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Ginger Snaps

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Ginger Snaps

  1. Just got home today from the hospital. Thought I'd share some of my experience to maybe help someone preop to know what they might expect. My surgery was scheduled for 1:00 pm with a noon report time. I got there a little early and found out the doctors were running late. I had some nausea pre-surgery... lots of reflux pain from not having anything by mouth for so long. They gave me some glucose and anti-nausea med in the IV pre-surgery. When I was wheeled in the operating room, the doc said 'hi', the anesthesiologist said "take 5 deep breaths" and boom, I was gone. I woke up in recovery, just trying to keep my eyes open. They didn't have rooms available on the bariatric floor and I got stuck on the cardiac floor instead. That turned out to be a little problem because the nurses didn't want me walking anywhere except the bathroom. I had a lot of gas pain across the fronts of my shoulders but was really surprised that there wasn't any pain at all in my stomach area. Tuesday afternoon, a pulmonologist stopped by to check on me and I said I was having a lot of pressure when I breathed and all of the sudden, everything got hectic. He had a cardiologist come by, had cardiac labs done, had and EKG and a chest xray. Everything came out fine. I kept trying to tell them it was because of the gas and because they weren't letting me walk, but nobody wants to hear that if they suspect a heart attack. Finally, about 9 pm, they moved me from the cardiac floor to the bariatric. I immediately started walking laps. I woke up this morning in pretty bad chest pain -- was having trouble catching my breath. I called for some pain med and the tech said they would have the nurse come right down. I tried walking it off, sitting upright in the chair and anything else I could do, but it was really bad. Of course, the tech never got ahold of the nurse so she never came with any meds but eventually I fell back asleep and the pain was ok. Left the hospital around 2:00. Overall I've been impressed that I haven't been in more pain. I expected the gas (had laparscopic surgery before) but that one time this morning was much worse than I expected. The doctor said it's probably worse because my hiatal hernia was much bigger than the esophogram done 2 years ago only showed it to be about 2 cm. He said it took an extra 30 minutes or so in surgery to correct that. So, he said I could expect to have a lot of pressure here. Now, the fun starts -- let's bring on the food stages, the head hunger games and the pounds dropping! lol Thanks to ALL of you who share stories -- it made me so much more confident about making this decision.
  2. Ginger Snaps

    New - eager to live again

    We are in such a similar situation so I can totally related. I was 210 at 5"4' so was a relative lightweight for surgery. I'm a 48 yo single mom of 3 (23 20&14) I have sleep apnea and GERD and some Ortho issues I'm not kaiser but my first visit to surgery last Monday was 84 days. Seemed like forever but here I am 6 days out. I had surgery Monday and was released Wednesday then landed back here Friday with pneumonia. Even with this little bump I still feel like this was a great decision. Very little pain except for this chest pressure lost 10 pounds in 4 days. I'm looking forward to a healthier life, shopping for regular sized clothes and dating with a lot more confidence. I am also treated for depression If you'd like a support buddy in addition to all the great things you'll learn on the boards feel free to private message me. Best wishes!
  3. Ginger Snaps

    Personal Trainers & gyms

    My trainer is 60 an hour if you buy an 8 hour package. It's not cheap but I look at it as an investment in my health. And when I see the results after just 8 sessions it is so worth it!
  4. I had surgery Monday. The doctor said my hiatal hernia was much larger than he expected from the esophogram 2 years ago. He said it took about 30 minutes longer to push everything back down in place to be sure it wasn't a problem anymore. He said it was probably the reason for all the bad reflux and coughing after I ate. I've had absolutely NO reflux since surgery (only 4 days but still, NONE) and I used to get it even drinking Water. My doc didn't send me home on any antacids. So, yes -- I think fixing the hernia and getting the bypass can definitely help cure reflux. My doctor explained that the lower stomach is where most of the acid forms, so since it's bypassed now, I shouldn't have any more problems. Best wishes as you move forward.
  5. Ginger Snaps

    June 16th!

