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Ginger Snaps

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Ginger Snaps

  1. Ginger Snaps

    Major NSVs!

    My 20 yo son told me I'm not as fat as I think I am (his words). Then when I told him no more birthday cake, he freaked out! When I told my 14 yo about the eating plan, he said "so you're having medically induced anorexia". 23 yo daughter is like "so, you like going under the knife" God made kids babies first so we'd have to love them. Then they develop the power of speech...
  2. So I had my presurgery visit today -- doctor went through all the paperwork to be sure everything is in place. Of course, the psych eval hadn't been sent over yet even though I saw him a month ago and have called weekly to ask him to fax it over. The office staff is calling him and getting that taken care of. Doctor gave me a true/false quiz -- I was shocked I actually missed one -- UGH! I wanted to be a straight A student! lol It had questions like "After surgery I will be able to eat as I did pre-surgery" and "Protein shakes are essential early post-op to get nutrition". I missed the one about him taking out the gallbladder. He doesn't routinely take it out -- only if you have some existing gall bladder disease. I thought the question was saying it MIGHT be taken out. Thanks to you all on the boards for helping me pass that test -- I've learned so much. Now I have to go do the treadmill test on Thursday and do the preop testing next week and June 9th -- I'll be there! Getting so close now!
  3. Ginger Snaps

    Emotions + eating

    @@☠carolinagirl☠ -- How GREAT is that picture!!! I'm going to print it out and post it on the fridge with this picture of my dogs (who just happen to be begging for treats!) Actually, I don't have to post their picture on the fridge, because any time I'm standing at the fridge, they are going to be in this same position which happens to have been taken while I was standing at the fridge -- with them begging for treats.
  4. Ginger Snaps


    @@Rena's got this --- Go for the shoes! Had a funny experience yesterday -- the cardiologist wanted me to have a treadmill stress test before surgery and the nurse was really nice. He looked at me and said "Oh, you'll do fine on the test... the technician and I have noticed everybody with Nike's does fine on the test." Then he showed me his shoes -- Nike's. So, Nike's come highly recommended! lol
  5. Ginger Snaps

    First post-op appt and interesting view

    My doctor said he doesn't put people under BMI of 40 on a preop diet for the reason your doctor said about it making patients weaker and possibly malnourished before surgery. For larger patients he said he might require some preop but not for a long period of time -- just to help shrink the liver some. It's interesting how many different varieties of plans doctors have. You would think there was one "master plan" that they all adhered to or something. Regardless, glad I don't have to follow anything other than Clear liquids the day before surgery. I'm no good at dieting (not a yo-yo dieter, just a can't stick with it dieter). That's why I'm having surgery in the first place -- no good at dieting!
  6. Ginger Snaps


    You're saying lower stomach -- do you mean low on your abdomen? Or around the belly button where the bottom of your stomach would be? I had pain like that right behind my belly button -- sharp stabbing pains that would come and go along with vomiting. Then the pain started moving over to the right side (in line with the belly button) and coming across to behind the belly button. Got to where I couldn't stand it (after 5-6 hours) I had an intestinal blockage and ended up in the hospital on IV antibiotics for 4 days. I'm preop -- this had nothing to do with any surgery. I also had scar tissue from c-sections and used to have very bad stabbing pain low in my abdomen -- would happen a few days before my period started (but I was irregular so never knew for sure if it was related). I finally had laparoscopic surgery and the doctor found I had scar tissue (from c-sections) attaching my ovary to the abdominal wall. It would start hurting prior to my period because things swelled and moved some. Once they clipped that scar tissue, never had that pain again. Definitely something to contact your doctor about!
  7. Ginger Snaps

    aborted surgery

    Oh no.... so sorry for your bad experience. I can't imagine at a weight of 319 you are too big for his instruments -- there are so many people on these boards that are larger and had the surgery. The surgical instruments are probably standard at most hospitals. And, if that were the truth, it seems they would have converted to an open surgery. Sounds like a very unprofessional doctor and a bad situation all around -- but the other posters are right -- this botched up mess may have saved you from a whole world of hurt! If you feel like spending the energy on him, it might be good to file some kind of complaint through the hospital or even a state medical board. If you'd rather just put the whole experience behind you and move on, that's understandable, too. Either way -- I wish you all the best on finding another surgeon and getting the procedure in the future if that's the way you decide to go.
  8. Ginger Snaps

