5k with me somewhere near Philly! Maybe one of those Turkey trots on Thanksgiving Day... better than staring at all that food you can't eat!) Ginger
  8. Ginger Snaps

    Update! 60lbs GONE!

    Day-ummm.... you look great! Hope I have equally stunning results!
  9. Maybe they can give you some anti-anxiety meds, too... I regularly ask for them now when I have to have some unpleasant procedure done (may request some for some dental work coming up). G
  10. Ginger Snaps

    5 months Post Op

    Wow -- great job! Go update your stats in your profile so your numbers show the incredible progress! Ginger
  11. Ginger Snaps


    Coffee can also irritate the stomach and cause ulcers.
  12. Ginger Snaps

    Sis is driving me crazy

    I respect that you are putting your relationship with your sister above your feelings that you need to educate her or argue with her. Some people don't want to learn or listen -- they've made up their minds for whatever reasons and it sounds like you have a healthy attitude towards her. Best wishes...
  13. Ginger Snaps


    I love riding. It's like being a little kid again. I actually have 3 bikes -- a cruiser, a mountain bike and a hybrid. I was thinking about getting another road bike because they are so much lighter and then I realized, hey... I can drop 70 pounds off my bike if I just get my butt moving! lol Riding is the best. Gotta get myself out there.
  14. Ginger Snaps

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    @PRINCESSM The sad thing is, I actually LOVE sports and fishing (not hunting so much). Seems like that would draw a LITTLE attention. Ginger
  15. Ginger Snaps

    Single..... Am I the only one?

    I'm divorced -- 2 teen boys living at home with me. I'm trying to get the support I need from this site, from a couple of close friends and just from my faith in God. It's hard not having a husband/significant other to talk about the surgery with but I'm finding other ways to feel supported. I tried some online dating but it hasn't panned out at all, so I think I'm just going to put that on hold for a while. Best wishes!
  16. Ginger Snaps

    Nervous single mom

    How old are your twins? I'm preop and I'm a single mom, too. My boys are 14 and 20 and eat anything and everything in sight. I let my older son grocery shop so he has the things in the house they like to eat and I don't hear "There's nothing to eat!!!" If you're a member of a church, you might ask if they could have people bring over evening meals for the first week out of surgery. That would keep you from having that chore yourself. Are you more worried about cooking -- that you won't feel like cooking or that you'll be too tempted to eat it yourself? Are there things the twins like that you don't really care for? So you could cook those meals early on. Best wishes as you make plans.
  17. Ginger Snaps

    Back from vacation

    Sounds like a great time! I have a family vacation in Belize scheduled for August. Everything's paid for and I'm just praying my surgery goes well so that I feel great while we're there (8 weeks out from surgery). We'll be in a villa on the beach, so we'll have a kitchen and if worst comes to worst, I'll survive on Protein bars. Ginger
  18. Ginger Snaps

    Hiatal hernia

    My doctor will repair mine during my surgery -- he said it only adds about 15 minutes of surgery time. I'm really looking forward to that because there are times it hurts like HECK... like when I bend over. I feel like I have to do a backbend to get the kink out again. Best wishes on your surgery.
  19. Ginger Snaps

    surgery tomorrow!

    Woo hoo!!! Best wishes!
  20. So sorry to hear you're struggling. We're scheduled for around the same time. It sounds like you're facing so many challenges right now. Pick your battles, decide what you're going to put as priority and do what you need to do. Wishing you all the best. Ginger
  21. Ginger Snaps

    June 16th!

    @@Lorainsatx We have a lot in common -- I'm 5'3" or 5'4" depending on how much I slouch! I'm also just on the cusp -- weighed 209 the first visit with the surgeon. I have GERD and sleep apnea and some joint pain, so insurance will cover. I hope you find a way to get insurance to pay, too. Bring up everything you can think of -- low back pain, hip pain, knees, whatever! Ginger
  22. Ginger Snaps

    Hit the trail today!

    Are you LOVING your life yet??? Great pictures -- beautiful ride!
  23. I've seen this on the British show "Fat Doctor" (on YouTube). I don't know all the reasons why but on some of the people on the show, they do the tubes while they are still conscious. Seems really unpleasant but you can make it through if it's needed to be safe for the surgery. Wishing you all the best. Ginger
  24. Ginger Snaps

    Pop Tarts

    Bring on the haters, but I don't even like Pop Tarts.
  25. My pulmonologist asked what weight I was when I was first diagnosed with apnea. She said when I get down to about 10 pounds less than that and maintain it, she'll retest. Apnea is REALLY dangerous even though it seems to just be tiring. I won't go off my machine without having a doctor's approval. And, btw -- the other poster was right -- there are a lot of different mask options. I had a full face mask and then a partial and now I have the little nasal pillows that just fit up in the nostrils a little. It is very comfortable and MUCH better than the masks. But, everybody's different. If you're having trouble with the mask, you can try different ones. My insurance will pay for a second mask to try within 30 days or something like that. Please talk to your doctor! Ginger

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