    Stay strong -- I moved over to the losers' bench Monday and I'm doing great. Lots of pressure in my chest from the gas but no real "pain". I remember last weekend how nervous and frustrated I felt waiting for Monday to come but it WILL get here! Best wishes all! We'll keep a spot open on the bench for you 16th people!
  6. Ginger Snaps


    @@masonjk38 So sorry you're struggling some but try to be patient so you set yourself up for the best success! I had surgery on Monday too and thought of you as I laid there waiting for surgery. I was scheduled for 1:00 too but the surgeons were delayed with other surgeries and ended up not going in until 5:00. My doc found my hiatal hernia was larger than expected but fixed it up while he was in there. Stick with the plan, follow the doctor's orders and know that this is just a small blip in the long journey. I'll be thinking of you and wishing you all the best! and a little jealous about the full liquids. I know I'll be able to get my Proteins in when I can drink shakes instead of this nasty clear Protein junk. Ginger
  7. I'm FINALLY post op and I'm going to be open to telling people if they really express interest. If someone says "wow, you've lost weight" I'll just say 'thanks'. I think if they casually ask "how did you do it" I'm going to say something like "good clean living, exercise and healthy food". But if they look really interested I'll tell them through surgery, high Protein diet and exercise. I feel like when I have an experience in life (like suffering from depression), it's kind of my job to be a hope for people who are struggling with the same thing -- so they see someone can come through it and be successful. Just my opinion -- I know others' vary.
  8. Ginger Snaps


    Different kind of dream but funny -- The night before surgery I dreamed all night that I was eating -- anything and everything but especially beef stew. In the dream I kept panicing because I suddenly remembered I had surgery the next morning and wasn't supposed to eat. I giggled when the nurse asked me the last time I ate and told her I ate all night long!
  9. Ginger Snaps

    My sister....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Good thing you live 1000's of miles away and don't have to face her every day! I'm in NJ and my sister is in Louisiana and I think that's perfect! lol She and her husband lost over 100 pounds combined from what I hear just doing My Fitness Pal. Great for them. I'm sure she'll be TOTALLY supportive if she ever finds out I had surgery! NOT!!! Nothing like sisterly love!
  10. Ginger Snaps

    I am feeling so successful

    Wow -- can't wait to join you on that success high! Sounds like you have changed your weight AND your life! Congrats on the hard work paying off!
  11. Ginger Snaps

    Where do you find comfort?

    I agree with you it's important to try to work through some of this while you're pre-op. I'm working with a coach and she suggested I just write down when I feel the urge to eat something unhealthy just out of habit or impulse. I'm 4 days postop and don't really feel any hunger yet but I have had the urge to run to McDonalds for chocolate chip Cookies (my favorite treat pre-op) and I woke up this morning thinking about powdered donuts which was a standard in car on the way to work snack. She's suggested just writing down when I feel the urge and maybe the situation I was in at the time -- just to identify whether it's habitual, emotional or just environmental (in the car, looking for the large diet coke). Best wishes as you move forward.
  12. Ginger Snaps

    Antidepressants after surgery

    I haven't heard of anti-depressants causing gas but I know some can cause weight gain. Regardless, you need to stay stable on your meds! I take Wellbutrin and Lamictal. In the hospital they split Lamictal 100 mg into 4 tiny 25 mg pills for me to swallow. Two in the morning, 2 at night. They went down fine. For some reason they never ordered my Wellbutrin in the hospital so I missed two days but just swallowed the pill the night I came home. Psych doc was supposed to call in a dosage not extended release but never made the call (common for my psych) so I'm still taking the same dose extended release. Having no problem swallowing the pills. Be sure to take care of yourself. Ginger
  13. Ginger Snaps

    What ya eating tonight?

    Let's see, I'll be having about 4 ounces of chicken broth followed up by a dessert of sugar free jello. 4 days post-op...lol
  14. Ginger Snaps


    Did they tell you to focus on Protein? Not just shakes but real protein food. It's much more filling and helps stave off hunger longer. Carbs will pass through faster and spike insulin making you feel hungry faster. Try some of the Protein Bars (Quest are really good)... eat MEAT!!! Steak, shrimp, fish, tuna... go for bulky, heavy, gotta chew things and try to cut down a lot on the carbs. It's how your diet will look after surgery anyway. Also start that habit of not drinking with meals. It fills the stomach with liquid instead of the bulky food and will make you feel hungrier faster. Best wishes!
  15. Ginger Snaps

    New to group

    I'm not too far away in NJ. Does your hospital have a support group? It's a great way to connect with people using your surgeon and in your area. My doc has one once a month and I went 2 months before my surgery and actually ran into an old friend who is having the surgery about 3 weeks after mine. I had no idea she was considering surgery. Talk to a local surgeon and see if they have support groups. Or, call a nutritionist and see if they offer any support groups.
  16. Ginger Snaps

    Ins approved!