    Hello there

    Mine was easy-peasy -- just had problems with the doc not faxing over the clearance letter for about 5 weeks -- ugh I saw the psych that I've seen for 8 years -- treated for depression and bipolar. I don't think I've seen anyone on these boards who got denied the surgery for psych reasons. I think the only thing you could "fail" on would be if you have some major eating disorder that you're not in treatment for. Some people have to fill out long questionnaires and have more stringent evaluations than I had but I wouldn't stress over this too much. If you're honest about answers and admit your problems, you'll do fine. I jokingly think that if you're smart enough to be on these boards asking questions and looking for help with your problems, you can pass the psych eval. Best wishes!
  9. Ginger Snaps

    GERD vs Sleeve

    My doctor said no to the sleeve because of GERD. He explained to me that the sleeve is bad for GERD because acid is formed primarily in the lower stomach. Because the bypass cuts off the lower stomach you won't get as much acid.
  10. Ginger Snaps

    looking for support

    You're not alone! I'm right there with you -- anxious, nervous, excited, wondering what the heck I'm signing up for.... I think you're perfectly normal!
  11. Ginger Snaps

    My story to date

    I love how in the after picture you look more put together -- neater beard and hair, big smile -- you look happy and healthy! Keep up the hard work! Ginger
  12. Ginger Snaps

    Took the decision

    Are you asking if there will be trouble getting approved because you have depression? Or that you're feeling depressed over having surgery? You'll see lots of people on the board who have depression and are either approved for or have had the surgery. I am treated for depression and haven't had any issues getting approved (except the psych took FOREVER to send over his clearance letter).
  13. Ginger Snaps

    Out to Eat....

    OMG -- still preop -- think I'm going to have to go have a food funeral at Red Lobster tonight -- well, really, just for the biscuits! lol
  14. Ginger Snaps

    Not big enough for WLS?

    I'm 5'4" and have a BMI of 35.6 (or something like that)... barely qualified. The only comorbidities I have are apnea and GERD. I've gotten that comment a couple of times, too and I just said "I'm at the weight where I qualified for insurance coverage". My concern is more about the future -- I am trending every year to gaining weight and I every time I have blood work I hold my breath worrying about high cholesterol or diabetes. Every time they do a blood pressure on me, I worry about what numbers might pop up. I'm doing this to give me long-term health. Stay tough and let's march on!
  15. Ginger Snaps

    Im sure there is a thread out there but....

    Sounds a little crazy -- but I've cut pictures out of magazines or catalog of healthy looking active women -- especially from bicycling or active wear catalogs. I have them stuck on the door of my walkin closet so I have something to look forward to.
  16. Ginger Snaps


    My first appointment was March 18th and my surgery is scheduled June 9th. So, the process has been very fast and gone smoothly without a hitch (knock on wood). I had to see the surgeon 3 times (4 weeks apart), had the pulmonology clearance (already on c-pap so didn't have to do a sleep study -- the doctor just had to write a clearance letter), had a psych eval and had to see a cardiologist for surgery clearance (just did a treadmill test this morning). I also had 3 visits with a nutritionist which were actually really pleasant. So for me, the entire process has taken 83 days. Now, after the surgery, the hard part starts! lol
  17. Ginger Snaps

    Shock to my system

    That also sounds like dumping syndrome... did you eat or dink something different before you left?
  18. Ginger Snaps

    Newbie with bowel issues - help?

    You can also mix your shakes with unsweetened almond milk if you have lactose problems. Or use the lactose free milk. I can eat cheese and yogurt and stuff like that but get very gassy and nauseous if I drink milk straight.
  19. Ginger Snaps

    Nervous & Full of Questions

    I've had several surgeries but I can understand how intimidating the entire process can be if you've never had any surgery. One thing I can offer --- you'll get asked the same questions a hundred times during the preop process -- like what your name is, your birthdate, what procedure you're having done, if you have dentures or removable teeth... stuff like that. Like EVERYONE that comes in the room will ask you those same things over and over again. lol As far as the anesthesia goes, I've found over the past 25 years that anesthesia has improved SO much! When I first had surgeries, I would often wake up "fighting" -- like you came out of it thinking you were being attacked or something. Now, the meds are so good -- you just go to sleep instantly and then feel like you just wake up again. It seems like you just close your eyes and open them again. You'll hear it on the boards a lot -- but the best thing you can do for yourself is get up and move around as soon as they start telling you to. You'll feel SO much better (even if it hurts a little) than if you lay in bed. You have to walk and move around to work out the gas they pump in you and you'll feel human MUCH faster than if you lay around moaning. Best wishes!
  20. Ginger Snaps

    Give your opinion to tell or not

    I've had mostly good comments back when I've told people about the surgery. I told my trainer at the gym and she said "Oh no... do it with diet and exercise." But then, when I told her I was having the surgery she has been supportive and said she is excited to see my results and that she will work hard with me. My best friend knows -- she also said she'd like to see me try less invasive methods -- she has a lot of opinions about natural, alternative medicines -- but then she also knows I'm doing this for my health and has told me she will support me in any way she can. She's going to drive me to the hospital and even asked me what I will be able to eat early on so she can have that for me when we have Bible study at her house. That's a real friend. Today I had a treadmill stress test as the last surgery clearance thing and the nurse administering the test talked to me about the surgery. He was in his 20's and told me he lost over 100 pounds after he moved out of his mother's house and got married. He said he never exercised but that he was nursing in a hospital and walked over 5 miles every day. He said he knows it CAN be done without surgery but didn't try to discourage me or anything. I told him it was good he did that when he was so young but that it is so much harder when you're older and have a sedentary job. He wished me luck and said when I come back for my followup visit in another 2 months, he'll expect to see a much lighter me. He was very nice and supportive even though he had done it without surgery. So -- I think I have to learn not to try to defend my decision when people just have different opinions. Unless they get all up in my face about it -- then we'll have to throw down! lol
  21. Wow... it seems weird that they wouldn't consider your case specifically -- just saying if you have BPD you can't even be considered. I would think they would evaluate you based on your psychiatrist's recommendations. When you say you've been denied, was that from your insurance or from a surgeon? If your psychiatrist is supportive of the surgery, it seems he could appeal to a surgeon or to insurance on your behalf. Wishing you all the best...
  22. Ginger Snaps


    I kept a running list on the notes app on my phone and just pulled it up during appointments to ask. I did ask my surgeon what HIS most common complication was. He said the most common thing he sees is ulceration around the stoma. But, he said it was still pretty uncommon. I also FORGOT to talk about my meds -- if I need to change any to liquid. My psych said no but I just need to confirm that with the surgeon.
  23. Ginger Snaps

    June 2014 Dates!?

    Had my last clearance test today -- had a treadmill test. I told the technician I'm counting that 10 minutes on the treadmill as my cardio for the day. I was actually pleasantly surprised how long I could manage the test -- I think the technician was even a little impressed. Go me! ginger
  24. Ginger Snaps

    Hello! Introducing myself GBS woman

    Sounds like you're doing well and seeing the results of the surgery you hoped for. Best wishes! Ginger
  25. Ginger Snaps


    I'm sorry you guys are struggling but I'm glad you found this board. I'm preop but I'm learning so much about what to expect and how to be successful with the surgery. I'm sure you'll all be doing so much better in a week or two. Be sure to come back to the topic and let us know how you're doing so someone following behind you can learn from your experiences. Best wishes Ginger

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