    I'm 4 days out. Not real "Pain" per se... the stomach was bloated and uncomfortable. I had a pretty bad hiatal hernia repaired and the doctor said that would cause a little more pain/pressure than if I'd just had the bypass. Like the other people here, just feel a lot of pressure in my chest from the gas. Had a scare at the hospital when I said pressure and chest in the same sentence. Immediately had a cardiologist on me, EKG, cardiac blood draw and chest xray. All was fine. The closest thing non-surgical I can relate it to is when I've had very severe heartburn -- the kind that makes it hard to breathe deep or when I've had pretty bad bronchitis and my chest just ached. No stomach / ab pain at all. Still having some discomfort in my left shoulder but this has not been "painful" at all. Don't let the thought of a few days of pain deter you. I'm already down 10 pounds and I'm feeling fine. Laying around a lot, getting up and walking at least every hour and drinking all I can to stay hydrated. You can do this!
  17. Ginger Snaps


    I'm 4 days out and doing ok with the amount of liquids but not so much the Protein. The clear Proteins are just so nasty. I'm using Isopure (40 grams protein in about 12 -15 ounces I think). I'm mixiing it in Vitamin Water zero and it's ok. My doc and NUT said in this fist week to just stay hydrated and not worry too much about the protein. I got about 35 grams yesterday. I wasn't allowed shakes this first week but I think it'll be much easier to get the protein when I can move to them next week. Keep trying to find what shakes you can tolerate. I seem to be able to drink unlimited amounts but I'm just making sure I keep a bottle of water or vitamin water in my hands at all times. Focus on saying hydrated for now. Best wishes -- we can do this!!!
  18. Ginger Snaps

    Gym (lifting) frustrations

    I'm thinking you have to consider % of body weight. If you used to bench 100 and that was say 1/2 your body weight, if you're 150 now half your weight is 75 pounds. I know it's probably something you've thought of but it's valid. I'm only 4 days out from surgery but I had started lifting about 10 weeks just before surgery and I'm looking forward to getting back into it. Over that 10 weeks I gained 10 pounds of muscle and dropped 4% body fat. Not too shabby! lol
  19. Good for you! I'm 5 days out now and made it down the block a couple of times yesterday but I'm having pain in my left upper chest that makes breathing hard so I'm calling the doctor today to make sure all is ok. Up and down the stairs at home a lot. Excited to get back in the walking / exercising side of things.
  20. Ginger Snaps


    I've wondered about caffeine if it really needs to be forbidden forever. I was hospitalized for depression once about 10 years ago and they wouldn't allow any caffeine at all in the unit. Everything decaf. Because it's a stimulant I guess but since then, I've wondered how it would fit into a healthy life. I was a diet coke addict until June 9th (surgery date lol) so I'm sure it will be a huge change for me not to have them anymore.
  21. Ginger Snaps

    Really Mother Nature

    Funny semi-related story. First time I got up post op to walk I started feeling something wet on my gown and legs and looked down to see a trail of blood. I told the tech who was walking me and she said 'o I'll get you a pad!' I laughed and said that's not where it's coming from. One of my incisions was bleeding. Freaked out a little but all was ok.
  22. Ginger Snaps

    Scared to go to the gym

    Set up that personal training appointment and go! Ask for the most gentle trainer or the one most experienced in working with obese clients. I did a package presurgery and gained 10 pounds of muscle and lost 4% body fat. Stayed the same weight but that was my goal for insurance reasons. That's huge! Getting a trainer has several benefits. You'll learn the right things to do to reach your goals and you'll learn to do them in a way to not hurt yourself. You also will feel more motivated to go when you know somebody is following you. And you'll feel more confident when you go by yourself because you'll know what you're doing. Best wishes!
  23. Ginger Snaps


    I cant wait to get on full liquids and try that Reese's shake! REESE's were my favorite candy ( up until 3 days ago!) Lol
  24. First congrsts on all your hard work paying off. I don't think anyone here is going to jump on you for an honest post like this. Have you talked to your doctor about how you feel about yourbody? Your post reminds me of a recent Dr Phil show about body dismorphic disorder (I think it's called) where you don't see your body as it really is. I think talking to a therapist might help you regain some realistic expectations and help you see your body as it really is. And maybe it is time to consider some plastic surgery if you have a lot of excess skin. Sending good thoughts your way! Ginger
  25. Ginger Snaps

    June 2014 Dates!?

    @@masonjk38 Hope all went well for you! I was thinking of you as 1:00 Monday came and went. My surgeons were running behind and I ended up not going into surgery until almost 5:00 pm! I was starving and actually having a lot of nausea because of so much acid building up with no food or drink. Came home today around 2:00 -- doing well. Lots of gas pain at time but nothing unbearable. Feels good to be home. Good luck to everyone else with dates coming up. You can do this!

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